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Adagio for Flute and Piano, Op. 2

Gabriel Carlisle

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heres a little piece im working to get recorded. Is the sheet music correct for the tempo fluctuations? Let me know any issues and so on. Thanks.



Adagio for Flute and Piano, Op. 2.pdf

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This is a pretty little piece!  My only question is whether "adagio" is really the right tempo marking; it sounds closer to an andante to me. I'd probably add a metronome mark, or at least make it "adagio ma non troppo" or something, to prevent it from being taken at a slower tempo than what you want.

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Hi @Gabriel Carlisle!

For me the piece sounds like it's being played by a flautist with a very poor lung capacity and like they can't catch their breath during the performance.  All the spaces between parts of your phrase makes them seem very staggered and fragmented and disconnected.  To me, that effect is very unmusical and the opposite of lyrical and melodious.  But that might just be my perception.  Thanks for sharing!

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It is a very nice piece.
For me the flute sounds very good and I think it makes the pauses that are marked in the score. Perhaps the melody is written a bit in “blocks” of one or two measures and the musicality is somewhat limited. It also seems that the flute sounds more distant than the piano.

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