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Hi, first, I don't know if this is allow, sorry if it is not.

Anyway, I am part of a game development team, developing a game called "Pokemon 3D v3."

The team is currently in needs for music composers. Therefore, if you are interested, post here or email me at billwaahau@gmail.com with following:

-Name (username or real name, whatever you go by :laugh: ) :

-Age (don't have to give if you don't want to, we just try to know our team members better :whistling: ):


-Have MSN or no (if yes, please provide MSN email):

-Music Composing Software:

-Music Composing Style:

-An example of your work.


PS, here's a screenshot of the level from the modeler (me, lol), just in case if you are wondering if this worth your time.



I can help you out :P

-Name: Marius Masalar

-Age: 16

-Email: marius[at]mathazzar.com

-Yes, my MSN email is mariusm[at]rogers.com

-I use Finale 2007 in conjunction with a large assortment of professional sound libraries for realism.

-I can write music in any style you need; I'm not restricted to any specific ones.

-I'll give you a few demo tracks:

The Ritual - eSnips, share anything

Schizo Suzie - eSnips, share anything

Outbreak Solanum - Zombie Conflict - eSnips, share anything

Outbreak Solanum - Title Theme - eSnips, share anything

The Fall of Maybell - eSnips, share anything

Blackwater Docks - eSnips, share anything

Aliens! - eSnips, share anything!

and finally The Den of Despair - eSnips, share anything

Pick and choose among those to listen to; there's a bit of variety. :)

Let me know if you need my help and then I'll ask for more details about the project and compensation and such.


Your music sound great! Sorry, this is not a pay position. In fact this project is meant to be spreaded around for free. So there will be no pay position at all, only credit will be given. Maybe that help with your college transcript? I don't know.

By the way, I am not the team leader, I am suppose to choose the best volunteers and then redirect them to the team leader after filtering out those that do not meet the requirement set by the team leader, which is quite easy in my opinion, lol. Cause I pass for modeling when I am new to it.

sorry for my bad texturing, hehe. That is temperory though. Cause the arena was on the remodel list couple weeks ago.

What's bad about it?! I didn't mean anything like that - it's infinitely better than anything I could come up with...


well, I just came back from my music tour in Italy. And the arenas there look so much better. That's why I put it in the remodel list. By the way, somehow, after going to Italy, I start to like to play Italian music, lol. The Opera music are pretty fun to play.


Good luck with the project! Marius is perfect in the music he makes! I could not reccomend him any further (did this sound negative actually? I think that Marius is great! That's all :P)

Guest Anders
Good luck with the project! Marius is perfect in the music he makes! I could not recommend him any further (did this sound negative actually? I think that Marius is great! That's all :D)

You have such innovative methods of phrasing your thoughts... :toothygrin:

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