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Dears friends,

excused if I propose this argument but I'm much curious and interested to know your experiences about it.

Since the situation and the musical activity of my country are truly dramatic, would appeal to know the situation of the musical life in your cities and above all like alive, from you, a composer.

In other words, it is easy to play and to propose own music from yours you leave?

There are orchestras disposed to play your music?

It is easy to contact directors which to propose new music to play?

Thanks for your answers.

Best regards.


The UK scene isn't exactly abysmal - it's what you make of it. There are local and county orchestras that will consider local composers (it usually gets them a better spot in the local press). The easiest way to get your music played is to belong to one or more of these orchestras/ensembles.

The National orchestras - you need contacts, or to win a competition. The BBC reads new manuscripts but since they've cut back on orchestras over the last 20-or-so years, the chances of performance are small. They will occasionally invite you to try people on their artists repertoire.

If you perform as a soloist you can get lunch-time and evening gigs in town, even play in restaurants if that's your scene and get one or two of your pieces in.

I also have cause to visit France on business - the music scene varies wildly from region to region. Aix is a nice place for (classical) music.

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