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Fazbear Fanverse Fugato Fantasy for String Orchestra

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Welp, it's been a bit and I've come back with, would you look at that, a 35 minute one continuous movement piece? Never done that before, yup.

But seriously, I've been working on this piece for like, 4 years? Obviously I didn't constantly work on it, between my spare time more likely. You can look at the score for more information about it. It's a very technical and dense piece, and I totally understand if you get tired in the middle of listening (I get tired too lmao).

Anyways, I got nothing else to say other than to enjoy the piece! Feedbacks are always welcome.

Edited by Ferrum
wrong notes on bar 170; missing notes on bar 158 and 496; added crescendo on bar 182; changed chord alignment on bar 342; extended chord duration on bar 381; added "pop goes the weasel" to the theme list.
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holy crap! it's not everyday that you see such a masterfully written counterpuntal work based on, of anything, fnaf themes! as an avid fnaf fan and a passionate composer myself, this really tingled every spot in my heart. it's really really good, you display such a great command over harmonic tension, and especially the use of counterpoint for tension, really great stuff. admittedly, i only got to the piu mosso at 181, but dont take that personally, i happened to see this at 11:30 pm, and the only thing i can get more than 5 minutes into is usually anime, minecraft args, and fnaf theory videos, so you've basically already passed the average bedtime attention span. i fully intend on coming back to this and listening to the whole thing, but so far, really good stuff!

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4 hours ago, sned said:

holy crap! it's not everyday that you see such a masterfully written counterpuntal work based on, of anything, fnaf themes! as an avid fnaf fan and a passionate composer myself, this really tingled every spot in my heart. it's really really good, you display such a great command over harmonic tension, and especially the use of counterpoint for tension, really great stuff. admittedly, i only got to the piu mosso at 181, but dont take that personally, i happened to see this at 11:30 pm, and the only thing i can get more than 5 minutes into is usually anime, minecraft args, and fnaf theory videos, so you've basically already passed the average bedtime attention span. i fully intend on coming back to this and listening to the whole thing, but so far, really good stuff!


Yoo thanks for the reply and the compliments! I did not expect to find another fnaf fan and a fellow composer on this forum specifically. I've always wanted to make something for fnaf, and with the fanverse announcement, that desire would come eventually. Hope you enjoy the rest of the piece because it gets a bit harder at some point. Though, I think the last sections make up for it. Thank you again for the feedbacks!

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Hi @Ferrum.

Maybe perhaps it's because I am not familiar with the Fazbear Fanverse and the themes/melodies used in this composition that the intricacy and significance of much of this piece is lost on me?  The first time I listened through this whole thing from beginning to end I heard some familiar themes here and there.  I'll try to mention what I found familiar and significant in this review.  Is there some allusion to Bizet's Carmen at 3:45?  Ah, and then of course, at 8:15 you have a quote of "Pop Goes the Weasel" in the minor mode.  That wasn't quite as corny as I perceived it the first time I heard it LoL.  Is there another Carmen quote at 16:08?  At 18:50 I hear a really familiar theme that I can't identify.  Another "Pop Goes the Weasel" at 21:00.  Did you intersperse the Castlevania theme from the competition in certain spots as well throughout this?  30:28 is "Pop Goes the Weasel" now in the major mode.  32:30 is more Toreador's March from Carmen.

This happens to be the kind of piece I am working on right now as well.  I don't want to spoil it, but I guess it's no surprise that it's a theme and variations on a few themes at once that's probably kind of like your piece here and partly like a medley.  Perhaps it would have helped my comprehension if you invited the listeners of this piece to listen to a playlist of all the pertinent themes that you used in a separate page.  This piece relies heavily on the knowledge of the themes for its nostalgic value.  From my perspective the music lacks in the sublime and often seems quite haphazard.  But you did vary the themes I noticed and was familiar with a bit instead of simply quoting them.  Thanks for sharing!

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1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

Is there some allusion to Bizet's Carmen at 3:45?

Toreador march was a prominent theme in FNAF, and it is infact not just a quote for this piece. The first 4 bars, the main theme of the introduction, is built/just variation upon that.

1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

Did you intersperse the Castlevania theme from the competition in certain spots as well throughout this?

Funniest thing? I did not quote anything outside the theme list lmao.

1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

At 18:50 I hear a really familiar theme that I can't identify.

18:50 is a development/variation of bar. 159, it does seem familiar though.

1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

Perhaps it would have helped my comprehension if you invited the listeners of this piece to listen to a playlist of all the pertinent themes that you used in a separate page.

I think the theme lists showing the actual themes in different staves, not just a list, is a good idea, never thought of that. The thing is that the purpose of this piece was to share it to the Fanverse community first. I was gonna make a video about this, upload it to YouTube, and share it with the community, but the scoring of this took way too long and I had already burned out. So I changed my plan and decided to upload it here, get some feedbacks, and then maybe some time in the future I'll actually make the video.

1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

This piece relies heavily on the knowledge of the themes for its nostalgic value.

I did notice that it really relied on knowledge of these themes, hell, I had even realized that this contains just TOO MUCH THEMES mere days before I went to the scoring and polishing stage. I really didn't wanna waste 4 years of effort so I just went on with it. Should've just chosen like 3 themes from the start, but then again, this piece had the community first in mind. Funnily enough, I was going to include "Medley" on the title, but decided against it because I want to alliterate the title and pair "Fazbear Fanverse Fugato" with something, so I chose "Fantasy". You could had actually seen the previous title before I posted this topic in my "about me" section.

1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

This happens to be the kind of piece I am working on right now as well.  I don't want to spoil it, but I guess it's no surprise that it's a theme and variations on a few themes at once that's probably kind of like your piece here and partly like a medley. 

I haven't checked and commented on this website as often as I used to, before posting this piece that is, but I'll definitely consider checking that once it is done!

1 hour ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

From my perspective the music lacks in the sublime and often seems quite haphazard.

I've tried to give some sense to this piece by repeating the themes over and over again before entering/introducing new themes, but I do agree that it is a bit haphazard.

59 minutes ago, PeterthePapercomPoser said:

And P.S.:  Congrats on finishing such a huge piece!  Working on something for upwards of a year to me seems extraordinary, much less 4 years.  I hope that the piece I'm working on (a variations piece on 5 themes) won't end up taking quite as long as that!  LoL

Thank you! Hopefully it doesn't spiral out of control and turn into a "mess" that is this 35 minutes piece, lmao.

Overall, a bittersweet feeling. You know, actually finishing a 35 minutes piece WITH score and engravings (with some errors STILL present, argggh), and you ended up feeling meh afterwards. Oh well, at least I've started a more simpler vocal piece to ease up the slop. Thanks for the feedback.

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