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How to use Schemata in Romantic music?

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I have the deep (and accurate, I would say) conviction that music is a continuous evolutionary flow. The patterns of an era or style remain alive afterwards, although transformed by the prevailing aesthetic prism.

I wanted to make a small example using schemata in something that sounded a bit romantic.

I chose two, which have in common, and complement each other.
The common factor is the continued use of suspensions.
The temps is a schemata that I described myself from a song by Leo Ferrer (Avec le temps) and consists of a descending pattern.
Corelli's leapfrog is a schemata that follows an ascending pattern.

Sound good?


Edited by Luis Hernández
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Hi @Luis Hernández!

I was going to say that I like the momentary Dorian inflection at measure 23, but then I noticed that the chord written above it says Bb major 7 / D.  Is the chord wrong or is that B natural supposed to be flat?  Apparently, now that I look more carefully, this also happens at bar 2.  The whole thing has a melancholic yet sometimes momentarily hopeful vibe because of those Dorian moments, which I like (so I hope you don't remove them).  Thanks for sharing!

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15 hours ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

Hi @Luis Hernández!

I was going to say that I like the momentary Dorian inflection at measure 23, but then I noticed that the chord written above it says Bb major 7 / D.  Is the chord wrong or is that B natural supposed to be flat?  Apparently, now that I look more carefully, this also happens at bar 2.  The whole thing has a melancholic yet sometimes momentarily hopeful vibe because of those Dorian moments, which I like (so I hope you don't remove them).  Thanks for sharing!


Yep! It's a mistake. I have to fix it....  the name of the chord.

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