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I've had several ideas for some melodies over the past few days, so I've decided to begin work on a large project for a small chamber orchestra, however I'm no good at making transitions.

I attached a midi/mus file with all the melodies I plan to use, organized like so:

Solid Bar = Beginning/end of a melody

Double Bar = Second part of the melody or building to a transition

If anyone could point me in the direction of some helpful tips to writing transitions or maybe post a few examples using the melodies I've provided that would be great!

I appreciate any feedback you have to offer as I'm still trying my best to learn as much as I can.

Thank you in advance!


Melody Test.MUS

Melody Test.MID


you have some nice melodies there, my advice is to harmonise them, see where the chords are leading and stick a few cadences here and there. You may have to change some of the notes to make them better fit the chords but as lon as your not strictly bound to those notes (like for example on the melody harmonising games) you can change any notes you like. Add another voice and play about with the harmonies, see where it leads you, it may take you in exactly the opposite direction to where you wanted to go but as long as it sounds good!



Thank you very much for the suggestions! I've never thought of developing a piece that way (I usually am so set in what I want it to sound like that I end up changing everything when something sounds bad.)

I'll try what you suggested and post a few examples of what I come up with.




Hi Solburnt... my advice would be that you that by basic stuff if you're not able to transpose. Try out some transposing exercices before.

By transposition you mean for transpose a melody or transpose for horns, clarinets or other isntruments like this ?

Hi Solburnt... my advice would be that you that by basic stuff if you're not able to transpose. Try out some transposing exercices before.

By transposition you mean for transpose a melody or transpose for horns, clarinets or other isntruments like this ?

I think he means Transition, like moving from one thing to the next

The easiest way to move from one thing to the next Solburnt is to use the 7th of your tonic or Dominant, that is a tried and true way I've found to move along :w00t:


Oups... sorry... you're right... I drank wine for my dinner ! ehehe and was a bit angry at the answers you all do give... try to think before giving answers... be sure it help really instead of confusing them. If you're not able to help, just don't do it boys.

Oups... sorry... you're right... I drank wine for my dinner ! ehehe and was a bit angry at the answers you all do give... try to think before giving answers... be sure it help really instead of confusing them. If you're not able to help, just don't do it boys.

uhh.... I did think, and what's wrong with our answers?


Ok, I appreciate the help and I know you know what you're talking about, but could you break down "7th of the tonic or dominant" into a functional example for me? I have no real theory background, just the basic elements of music required to read it (rhythm, scales, pitch, dynamics). If it's a little more complicated than that I completely understand, and then I would ask where to start learning it :P

Thanks again in advance and sorry for the extra trouble!


Ok, I appreciate the help and I know you know what you're talking about, but could you break down "7th of the tonic or dominant" into a functional example for me? I have no real theory background, just the basic elements of music required to read it (rhythm, scales, pitch, dynamics). If it's a little more complicated than that I completely understand, and then I would ask where to start learning it :)

Thanks again in advance and sorry for the extra trouble!


You can PM me if you have questions, I'd be more than happy to help

or you can just add me on MSN or Yahoo :P

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