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I've always wanted to play triangle... let me rerephrase an instrument that is going to be similar enough that I don't have to start all over with learning a completely new instrument... Like I've always heard the clarinet is similar but I've tried to play it before and the fingerings are similar but so similar that I get them mixed up and play wrong notes...


Last time I tried to play a flute I got all light-headed after a C major scale. It seems so uneconomical blowing most of the air over the bloody thing :P


Clarinet is closest, the fingerings are all ALMOST the same, the mouthpiece is a similar size. Go for Clarinet.

I don't get light head playing flute. You could try that too, you will be out of breathe for the first while, but you'll learn, and the fingerings are almost the same.


For you?


There's not enough accomplished triangle soloists out there...

I'm gonna have to write a Fugue for a Triangle quartet in B flat minor...

Anyhow, I've always heard that clarinet was the closest instrument to the saxamaphone, and I've never heard of anythyng being too similar...


Guest QcCowboy

just in case anyone is wondering, there are no "saxophone specialists" in classical symphony orchestras. generally, saxophone solos are performed by either the 2nd or 3rd clarinet, who is expected to have more than passing familiarity with the instrument.

VERY rarely, they will bring in an external player who is a "real" saxophone specialist for very prominant extended solos.


Well the clarinet is the closest..but I dont really like the clarinet all that much, so my personal recomondation is the oboe. My girlfriend switched from her oboe to a saxaphone for marching band and according to her, the fingerings are similar but not exactly the same. It took her about a full week of practicing to get it down all the way. Im not sure if the reverse process will work the same though....If you do (for some strange reason) decide to take my advice, keep in mind the oboe is a hard instrument to play.It and french horn are supposed to be the hardest, bu you know, the horn and the oboe are some of the coolest sounds out there :cool:

sorry let me rephrase. An orchestra that plays classical music... I know some more mordern compositions call for saxs but most classical compositions do not

That's what arranging is for

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