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  1. Untitled score.mp3 Untitled score.pdf Hey all! New here, so bare with me ... lol To give a short description of the person who's requesting help here, I was previously a theory and performance student for Benedict College in SC. I dropped out in 2018, and only within the last few months have I started to get back into messing around with music theory and composition/arranging. I always did it as sort of a hobby, and have not had instruction in any capacity, other than my abilities to read and comprehend a music score, and my own learning as an autodidact for composition. The piece that's attached is my first attempt at writing anything in an odd time signature. This example is in 11/8 time, followed by a meter change to 12/8, then to 6/8, and (supposed to be) back to 11/8, but as you can see in the PDF, I am not done with composing this. I'm requesting 2 things of the community... 1. What should I name this score? Based on the thematic feel of it, what do you think? 2. Currently, disregarding any missing voices at this time, how is the structure of this score so far? Any mistakes that I should be aware of? I thank you all in advance for any positive, negative, or constructive feedback you may leave for me! I will post it in full once it's complete, pending any feedback on it. 🙂 Edit: MP3 Audio ends at 3:34. Exported the MP3 from MuseScore 4 Studio, so it exported the entire score, including the empty staves and measures.
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