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  1. Twilight, Op. 15, is an album for solo piano. Written in 2021, it is a variation-suite consisting of a theme and 11 variations, but each variation has a unique character, and they can be played separately as individual short compositions, or as selected pieces from a set. The piece is 30 minutes in length. The album was inspired by a painting with the same name, “Twilight” (shown in the video), by the Russian symbolist painter and cultural figure Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947), depicting a monk praying with a candle in a mountainous area with a domed church in the distance. The painting is mostly composed of different shades of blue, which influenced some of the harmonic choices in the piece (particularly in the theme). The variations in order are as follows: Theme (B-flat major) Rêverie (B-flat minor) Gymnopédie (E-flat minor) Orientale (G minor) Mélancolie (G minor) Tempest (C-sharp minor - E major) Hommage à Rachmaninoff (D-flat major) Variación Española (B-flat minor) Intermezzo (B-flat major) Invocation (B-flat minor) Fugue (B-flat minor) Nocturne-Finale (B-flat major) Happy holidays, everyone :)
  2. I figured since I'm posting things, might as well post this. I started to write the songs back in 2016 but there are a couple from 2014-2015. This is the second indie-rock-??? album I've done and it was a huge challenge, but I had a lot more fun making this than I did the first one. I played every instrument except the drums which I programmed (I don't have access to a drum kit nor can I actually mic it up properly ATM.) I also did all the necessary production and everything else really. There is only one track that has a guest artist, since I couldn't sing those lines myself cuz it sounded stupid. As for the album itself as a whole, it's divided into four different song groups. Since I like albums that have a "reason to be" albums, I felt like I had to have some sort of structure. Each group is separated by a intermezzo of sorts. It's pretty obvious if you hear it, but towards the end of the album the intermezzo and the "actual songs" start getting mixed. I'll do a little breakdown on each of the tracks: 1) Saint: This wasn't supposed to be the first track at the beginning, but slowly as the overall album took shape I thought having the first track be pretty "heavy" was kind of something I wanted to do. It's also probably the simplest thing I've ever composed and published in some form, but that's not a bad thing imo. 2) E.L.F. Panic So one time I was going through the types of wave frequencies, as you do, and I stumbled onto the idea of Extreme Low Frequency waves, stuff that goes through planets and stuff. I found that kind of horrifying and fascinating, so the lyrics and the song just kind of happened out of that. Still think it's creepy. 3) Deep Dive The only instance I've ever actually found guitar tapping to be actually musically useful. Otherwise, I always found this track had a very "ocean" vibe to it, but the kind of ocean you see in, like, those really terrifying deep dives people do (like Mariana's trench, etc.) 4) Another Shore This song is very hard for me to sing, obviously. The song is kind of a little inspired on Chrono Cross, hence the title, but it's more of a feel thing than a direct reference thing. It does follow a little in the "ocean" vibe from the previous song. 5) 40s Sometimes when I'm writing lyrics I don't actually think too much about what I'm writing as long as it "sounds cool" when I'm singing it, but in this case I think I'm clearly making some kind of statement. Maybe. This song went through two entire re-dos, as before this version it was super surfy. It also probably has my most favourite guitar work in the album. 6) Flower This is a great example of text I didn't think too much about, but I really like it. The inspiration for this came from a scene in Saint Seiya where Shiryu is being told by his master during training that he has to basically be a mountain or some stuff, it's all very deep for a 80s Shonen anime I'm sure you realize. Also this ended up being the surfy song and it was a great challenge to get that Twin reverb surfy tone, but I think it went alright. The acoustic song when I composed it is actually like 1 minute long, so I was very curious how I would make it longer without just repeating things ad nauseum. 7) Sandra I don't actually know many Sandras, and this song isn't about any of them. I wouldn't actually wanna be around the titular Sandra either, honestly. Interestingly, I did actually give more thought to the lyrics in this song, and boy there's a lot of lyrics here (which I have a hard time remembering, specially during recording.) I also have no idea what kind of genre this song actually is. Is it blues? I always wanted to write a blues song, it sounds like a cool thing to do, but I'm uncool so maybe this doesn't count at all. 8 ) Intermezzo This was a mockup of how I wanted the actual track to sound like. When I went and "worked on it for realsies", I ended up hating the thing I made so I reverted back to the much superior mockup. Honestly this track is a homage to Kenji Kawai, of Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor, etc fame. I'm a huge fan of his work and I tried to capture a little of the vibe here, specifically the Patlabor 2 Movie soundtrack. That thing is so amazing. I also really like 80s gated drums, but I didn't know where to put them in the album that wouldn't be just awkward. 9) Introspective Heavyweight When I was making the song list for the album, I really had no faith in this song in particular since it was kind of generic and not that exciting. I really liked singing it tho, and much to my surprise once I started the actual production I had a lot of fun and I think it's one of the stronger tracks in the album as a whole. The honest to god proper solo is also a first for me, since I'm usually too shy to "make room" for me just wanking around on the guitar. 10) Dangermind This song was an accident, I just made the main riff by accident on another track as I was coming up with some of the backing parts and I ended up really liking it. As for the text and everything else, I don't know. I thought it would be cool to be a little more violent and aggressive in my rock music considering how that's one of the main things I do in the classical/modern stuff I make. 11) The Dark Another intermezzo piece that's an accidental homage to a Japanese composer. In this case it's more of a homage to the Vagrant Story soundtrack by Hitoshi Sakimoto. I think Sakimoto's use of harmonies are instantly recognizable, so I lifted a couple of those progressions for this track. 12) Stars I didn't know I liked funk until I actually started writing funk out of nowhere. But it's also not really funk sometimes, so obviously I have no idea what I'm doing. Either way, another guitar solo as centerpiece, but this time it's less "Oh whatever sounds cool" and more thought out. 13) Xtra Space More gated drums this time submerged in that stereotypical retro-cliché from the supposed 80s. I don't know of any music from the 80s that sounded like this, only music that claims to sound like the 80s (which it obviously doesn't.) It was also refreshing to sing without caring too much about, well, anything really. It's not so much a song as a "mood," and I feel it could as well go for hours if I wanted. 14) Gold I wrote this song a week before finishing the final mix of the album. It's one of those things that just happens, but really had fun singing and writing it, specially knowing that it was going to be the last track. It's got a similar vibe to Stars, but I think it's much more straight forward and it has no guitar solos or anything really fancy. Playing the bass on this was probably the most fun I had in all the album's production, but I really just like playing bass. If you like my work and want to support me you can buy the thing on bandcamp: https://ytmh.bandcamp.com/album/nightwave So there.
  3. this is an album includes 6 lyric pieces I previously wrote, some of them were readjusted to be more pleasant to the ear, hope you like them, and comment them as many words as possible. the video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14A411j7om/
  4. Hey everyone, just thought I'd present my new album here It's a 13 track album of mostly piano solo pieces, some are accompanied by strings etc. But the focus is piano solo which is why I'm posting here. It'd mean a lot if you could give it a listen! Let me know what you think. Feathersmith. Listen to Time by Feathersmith on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/howard-fletcher-75757721/sets/time
  5. Hey Everyone, This is my latest album, it's an 8-track piano solo album. Please let me know what you think of the pieces, scores available soon, for now please comment on what you like about the sound of the pieces. Album releases on 18th March Album on Soundcloud
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