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I just finished my Memorial Sutie for youth chorus and band so now I will go back to the scattered projects I had started.

They are:

1) Concertante For Violin and Piano in D Minor

2) Concertante For Guitar and Piano/Strings in E Minor

3) Opera in 3 Acts (currently untitled)

4) Digging up movements of my Symphony in B Major and finding time to put them on Finale.

I really don't like haveing so many projects going on at the same time. But, sometimes its so hard to avoid.


Um, at the moment, I have a lot of unfinished works that I want to finish. The main two are my piano sonatas (not posted at YC). But I'll get those done eventually. :sadtears: So, the pieces that I'm working on now:

1.) Sinfonia Concertante for violin and Viola in Eb

2.) Fantasia in C minor (not really written down yet. It's just beginning to take form in my head so i'm not sure if this one counts)

3.) Maybe a woodwind seranade.. still unsure about the opening.

Those are kinda the only main ones at the moment. I've started a couple more recently but they somehow have all found their way in the trash can. *sigh* I dunno. But yup, there you go.


Currently - too many projects, which is mostly because I work on each one so slowly.

Main focus:

Piano Quartet in C minor - in progress since August 2003 - 1 movement (of 3) finished, 1 at 70% completion


Horn Concerto in F major - in progress since November 2005

Three Songs for men's chorus, oboe, horn, and string quartet - in progress since December 2005

Concert Rondo in Bb major for Chamber Orchestra - in progress since September 2006


Nocturne in Bb major for Viola, Horn, and Piano - started May 2004

Symphony in D minor - started January 2005

Arabian Caprice for Chamber Orchestra - started February 2006

Viola Concerto in E minor - started June 2006

Viola Concerto in D major - started July 2006

Viola Sonata in G major - started February 2006


Right now I only have a few projects going

3rd and 4th movement of Suite no. 1

Prelude to Morning

Danza in Am

Main Theme for Opera

As you can guess I don't like to bog myself down :sadtears:


Here's some stuff being thrown about:

  • String Quartet (not sure if I like it yet, needs to be done for lesson thursday)
  • Tango for jazz orchestra, classical guitar and clarinet (personal project, likely for next year's recital)
  • Miscellaneous graphic scores - springboards for collective improvisation (for recently formed ensembles - the Victoria Spontaneous Music Collective, and my New Music Ensemble)

Also, other backburners are: piece for Bonehenge (jazz trombone octet + rhythm), another latin thing for jazz orchestra...


A Few...

1. Piano Sonata #1 in Ab Major (I am starting the last movement today.)

2. Fixing and polishing my: Theme and Variation. (I will do this after I finish my Sonata)

3. Fixing and polishing my: Vocalise. (Do it after I finish fixing the theme and variation)

Currently - too many projects, which is mostly because I work on each one so slowly.

Main focus:

Piano Quartet in C minor - in progress since August 2003 - 1 movement (of 3) finished, 1 at 70% completion


Horn Concerto in F major - in progress since November 2005

Three Songs for men's chorus, oboe, horn, and string quartet - in progress since December 2005

Concert Rondo in Bb major for Chamber Orchestra - in progress since September 2006


Nocturne in Bb major for Viola, Horn, and Piano - started May 2004

Symphony in D minor - started January 2005

Arabian Caprice for Chamber Orchestra - started February 2006

Viola Concerto in E minor - started June 2006

Viola Concerto in D major - started July 2006

Viola Sonata in G major - started February 2006


Of all your projects, I'm looking forward to hearing the Concert Rondo, the two Concerti and the songs for mens chorus. For some reason, these stand to me as having the prospect of being really interesting compositions.


Here are some of my Current compositions:

"Farewell Suite" Op.1 (to be performed Live)

1st movement - Hearts of Truth (Fin)

2nd movement - First day of new Beginning (part Fin)

3rd movement - Intermezzo: Lunch Break! (Not Started)

4th movement - Academic (Not Started)

5th movement - Finale: Graduation (Not Started)

"Speak to me, through your melancholy music"

A song for Violin, Flute and Piano (to be performed live)

Possible transcription to Choir later on

Game Project "Quintessence - the blighted venom"

(Many Themes to be completed)

Tense Theme_1, 2

Sad Theme_1, 2, 3,

Gig Theme_ 1

vicory theme_1

Defeat Theme_1, 2

And many many more

Overture "The Sun and The Moon" Op.14

in D major

For Orchestra and Choir (Part Fin)

Based on a true personal inspiring story

"Sunny Beach Roll"

sort of rock and pop piece.

Commissioned by COSB

To be performed Live



My current composition projects:

In a near future:

- Opera/Musical: "Lady Caroline" (currently being written and composed);

- Orchestral birthday suite for a special friend;

- A song on one of my poems: "My Kitty is Sleeping";

- Rewriting my first sonata.

- Sextet for piano, harp, cello, 2 clarinets and bassoon.

Further into the future:

- Harp Concerto;

- Musical comedy: "Apocalypse... Now??";

- Various comical sketches for theatre.

- Symphony for unusual instruments.


Heh... :P

Here is the poem if you want to read it:

“My kitty is sleeping”,

The young boy did say,

But that little creature’s

Soul had gone away.

“Hey Mysie, come here” he

Called, dinner was done,

But her lifeless body

Was cold to the bone.

The poor little child felt

So sorry and sad,

Said “Mysie wake up” but

The kitty was dead.


“My kitty is sleeping,

She won’t wake for me...

And now that she closed her

Eyes Heaven she'll see...”

The child got to work and

To her did attend,

Inside a big cardboard

Box he placed his friend.

He then got some stamps and

A bottle of glue,

And using a pen wrote

“To: Heaven” in blue.

So he wrapped the package

In duct-tape and rope,

Put it in the mailbox

And then sighed with hope:


The mailman did fear that

The child would be sad,

If he got to tell him

The address was bad.

So he threw the box from

His van to the street,

It got in an alley

And just barely fit.

One day when the boy was

Just walking outside,

He recognized Mysie’s

Box turned to the side.


Approaching the coffin

All dirty and smeared,

He looked in amazement

For she’d disappeared.

The child felt so happy

He waved her goodbye,

Said “Mysie, my kitty

Has flown to the sky.”

But below the child A-

-mong sewage and drains,

Some rats were devouring

The kitty’s remains.

(Chorus 2x)

Copyright: M. Bulteau, 2006

Heh... :P

Here is the poem if you want to read it:

“My kitty is sleeping”,

The young boy did say,

But that little creature’s

Soul had gone away.

“Hey Mysie, come here” he

Called, dinner was done,

But her lifeless body

Was cold to the bone.

The poor little child felt

So sorry and sad,

Said “Mysie wake up” but

The kitty was dead.


“My kitty is sleeping,

She won’t wake for me...

And now that she closed her

Eyes Heaven she'll see...”

The child got to work and

To her did attend,

Inside a big cardboard

Box he placed his friend.

He then got some stamps and

A bottle of glue,

And using a pen wrote

“To: Heaven” in blue.

So he wrapped the package

In duct-tape and rope,

Put it in the mailbox

And then sighed with hope:


The mailman did fear that

The child would be sad,

If he got to tell him

The address was bad.

So he threw the box from

His van to the street,

It got in an alley

And just barely fit.

One day when the boy was

Just walking outside,

He recognized Mysie’s

Box turned to the side.


Approaching the coffin

All dirty and smeared,

He looked in amazement

For she’d disappeared.

The child felt so happy

He waved her goodbye,

Said “Mysie, my kitty

Has flown to the sky.”

But below the child A-

-mong sewage and drains,

Some rats were devouring

The kitty’s remains.

(Chorus 2x)

Copyright: M. Bulteau, 2006

Wow! That's a lot of text.

Are you taking a serious or comical approach to this piece?


I'm having a go at something I started about 6 years ago - this "nocturne" ( by which I mean night piece) when I was doing some work in the tropics....associated with a w/wind quartet I posted recently; inspiration from same source.

For the first time, I'm composing down to fit the samples/software, which is a bit of a...never mind. I somehow doubt it'll get performed but I'll give it a go. I'm hoping the electronic version will be usable as a sort of low-level commission or at least an invitation to submit but I don't hold out many hopes. :P . We'll see.


At the moment I'm writing a piece for a competition put on by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. I'm not expecting to win anything but hey, it's a good excuse to compose something orchestral. It's going to be a suite based on Edgar Allen Poe's Masque of the Red Death. Methinks it'd make a great ballet too - We'll see...


It's supposed to sound childish and morbid at the same time.

Does the poem sound funny to you? :P

No, the poem doesn't sound funny. But, the text does seem to lend itself for someone to to be cynical or satirical. So, I thought I'd ask.


Right now I'm working on a Violin Sonata in E minor. I've skecthed all four movements out and have been working on the first movement for about 3 months now. I've finished the Exposition and have skecthed the Development.

The four movements :

I :Allegro agitato

II : Cadenza : Adagio con esprionne (Piano Tacet)

III : Scherzo : Allegro Vivace

IV : Finale : Adagio Lamentoso

The harmonies are very modern and for that reason a lot of the chord movement you may find irregular, but the melodies are very nice IMO. The first movement follows rough sonata form. The first movement is modelled somewhat off the first movement of Tchaikovsky's first symphony in that the development sort of contains a good part of the recapitulation.


In the mill right now for me are back to back Concerti Grossi, a baroque styled waltz, and a Flute quartet. CG # 1 in A minor Op.12 has been in the works for about 6 mos (a friggin fuga segment I'm looking at writting for end of mvt 2 is probably going to be the death of me - if I don't rewrite it from scratch first.) No 2. Op 12 is sketched out for E minor, but I may eventually rewrite it in B minor. I've gone back to do some more research on the CG form - I've been particularly looking at works of Gemaniani, Locatelli, and Corelli for clues and ideas to incorporate into my own work.

My Baroque Style Waltz is keyed in G Maj and is being written for two violins, cello and harpsichord. The Flute Quartet is in G minor.

Only other things going are bits and pieces I'm experimenting with. In the writers block forum I posted a Suite for Flute and Harp in Bb. I plan to finish that one up here soon, but I was hoping someone would look it over and see if there is anything that seems disjointed about it. I was looking at it this morning and in meas 21 - 22 the harp seems to be playing out of sync with the flute.


Well I may as well offer some of my workload, I've got:

-about 15 pieces for the soundtrack of a mod of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

-about 20 pieces for a mod of Neverwinter Nights

-a piece of music for Hillary, special request

-a rock song for a school play

-a set of sound effects and cues for another play

-a musical (text and music) for next year's performance

-part of a microtonal piece for Dunael

-music for a Remembrance Day assembly; to accompany a video and slide presentation.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment. You get the idea though. :P

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