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Guest QcCowboy

there are a lot of people posting incomplete works in the various forum categories (instrumental/piano/orchestral), despite the clear directions that only "complete movements" are acceptable.

Incomplete works should be going in writer's block and music suggestions.

This has the effect of pushing some complete works off the first page, and reducing their chances at reviews in the process.

For example, one particular post kept coming back to the fore as the OP updated and added a few measures to his composition, or added a few notes here and there to what was already posted.

It's unfair to people who have posted complete works in those forum categories.

As a remedy to this, would people be willing to live with a limit on the number of new works postable in a week? This was a solution used on another forum with a similar problem. I personally don't like it, but if it's the only way.

Feedback please.

Guest QcCowboy

I'm not suggesting it for here, I'm saying that that was a solution used on another forum. they limited all posts by all members. there is a limit to new posts by all members. so for example, you couldn't post 2 new works on that forum. you would be limited to 1 per day. or 3 per week, or however many I forget.


I see, that makes sense.

I don't actually see it as a necessary solution, just make it very clear that incomplete works are only allowed in writer's block or major works, if they're big.

Guest QcCowboy

actually, incomplete as in "one movement of..." is allowed in all the forums (and in MW if it's a lengthy enough movement, or the other movements are forthcoming).

I was refering to incomplete as in "here is the first 5 measures of..."


ah, in that case, my suggestion still stands. Make it perfectly clear that those kind of things should be in writer's block, possibly PM the main perpetrators informing them of the rules?


Well, personally I think it's clear enough....to people who read the descriptions of the forum, at any rate. I think Mark's suggestion is all you can do, bar setting up an infraction system with the mods. (I know it's more of a pain, but it works well for another non-music forum which I help mod.)

Basically, it runs on a three-points-and-you're-out basis. The first infraction of the rules warants a mod to step in move/change/edit the post and send a warning PM to the infractor, with a link to the rules. The second infraction warrants the same action, but the addition of a 'final warning' PM. The third and last time it happens, the user is suspended for a certain abount of time (or banned, depending on the seriousness of the infraction).

Well, personally I think it's clear enough....to people who read the descriptions of the forum, at any rate. I think Mark's suggestion is all you can do, bar setting up an infraction system with the mods. (I know it's more of a pain, but it works well for another non-music forum which I help mod.)

Basically, it runs on a three-points-and-you're-out basis. The first infraction of the rules warants a mod to step in move/change/edit the post and send a warning PM to the infractor, with a link to the rules. The second infraction warrants the same action, but the addition of a 'final warning' PM. The third and last time it happens, the user is suspended for a certain abount of time (or banned, depending on the seriousness of the infraction).


Then maybe we should enact a rule that uses our infraction system to this particular problem's advantage, maybe?

Something like this isn't sufficiently serious to warrant receipt of an infraction. Instead, we would simply move threads showcasing incomplete pieces to Writer's Block.

If there are no serious objections then I'll probably also add a reminder of the proposed guidelines on the New Thread screen for users posting music for the first time.


Something like this isn't sufficiently serious to warrant receipt of an infraction. Instead, we would simply move threads showcasing incomplete pieces to Writer's Block.

If there are no serious objections then I'll probably also add a reminder of the proposed guidelines on the New Thread screen for users posting music for the first time.

I started thinking the same thing a couple of minutes ago. That works too. :)


That is a great idea, to the benefit of the reviewer and the poster alike. I don't believe that 'infractions' etc. should be used. You can just move the post to the appropriate forum, while informing the poster. If he/she insists on doing that, well...

We already have an infraction system...

I don't find that infractions cure all problem here.

I do find having a limit sensible, per person that is; because then problems like Sch


The thing is, many people wants to get more reivews and by posting in the writer's block section, many people dont feel that they have enough comments compared with posting in the actual "completed works" forums. If only more people would visit the writer's block section and take their time to comment, then there probably will be more "incomplete" posts there.

  • 2 months later...
Guest QcCowboy

I fully intend to be looking at the writer's Block forum every day I am on, from now on.

I will do my darnedest to give input there, and hopefully others will as well.

But remember, there's a difference between "complete but there are cosmetic deficiencies that will be cleaned up" and "well, this is the first 4 measures of a theme I wrote".

Also, I don't see a problem with someone posting a piece that they KNOW they will be bringing changes to over the next while. I can "complete" a movement of a work and I know darned well that there ain't no such thing as a "completed" movement in MY vocabulary... I end up making minor changes to it until the day of the concert.

But please, no files where the music just stops halfway through a phrase.

And while we're at it, don't be shy to TALK about the piece you're trying to write. If you post to Writer's Block people need to know if you already have an idea of where you want to go with it. Sometimes, as composers, we only need a bit of encouragement. We don't necessarily need to be told what to write next.

...But people need to know that you are or aren't stuck on a cadence.

...Or that you got the first part of the 12-hour symphony done and just became exhausted at the 5th hour.

...Or that somehow, you LIKE what you wrote, but there's something nagging at the back of your mind about it and you want some feedback from other people.

Guest QcCowboy
One thing, when pieces are moved, why do you leave the link there? Then the piece is effectively in both forums.

I think it's a "politeness" thing... if the OP returns to the forum where they posted it's nice to let them know it's been moved somewhere specific, instead of just up and moving it without telling them where it went.

I belong to another forum where the administrator has a habit of deleting threads he disagrees with, or that he feels are getting too "combative" (I think there are some control issues involved there as well.. oh well), and you return to something you posted and it's.... vanished. No "redirect", nothing to let you know that it's been moved/deleted/etc...


You could just PM the OP couldn't you? Wait, are these links temporary or permanent? I forgot you have the option for either, and if it's a temporary one then that makes perfect sense.

Guest QcCowboy

if people have already responded to a thread, that makes for an awful lot of PMs, however.. so the temporary redirect is probably the smartest way to go.

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