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Dear @Hcab5861,

This is utterly beautiful for me. Very nice use of figured bass, and suspension which I hope you can use even more! Nice false realtion in b.3! The harmonic progression is great. I especially like the ending where you give us false hope to D major but turn immediately to B minor. Very nice colour used!

For me in b.2 second beat to third beat the Violin I and Viola seems parallel for me even though it's not!😅 I am too nitpicky for this!

Really thanks for your sharing!



Very nice piece. I'm a bit confused by some of the things in the score though. 1. I see there is figured base, but I don't hear it. 2. In the first two measures, the semibreve looks one way, but in the last two measures, it looks a different way. Were you looking for a specific aesthetic and forgot to change the last ones maybe? 3. You provide no dynamics. I first thought that maybe you didn't because you're trying to imitate baroque style music but then you also have specified expression markings like religioso and adagio solenne, which aren't baroque. 


A nice, brief piece, though I have the same question as @ComposaBoiregarding figured bass. Apart from the lack of dynamics towards the middle & end of the score, there's no articulation in the score. Don't get me wrong here, the piece sounds really good, but the playback is very legato and while adagio solenne may suggest this, I would recommend using slurs to mark phrases or at least put a "sempre legato" instead of a "religioso" which might be redundant considering the tempo.

Thank you for sharing!

Kind regards,


The figured bass is there since this is Baroque-tragedy piece; sort of like Bach's BWV 4: Christ Lag in Todesbanden Sinfonia. As for the last two measures, I just forgot to write in the figures, lol. Also, this piece has dynamic markings because I also forgot to hide them in Musescore before uploading the video, haha

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