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Speed composition for full orchestra

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Composed this in a few hours. Attempt at trailer music style.

Any feedback is much appreciated. 


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Hi @Bjarke!

It sounds like you might have gained some inspiration from John Williams' "Asteroid Belt" music from Star Wars:  Empire Strikes Back?  And it sounds a bit like the music to the old movie that you've probably never seen "Dark City".  It's cool that you've included Distorted and Bass Guitars.  I think everything up to 0:37 is pretty good and would fit a movie trailer well.  After that I think your bass notes aren't always matching up with the harmony above it.  My favorite part is at 1:20 - that sounds pretty awesome.  A problem that I perceive with it is that it stays at a high intensity the whole time - it would really have to be a very action packed movie trailer for the music to fit.  Also - the very last section that ends the piece is totally divorced thematically from the rest of the piece (1:54).  Also, the piece doesn't transition - it just keeps going and going without a break which can be pretty tiring for the listener at such a high intensity.  Thanks for sharing!

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Hey @Bjarke,

For me the opening bass guitar links me with racing films haha. I feel somewhat different from Peter. Even though the piece is keep moving forward without a break, I think 2 minutes’ time is fitting to it! For me I feel like the use of organ at the end is somewhat abrupt to me, since it links me with gothic films which is totally unrelated to action films!

Thx for sharing!


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Hello @Bjarke 

Very nice references to dies irae. They  fit the feeling of the music. Moreover, adding them mostly in the lower register makes it even more eerie. I think a way to make it even eerier would be to use very low octaves in the piano part, and double it rhythmically displaced in the very high register if that makes sense

I also like your ability to maintain tension by the addition of an (almost) moto perpetuo

The section at 1:47 sounds a bit anticlimactic though, I think you should extend the work a bit more after and before that point. However, if the piece extends the elevated intensity throughout might be a problem. A solution I suggest is to bring the music to a climax and then in subito piano add a simile section. I find it very effective, specially in orchestral music

Thanks for sharing


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