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Dance of the Little Snowflakes (Moderato) - Ballet Piece

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Currently finishing this up any tips or anything concerning the score itself or any other tips? Thanks and Enjoy!


Edited by Gabriel Carlisle
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  • Gabriel Carlisle changed the title to Dance of the Little Snowflakes (Moderato) - Ballet Piece
  • 2 weeks later...

I find it a well crafted and very nice piece. There is not an excess of orchestration and the families are spoken and happen.
I only noticed that in some passages with a somewhat denser writing, for example from m 78 onwards, the rhythmic part of the strings sounds a bit weak. Given that it is a dance perhaps ...

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Hi @Gabriel Carlisle!

I love the expectancy you create in the beginning!  And the Flute and Piccolo melody delivers a mesmerizing mood that is just what the listener was expecting to hear.  The line cliche (the chromatic descent from B, to A#, to A, to G#, to G, to F#, to F♮ and back up to F#) is a great device to create harmonic interest at that point.

I do have some critiques for you however.  I personally am not crazy about measures 70 - 86.  I think the melody overuses sequencing and lacks character.  Maybe you could try to add some kind of inner voice or countermelody that breaks away from the pattern?  On the whole, the pattern created by the melody in those measures is to me very square and predictable, once it gets going.

Another critique is that there's never any tutti or growth into a fortissimo section.  That might be your intent of course though but I felt like the piece was really thinly scored throughout and could use some elaboration.

Thanks for sharing!

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