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Some tracks from a game I'm developing

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Some of these (those featured in the demo) are already up on Youtube, so I'm including links for those.

Working on a VN/Adventure style game where you work the night shift at a zoo, I am the sole developer and composer. Most of the music is live recorded where I could get away with it, performed by me (currently piano, eventually glockenspiel, ukulele, and percussion) and Jolene Marchetti (flute, saxophone, guitar).

If you're interested in the game, a demo is available at https://scarlettwizby.itch.io/rules-and-instructions, development is sporadic depending on my schedule but slowly progressing.

Title theme:

I like this one, I'm unfortunately not a skilled enough pianist to play the bulk of it and had to tag out with a synthesizer for the middle part. I've had largely positive feedback, so I hope i did a decent job at it, though it's mostly been from friends and family so...


Day BGM:


Probably my favorite of the 'finished' tracks. Definitely the one I'm most capable of performing. Had to do some trickery with the guitar that I think worked out ok. There's the tiniest blip in the mixing where I screwed up the loop slightly, that I hear every time but that I doubt most people would notice without it being pointed out. Going for a lonely, tedious vibe. And yes, I'm aware, it's not literally monotonous.


Night BGM:


Not a huge fan of the recording, but I think I played decently. At some point I hope to figure out a proper recording setup for an acoustic piano and re-record this one.


The attached audio is BGM from an area not present in the demo, and probably my favorite composition in the game so far. Still probably needs another pass or two through mixing.


I would appreciate any feedback, especially on the mixing as that's by far what I'm least confident in.

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Hello my friend.  I have to admit that istening to your songs made me really sad, not quite my cup of tea, but if you are going for this direction your on the right tracks 😄

But maybe you could consider adding a little bit happier songs. I mean, come on, give me some hope man 😄 Maybe you could do day parts less melancholic soo you would have clearer division between day and night. 

And my favourite is monotone just like you, its sad but peacefull and relaxing. very nice

I havent played adventure game in years soo i think ill check your game out when you finish

Have a nice day and good luck!

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