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Found 11 results

  1. Here it is, as short as possible to say something.
  2. Hello there! It's been a while since I've checked here and posted something in this forum. Well, I have composed this sonatina recently (actually since December last year) which is my first attempt in romantic style. The first movement is a waltz in truncated sonata form inspired by a Chopin Waltz, the second movement is an intermezzo inspired by Brahms, and the 3rd movement is a ballad in hybrid sonata-rondo form which I'd also composed for a friend. Also inspired by Chopin, the 3rd movement main theme is perhaps familiar for those who had watched Gravity Falls, for I had actually adapted the theme for the piece. I hope you all will enjoy this piece, and any feedback is appreciated!
  3. Hello, I present you one of my older works, my first piano Ballad. I Know the recording quality is trash, but I would appreciate if you could give me a feedback about the compositon Here is the link:
  4. Inspired in Evans and his harmonies (incomplete or rootless chords, chords by fourths, clusters...).
  5. Three days ago we had to help one of our dogs (Urka) to pass away. This is for her...
  6. Hi guys, HAPPY NEW DECADE FROM US IN "THE CONEHEADS FROM DRONJOMLAND" 😍😍 What have happened since last time, in my life? I was active at this forum more than a decade ago, my first little pieces I uploaded here. In 2014 I left Norway, traveled alone in Southern Europe and Liverpool and Scotland for more than 4 years 💪I met travelers and musicians from all over the Place. Then I came back to Norway 14.August 2018. Now I work in two different food stores in my city, here is 50000 Citizens, I work 5 days a week, I worked a lot in December, its called Rema 1000, they was inspired by Aldi when they started this brand many years ago. One of the shops I work in its 660 square meeters, its at the biggest shopping mall in the city, I will not quit if I become famous for the music one day. I love to work inside the cold room behind the milk and yoghurt and butter and egg, maybe because it makes me feel like a Norwegian viking after all my travelings in lovely Europe? But my dream is still to work with Music, I dream about working in London one day with my music mate Kurt Laursen. I have put together a new music page, so I am curious what you think about our music 🤔 so have a look and tell us your true opinion 😡 🤗 Tomorrow I will fly to Tenerife with my girlfriend Heidi, we have been together since 2.November 2018. So, I will dive a lot in the pool and run in the sand at the beautiful beaches while thinking of my awesome future with the music Production 😎 😏👍👍 http://www.dandron.com/dronjom/gjennombrudd.htm GOD BLESS YOU GUYS. Best regards and best wishes, Daniel Rønjom
  7. Hello, This is my first post on this website. I am a radiologist doctor in Thailand who really loves composing music. This song was originally written as slow ballad music sung in Thai language. Later I made this arranged version. I record this on Sonar. Love to hear your comment. PS. You can also check other works I compose on this soundcloud account! https://soundcloud.com/charat-chukiat/i-cant-forget-you
  8. Balada 2.mp3 Balada 2_ Partitura completa.pdf
  9. for grade 3+ jazz band a lush ballad featuring flugelhorn and tenor saxophone let me know what you think of this one
  10. So after talking about DAWs and how to make a recording, I figured I'd talk about how I came up with this tune. I wrote on an old workstation keyboard. I recorded it into the computer to make a CD. Then, I wrote the chart out in Finale. Went to the studio and recorded the drums. Took a mic and an MBOX around to different houses/schools and recorded the bass, guitars, horns, strings, and vocals on ProTools. Borrowing from Earth, Wind, and Fire and Toto style and concepts, I have two different guitars. On this track, I have an acoustic on the left and wah on the right.
  11. I wrote this song precisely last year and arranged it for an orchestra for this website and now here it is in a mellower format, that of a jazz piano arrangement with a brush drum kit. I think it sounds nice overall. I had this song reviewed professionally by a multi award winning songwriter who gave me a B+ for the musical grade so enjoy! As always advice will be appreciated!
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