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Musing for Guitar and Bassoon


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Wrote this for a friend, and we had a lot of fun recording it. Recording isn't amazing, but I don't think it's horrible either. This is a light pretty piece, writing this reminded me why I do this. Please enjoy!

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Hi - I really enjoyed this work.  It reminded me of Copland's Quiet City.  It quiet serene Jazzy quality in the dialogue with the bassoon was very inviting and soothing.  The contrasting section at measure 63 ... I felt was less intriguing ... and more routine ... I think more could have been done with it to hold its weight against the lovely opening.


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Hi @veps,

I like the combination and the aura of the piece. I really love the passage in b.69 and I think it will be hard for you to play but you execute well! The most important is having fun with your friends, it’s so great to play with others instead of playing solo pieces haha!Thx for sharing!


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