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12 Angry Men Prelude

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I've been thinking for awhile about how cool a '12 angry men' opera would be. I don't think I'll be the one to write it, but I did think about a prelude idea for the opera. So here it is. In this I try to draw the picture of the train passing, the murder, and the old man trying to catch the kid, and after that is this idea of a close-up on the murdered man, and music leading to the supposed opera its' self. I do wish I had the energy to write out this whole opera, but writing something that big without it ever being performed doesnt seem worth it for me.



Edited by Some Guy That writes Music
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Hello @Some Guy That writes Music 

I am not the biggest fan of orchestral music, but I absolutely adore this piece of yours, I think it is great the way you blend the more romantic style with suddenly parts that resemble the rite of spring or Scriabin sonata 4 all while maintaining a coherent piece. It rises an interest in me to watch the film again. 

I also know vey little about orchestration, but in my humble opinion, The use of different instruments is great and the texture is extremely coherent and expressive. How did you learn orchestration? And what sound samples are you using? They sound like an actual orchestra playing

This is one of the few times in this forum that I had nothing to criticise or that I would have written differently

Thanks for sharing 


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Luis Hernández said:

Wow, sounds fantastic.
Great job.
Especially the percussion, but everything in general.


Thank you I appreciate your feedback!


3 hours ago, Jqh73o said:

Hello @Some Guy That writes Music 

I am not the biggest fan of orchestral music, but I absolutely adore this piece of yours, I think it is great the way you blend the more romantic style with suddenly parts that resemble the rite of spring or Scriabin sonata 4 all while maintaining a coherent piece. It rises an interest in me to watch the film again. 

I also know vey little about orchestration, but in my humble opinion, The use of different instruments is great and the texture is extremely coherent and expressive. How did you learn orchestration? And what sound samples are you using? They sound like an actual orchestra playing

This is one of the few times in this forum that I had nothing to criticise or that I would have written differently

Thanks for sharing 



Thank you for your feedback! I am use Musescore 4, muse sound, which is all free. As for orchestration, I have not taken any classes on it or anything, but I've been studying music for vocal performance for 3 years now. I think the biggest thing I have learnt is to take the limitations of instruments as oppurtunities to use instruments for specific colors, and to modulate to use those colors. Also listening to different music has helped me discover colors, and then feel inspired to use those colors. 

Edited by Some Guy That writes Music
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Indeed, I listened to your play with interest and pleasure.


The ideas are varied and numerous. They are well condensed in a few minutes, which gives a large expressive picture that can be listened to and read very well.

I am unfortunately less convinced by the rendering of the samples, but I know that this is not your goal. We can do much better provided we go to a specific midi programming job that cannot be done in a score scorer.

Bravo in any case.

Edited by Krisp
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Hi @Some Guy That writes Music, this is really good, you have a lot of interesting ideas here! I really liked the rhythmic section beginning at m.91, as well as the string writing starting around m.130. I also liked the Oboe solo starting at m.109, but I was curious why you gave it to the second Oboe instead of the first?

If I had to offer up some constructive feedback, I would say maybe try to write more individual and contrapuntal parts for the brass, particularly in the faster section (m.21 or so). For the most part you have the brass playing block chords, maybe try to give them more unique and melodic lines? 

Overall I enjoyed listening, thank you for sharing!


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