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Found 6 results

  1. This is my "Soliloquy for Accordion No. 2". It is, as its subtitle declares "In Memory of a Martyr for Freedom of Expression in the Arab World: Jamal Khashoggi". I am sure you have heard about the disappearance and death of the journalist all over the news for the past 20 days or so. It has preoccupied the news media of late. And increasingly it has appeared that he was brutally killed. His last article in the Washington post had an apt title: "What the Arab world needs most is free expression" (I provide the link below for those interested in reading it). As such - and as a citizen of the same "Arab world" that Khashoggi comes from, this is perhaps my first piece which can be described as a kind of "musical commentary" on current events. May his soul rest in peace. And may the Arab world - and the world at large - come to enjoy the free expression that he dreamed of. As such, this piece can also be considered as a step in the path or process of championing the right to freedom of expression and achieving the end of all oppression. Link to Jamal Khashoggi's last article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/jamal-khashoggi-what-the-arab-world-needs-most-is-free-expression/2018/10/17/adfc8c44-d21d-11e8-8c22-fa2ef74bd6d6_story.html?utm_term=.de0ae3ff2d95 Link to my "Soliloquy for Accordion No. 1": https://www.youngcomposers.com/t34266/soliloquy-for-accordion-no-1/
  2. This is what happens when you have to write daily pieces and you get bored with writing crap. I'm quite proud of this work, even though it may not be conventional in any sense of the word. I hope you enjoy this one!
  3. A suite made up of sketches 58, 62, and 78. I like this better than the first, personally, since I actually studied this type of music before these sketches, instead of mindlessly writing what I thought this type of music was. Enjoy!
  4. This is my first accordion stream. It is my second composition for accordion. I hope that this one sounds more like an accordion than an organ (I used the MIDI sound instead of the Sibelius 6 sound) and is more in the idiom of the accordion than the organ. I am also posting this under the keyboard section reasoning that the accordion can be considered a keyboard instrument. Here is the link to my previous accordion piece, my Soliloquy for Accordion No. 1: http://www.youngcomposers.com/t34266/soliloquy-for-accordion-no-1/ Here is the link to my previous stream, my Piano Stream No. 4: http://www.youngcomposers.com/archive/music/listen/8137/piano-stream-no-4/ For those not familiar with my streams, check out my largely subjective description as posted with my very first stream here: http://www.youngcomposers.com/archive/music/listen/5719/string-quartet-stream-no-1/Accordion Stream No. 1.mp3Accordion Stream No. 1.mp3
  5. This is my first composition for accordion. I was inspired to compose a soliloquy for accordion after I received an accordion CD as a gift and was impressed how many famous classical pieces could be arranged for and played by the accordion, even orchestral pieces.
  6. I kind of liked the sound of these three sketches clumped together into a suite so I did just that. The musical integrity (especially of the 2nd movement) isn't as necessarily as high as I would have liked before a copyright, but I was just too excited to not. I hope you all like it.
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