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Revised the ending, please give me any suggestions or feedback

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Wow - the ending in this version is really cacophonous!  It does sound somewhat conclusive though, so can't complain there.  But, without looking at the score, I can't really tell if the material in this ending is related to the rest of the piece or not.  Of course, as I've already stated, I am a fan of this piece in general.  My favorite parts are at 1:30 and whenever that idea repeats.

As far as endings go in general, I think we all come up with our signature conclusions that work for us and (at least for me) reuse that formula to easily yield a conclusive and satisfactory ending.  In classical-styled pieces, I like to end on the tonic chord or dyad (the root and the 3rd) or sometimes even a unison on the tonic note.  In pieces with more harmonic complexity, I like to sometimes end on a chord that isn't exactly the tonic, or the tonic chord with a foreign root note (such as the 7th, 9th or 11th in the root).

How much more do you plan to revise this piece?  I usually try to find the definitive version of a piece I'm writing and publish just that one to avoid confusion (although I guess even Beethoven wrote three different versions of his Leonore Overture).  Thanks for sharing!



Hi @veps,

The piece starts magical for me, for example the use of glockenspiel, woodwind melody with tremolo below, 1:30 sounds so interesting with some Pulcinella quality in it. For me I think the piece ends too conclusive and heightened with those loud brassy chords. Personally I would love the piece is end less definitively with lighter timbre and I will at least cut the trombones and trumpets down, since I think they don't match with that magic which begins and sustains throughout the piece. I think maintaining the level of intensity as at 3:08 will be great. But like Peter has said, the piece is generally very enjoyable. Thx for sharing!


  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I have to agree with the above comments: at about 2:25 the music takes off in another direction ... up to that point there is a steady consistent melodic and harmonic build up which seemed to lead to an expected conclusion; however, the last minutes seem a detour from that trajectory.



Oh dear. I don't want to say I agree with the above which would only clog up the thread. But I am in agreement with Henry. The work sets out as a gorgeously light, energetic scherzo...some brassy episodes in what I thought was going to be the middle; and was expecting a recap with the opening lightness (even if with altered/developed material). But no, the brass got really heavy handed and discordant in that it seemed out of place with what had evolved."

The way the opening unrolled, the harmony and decoration was great, a lovely well-rendered, balanced piece, something if it persisted would bear repeated listening. But I have to confess the close was a bit of an off-put.

But then, you're the composer and final judge and if this is how you want it, so be it!


  • Thanks 1

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