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If you're on the YCF Spot discord you probably saw my message about my troubles with the piano pedal in some of my recent works rendered in Musescore Studio.  The first file exemplifies the audio with pedal errors towards the end of the piece where chords bleed into each other as if the pedal was down even though it's not.  The second file fixes this issue by using the Musesounds Piano sample but because of that sacrifices the clarity of the melodic line which I brought out with higher velocity values in the first.  This Microtonal Miniature is meant to use microtones to enhance the creepy/horror atmosphere.  Also, this time I used the Sub-diminished chord/scale which has 10 tones and the Super-augmented chord/scale which has 8.  I created the sub-diminished one by stacking sub-minor 3rds on top of each other until I reached the original tone (Bb) and the super-augmented by stacking super major 3rds.  I hope you enjoy and I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, critiques or observations you may have!  Thanks for listening.

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The first version is definitely my favorite just due to it's clarity. The echo effect also makes this piece sound like it has a swing to it even though I don't think you are swinging playback. The beat is really nice, and consistent, despite the unusual time signatures you are using. At around 40 seconds in, I like how you completely change the mood by breaking up the rhythm here. The arpeggios at this point are haunting, and gives me anxiety. It's starting to sound like the use of microtones are really starting to shape (or warp) how the music as we know sounds. It feels like we are entering a second dimension of music, something not possible to create with the equal temperament tuning system.

I think you are starting to get the hang of this type of composition. Congrats for creating a piece that will freak us all out, and it's not even Halloween yet!

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I like the reverb and ambiance of the second version more, but the clarity of the 1st version is better to me, the melody doesn't seem as far away. I think the way you're using microtonality is best served when going for an effect with music, or using a more ambiguous language. When you've been very tonal, it's been a bit harsh. But when using dim or aug scales, chromaticism, "getting weird", it seems to work more advantageous. 

As I mentioned on discord, posting a lot of small pieces composed in a short time really shows the techniques we lean on. You show a variety of motif-driven invention type of pieces. What about exploring rhythmic variation, or longer melodies in your studies? Not sure of the overall goal (if there is one), but these could be easily organized into a set of microtonal studies, and the more variation in your compositional technique you offer, the better outcome they would be as a set or the on the whole. 

I like this one more than some of the others because it was weird haha, perhaps microtonal deviations in your language enhance that. Well done, this was great. 🙂 

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