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  1. Hello everyone, I’d like to share my new piano sonata, "Rebirth". This is a single-movement large-scale work that follows sonata form, incorporating smaller inner sections and a fugue in the development section. I tried to build a thematic transformation throughout. I finished it some time ago, but last week I finally got around to inputting the notes into the software (it was actually written on paper in pencil, though). One day, I’d love to dedicate a month or so to detailed performance work on this piece and make a real recording. Anyway, for now, I would appreciate any outside opinions and suggestions, points of view, etc. Why I wrote this piece The main reason I wrote it was simply a strong desire to compose something substantial for solo piano, using some contemporary compositional approaches while mixing them with traditional techniques to create a coherent storytelling experience through music. I would love to hear your feedback on the composition, structure, and, especially, emotional impact. I am especially curious to know if my ideas work on paper. Any thoughts or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! P.S. I added time-codes with some Structure indications to the video on YouTube. I hope it helps in some way! Thank you for your time and attention, Dima
  2. Thought I'd share these 5 short violin pieces (5 Estampes for Violin Solo) I wrote over a few days. The MIDI articulation could be better, but I haven’t focused on it since they’re meant to be performed by a real player. I’d appreciate your time and any feedback! Upd: changed midi mp3-file for the better one and attached a video!
  3. I Wrote a Sonata for Rach (Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia in cis moll) - CelvinPiano Hello fellow musicians and music lovers, I am an 16 years old composer and I’ve recently finished writing a Sonata in C# minor, dedicated to Rachmaninoff, and I’d love to get some ears on it! If anyone is up for giving it a listen and sharing their thoughts or feedback, I’d really appreciate it. Anything from the composition itself to ideas on performance would be super helpful. And if someone feels inspired to perform it, that would be amazing! I’m open to chatting about that as well, and we could definitely figure something out if it resonates with you. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested, or if you know someone who might be. Can’t wait to hear what you think! Best, Celvin
  4. Barbarossa is the third movement of this World War Two-themed symphony about Nazi Germany's ill-fated campaign to extend its Blitzkrieg into Russia in 1941, which subsequently opened the door for the Allies to fight the German advance on two fronts. Barbarossa ultimately failed due to the Red Army's resolve to fight and Russia's vast territory was too great to conquer. Please let me know what you think about this piece that was composed and sequenced entirely on the Roland FA-06 Workstation and recorded on the Tascam SD-24. I did some light processing with Audacity.
  5. This is a Romantic-era styled piano piece with a bit of BÄ…darzewska-Baranowska's "The Maiden's Prayer," a hint of Paul de Senneville's "Mariage d'Amour," and a dash of Chopin for good measure. This dance depicts two roses, personified as lovers, making a final dance (the title is French for "The Last Dance of the Roses") before departing forever. However, the rose couple finds a last tear of joy as they depart, as if ultimately content to spend their long years together, hence the happy ending.
  6. Hi all, I wanted to share my latest composition, hoping for some feedback! Enjoy the listening 🙂! Julien PS: Scores and midi files are available here: https://imslp.org/wiki/Tableau_No.5_(Piaser%2C_Julien) tableau 5.mid
  7. Hello Everyone! I'm Emile, I'm 18 years old and I'm from a little island called Aruba in the Caribbean. I'm really passionate about Music, I'm a Classical/Romantic Composer/Pianist and started to compose when I was 12 and started with the piano at 14(able to play late Beethoven sonatas). And I've started to try my best to be known out there currently working on a piano concerto in f minor, string quartets and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and getting involved in the great things happening here on this forun. This is the 12 variations on a theme in C major. But this is the 11th Variation! this is my first Toccata and First Fugue! this toccata took me several weeks and i was inspired by the intro of his Choral Fantasy when i first listened to it! and i decided to dedicate this to Beethoven because I finish the piece a day before his birthday. Dedicated to (Departed) Ludwig van Beethoven, Birthday of the Year 2023 P.S - The 3 voice fugue is not in strict form it's a wander/sonata form 12 Variations and Nocturne for Viola and Piano on a theme in C Major.mid
  8. Hi, "Piano Miniature" is a composition of mine that I wrote some years ago. George N. Gianopoulos was kind enough to publish it on his Youtube channel. I hope you like it and would be thankful for any thoughts.
  9. Nikolaos Dimopoulos - Aria Of Shadows Hi everyone! I am new here and I am very happy to join this forum! As a new member I'm hungry for honest feedback! So, this is one composition of mine with choirs, orchestra and a fast waltz finale! Good listening!
  10. Hi all, A few weeks ago I posted a piece called Ninlil. I liked it too much to leave it just as a short piece stuck there all on its own. I always had the idea that it was a musical depiction of Ninlil, the Mesopotamian Goddess of the sky and in this incarnation, representing the wind. I started thinking of a suite of short pieces to represent various goddesses connected to the weather. So here is the second piece in the suite, "Elurra" . It's the Basque word for snow. The goddess in this case is Mari, La Dama de Murumendi. An ancient Basque goddess responsible for wintery weather. Here she is merrily making the world white. Hope you like it 😊 Listen to Elurra by Mark McDonald on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/p8syo
  11. I was rummaging through my bag of misfit music and thought someone might enjoy this short little waltz I composed a few years ago. It was from back when I was learning my DAW (Sonar 8.5.) I've never updated Sonar because it never crashes and just works really well. Like the old saying goes; "If it ain't broke don't fix it". It was very frustrating for me learning all the techie stuff in Sonar and I still barely know what I'm doing. Anyway, enjoy! -Rick
  12. Hey, it's been a minute I wanted to experiment writing something Canon-esque, drawing inspiration from Canon in D. It's written in ternary form, with the A section in Eb major, the B section in Bb major (with some minor moments) and returns back to Eb major for a repeated A section. It's very basic, and no where near performance ready, but I've been on this site for a while, but afraid of composing, so I guess this is my plunge lol. Upon review, I have noticed some technical errors, but this was just for fun and to get my feet wet and I just wanted to get some feedback. Thank you
  13. Hi, I've composed a sketch of a mazurka, it's in progress at the moment, so please let me know if the harmony or melody could be improved. What do you think of the orchestration of solo piano? Attached are the pdf and midi files. Thank you, DoYourDailyDuo Mazurka.mid
  14. Hello all, I haven't posted a piece in a little while so thought I'd share one of my favourite recent works. This piece was written for a young composer competition here in the UK. It was shortlisted (!) and as such I was lucky to receive an astonishingly high quality recording by a period string quartet. I then decided to submit it to the Youtube channel TheExarion for the August 2022 Original Compositions video. Did anyone else from this forum enter a piece? It's a fantastic collection of almost 9 hours of new music! Rather than uploading the score and recording for copyright reasons, I have linked TheExarion's score video below. Hopefully the video will start from my piece, but if not, you can skip to 07:36:00. (There is also a programme note and performance note in the score-video, but I can copy it into a post if anyone would prefer.) Hope you enjoy the piece, and any feedback will be much appreciated!
  15. A concert overture I just recently finished about Snowdonia National Park, Wales (Eryri in Welsh), which I recently visited. Let me know what you think!
  16. This is a brief, fast-paced piece for the cello and piano. I'm haven't written much in the way of chamber music, but let me know what you guys think!
  17. The second movement of this World War Two symphony expands on the Nazi theme introduced in the last half of the Prelude movement. This German-styled march evokes a celebratory tone as the Nazi war machine rapidly advances its way through Western Europe, paving the way for a new Third Reich. Please let me know what you think about this piece that was composed and sequenced entirely on the Roland FA-06 Workstation and recorded on the Tascam SD-24. I did some light processing with Audacity. SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/david-fox-490685567/world-war-two-symphony-movement-two-blitzkrieg?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  18. 1. Playtime link This is the first movement of six for a string quartet. The entirety of the piece is based on the relationship of four siblings as they grow up, each instrument representing a sibling. The first movement is the birth of the two eldest, hence it being simply a duet. I would love feedback on it and how to make it better. Is it too short? Does it end too abruptly? Does it need more of a recurring theme or melody than it has?
  19. This World War Two symphony opens with the Prelude Movement, which paints a bleak picture of the world as it was just prior to the outbreak of war in Europe. This first of six movements introduces the Allies theme and then the German theme, which slowly builds to the Nazi theme. Please let me know what you think about this piece that was composed and sequenced entirely on the Roland FA-06 Workstation and recorded on the Tascam SD-24. I did some light processing with Audacity. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/JiTty MOVEMENT ONE - PRELUDE.mp3
  20. F. Adebiyi - Piano Sonata No.3 in G# minor https://youtu.be/pZyRqg9jTA8 All feedback welcome.
  21. Here the link to the albums: Sinfonia di Perle Music Power Musica Pianistica I hope you enjoy.
  22. Hi, I wrote this little nocturne a while ago and would be thankful to hear what you think about it. I have also made a youtube score video, please follow the link provided below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v_yiDuJQMA
  23. Fuga a 3 in g minor.mp3I recently have been reading and working through Jacob IJzerman's "Harmony, Counterpoint, Partimento" which I highly recommend, and I was inspired to write some short 3-voice fugues, mostly just to see if I could write them convincingly. Here's one of them. I scored it for flute oboe and bassoon so that the different parts could be heard easily.
  24. This is my second attempt at a divertimento in the classical style. It's meant to be a light and enjoyable work for a small string ensemble (I tried to make it possible for either a quartet or a larger section). I'm primarily doing these divertimentos as exercises in improving my four-part writing. One of the unifying factors between the movements is a consistent emphasis on weak beats throughout the piece, although I may have gotten a bit carried away with this aspect. I also sneaked a few bVII chords in to a couple of the movements. Let me know what you think! Thanks for listening.
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyIq_apZTZc&feature=youtu.be Aditya's new tune composition for review, not sure how to convert it to notes in pdf files
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