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This is a Waltz I composed that goes for just under 5 minutes in length. It is based in D major and relies on scales, phrasing and chord progressions. I feel it is one of my favorite compositions I've written and I put a lot of effort into it. My 4th Waltz uses progressions like the maj4 to a maj5 then resolving to the tonal chord, the maj1 or a D major. It involves rapid scales and quick changes with a build up at the end resolving back to the main Waltz. This piece is performed on only string sections no brass or woodwind. This Waltz was composed over the period of an entire night and I really enjoyed composing the piece. If anyone has any questions regarding the theory/structure or simply just inquires please let me know as I would be  more than happy to reply.

  • Like 2

Nice work here Tom, and welcome to the forum!

I like the cheeky Mozart feel of this, nice balance and cadences. Sort of a rondo form?

What was the instrumentation? Sounds like it's a string quartet/quintet, which you might find is better suited in the Chamber music section. Sometimes people have a tendency to only check certain sub forums that they're most familiar with (at least I do), so those really looking for string pieces might not see yours. Advice for the future, though.

Do you use a notation software to write? I had a few questions with the counterpoint, but I couldn't tell if there were clashes in parts or if it was because of the sound samples. If not, no biggie, but a lot of people like to follow along with the music if they can; it helps with critique too. 

All in all, damn son you wrote this in an evening? Well done! I'm excited to hear more from you. Be sure to listen to other composer's pieces and leave a comment if you can, they'll most likely return the favor!


Thanks for the response, the instrumentation is entirely string sections and ensembles, I use Ableton to record which for the last 2 years I've found is very good. I can notate but mostly only simple melodies, I wouldn't be able to notate much more than a minute or two of music in one night. For example the head of a jazz standard or a lead sheet I can manage but other than that it is a hole in my music. The recording is much better in .WAV form. I could only upload the piece in .mp3 form which is much lower quality and probably why you heard clashes. I have attached a link to a version of my 4th Waltz in .WAV form that is much better sounding and much more listenable. I also thought I would send you the link to another classical composition similar to this I've posted on this blog however much heavier and almost intense or dark sounding. It was heavily influenced by Beethoven, this is my 6th Concerto in E minor. Thanks again for the response

Waltz No.4 in .WAV format

Concerto No.6 in E Minor posted on youngcomposers.com, I would love some feedback.



  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tom,

What a nice little quaint and cheery waltz!  Nice job!  Regarding your description, I just couldn't help thinking "But don't all pieces use scales, phrasing and chord progressions?"  LoL  Where would music be without scales, phrasing and chord progressions?  Kinda hard to imagine music without them, but I guess it's possible if you just repeated one note over and over or sustained it or something - then there wouldn't really be any scales or chord progressions.  Probably no phrasing either.

Regarding the phrasing and chord progressions - this sounds quite well balanced and with some well chosen chromatic harmony included!  I like your use of the line clichés to bring chromatic color to your ascending and descending high string scales.  I did feel like near the end you repeated the main theme too much, but you made some tiny counter-melodic additions to those repeats which I think makes it okay overall.  Thanks for sharing this waltz!



Thanks for the reply! It really struck me when I figured out the main section or the main waltz to this piece, I do find it a bit cheche but I really felt something when I figured it all out, I did have a re-listen after you mentioned the main theme repeats a little bit, I found I was mostly fine with the length and repetition. I do add the extra layers to the main waltz at the end then with the big finish however I find it's just right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so sorry for the late response to this post. I saw Waltz in the title and I had to listen lol. And I can tell why you enjoyed composing this so much. Its one of the loveliest and brightest small waltzes I've heard in a while. I am completely fine with the repetitions, specially with the main theme repetition. I've always supported repeating the main theme a few times during the waltz (for example in a grand ballroom waltz, main themes can be repeated up to 8 times in 7 or 8 minutes). But including something between the 4 repetitions of the main theme at the end would have been even more fantastic. Something like AABBAA or AABCAA (either new content or reusing a previous melody from the waltz). The balance is just right like Mr. PapercomPoser mentioned. And your use of 4ths, specially in a waltz, gives it a unique forward momentum that could be describled as bright and sweet or bright and cheefrul. Thank you for sharing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, I was checking some more works of you and stumbled upon this very beautiful, well-structured piece. What else can I say that others didn't before? Just my personal opinion which won't really add anything but here it goes:

I love the part that starts around 2:20 and transitions to a different "mood" (I don't really like that word to describe it, I am sure there are better words but right now my brain is not fully functional lol) at around 3:10. It's the perfect, smooth contrast the first passages you developed needed in my opinion... And after that you make a very successful crescendo that takes us back to the first theme. Yeah, I am enjoying this piece a lot, very nice job. The end is really something too. I am overly nit-picky with endings perhaps but that pays off when I listen to one like yours. 

The only downside of making it in Ableton is that there won't be any score for interpretation right?

I will definitely have to check the other three; if they are half as good as this one was they are definitely worth listening!!

Kind regards ^^.

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