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making my "Symphony No. 1 in D Minor 'Majesty'" and want some thoughts so far!

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Hello this is my first time composing a symphony and i wanted to know if this was any good. Comment all the good and bad please I'd love any feedback! Also please know that this is unfinished so there are certain things that don't make sense just because I havent gotten to it yet :). OH and this is using musesounds so my dynamics and such might be an issue.

Edited by Gabriel Carlisle
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Hello @Gabriel Carlisle!

Quite an ambitious work you've taken up!  I don't see any problems with the dynamics, but for some reason your string tremolo ties aren't being played like they're tied but are instead being re-attacked at the beginning of each new measure.  Maybe you could try messing around with the rate of the tremolo itself?  Or you could lower all the note values and the tempo by half, preserving how the piece sounds but having it be displayed in 4/4 instead of in cut time (which it seems like it's more in cut time right now despite being in 4/4 because of how fast it's being played - it would probably be conducted in 2 by a conductor since the primary subdivision of the bar seems to be the half note).

As to the music itself, only the 2nd theme right now seems to me to fit the title of "Majesty".  Although the march-like section in the middle with the timpani alternating between tonic and dominant sounds like a dark kind of majesty, as if an evil leader has just crowned themselves emperor.  Maybe there's also a sense of an unwanted majesty where a leader has risen to power who has no desire to be king/queen and doesn't know how to lead well.  The music has a certain inevitability.  I like it!  Thanks for sharing.

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I think the orchestration is pretty good - I kind of agree with Peter that while the first group of themes are very capably written and do have drama, the second part (somewhere after the 2 minute mark) sounds more "majestic", it definitely gave me a Bruckner vibe.

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