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Posted (edited)

Edited by hw1234
  • hw1234 changed the title to Piano #138 139 and 140

Piano 138: seems like a kind of classical short work with very restricted harmony. The first mordent sounds a bit weird but that's software-related. Cannot find much to comment here. It's good, decent imo, and the one I liked the most among these three :].

Piano 139: this one doesn't personally convince me. I don't find it appealing nor aiming to anything in particular. Perhaps it could be good for a piano exercise? I don't know.

Piano 140: still classical-esque like 138 but richer and imo better than 139. I like the beginning, but I think the parts I like the most are the ones where you don't "risk" it too much, M10-13 to be specific. On the contrary, I didn't find M17-19 very appealing nor I found those repeated C octaves at the beginning good, but that's just my opinion.

I have listened to better works from you, and from what I've seen in "Works with few reviews" it seems that there're indeed a handful of works left to review =).

Hope you keep working!

Kind regards,

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