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Found 17 results

  1. Joy Comes in 'Mourning' is a piece for three string players that serves as a reflection on the experiences of a music student in the collegiate environment. The piece, alluding to a phrase found in the Hebrew Psalms, reflects on the inner turmoil and eventual overcoming of pain, process of recovery, and result of joy in the end. Structured in Rondo-allegro form, the piece guides listeners through the composer's introspective journey. It begins with a dodecaphonic canon that pictures the composers internal reflection acting as the first two themes motivic material. It then transitions to a frenetic section of pizzicati, and concludes with a broad statement of hopeful anticipation looking into the future.
  2. So I saw this Tweet (look at end of post) in my Twitter feed. What are your thoughts around the statement "How Classical Music is Better than Popular Music"? This is how I responded in a Twitter comment: But here is my take on it: I think that Classical Music (which is loosely defined here) tends to be more complex than today's Pop music. Of course, better is also subjective, because what is "better" to me, is not necessarily "better" to you. In my case, I agree with some parts of this article, BUT, just because I agree doesn't mean it is a fact and applies to everyone. It does however apply to me, because I love this type of music and I can understand it. That said, there's some music in this genre that I do have a hard time understanding, such as Sorabji's Opus Clavicembalisticum. Do I think that this specific piece is better than Pop? Well, maybe, but only because I find value in music that is complex. Reason being, music with more complexity is something I can always learn from. And a good example of this is, music notation and cadenzas. Now if I were to find out that this piece by Sorabji was just randomly thrown together, than my opinion could change. But I haven't delved too deeply into this piece, as there aren't many full recordings of Opus Clavicembalisticum floating around, for obvious reasons. What are your thoughts though? To repeat the question, do you agree or disagree with the author's sentiment of classical being better than pop? And do you feel that it is right that people are criticizing the author of this article for being so passionate about how he feels about classical music over pop?
  3. Made a new invention with a mix of influences. I am really curious to hear other people's opinion of it so I can improve Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koz_Q2sDa1I Score: https://workupload.com/file/NBMKPKG69zw
  4. Hello to everyone, this is one of my latest 2020 piano compositions. It is a piano sonata in Am, the first movement. I hope you enjoy my composition and if you want to ask for anything or say your impressions just leave a comment! Thank you very much! 🙂 ^_^
  5. Hello! I just would like to have some feedback on this track I wrote. I wanted to represent a typical traffic jam situation in a very big city. The piece is written for a large woodwind ensemble, piano and percussions.
  6. This is a violin and piano accompanist piece that is made to depicted snowfall and anything related to snowflakes. You should be able to hear this and enjoy the piece too.
  7. This is an arrangement that I have been thinking about doing since winter of last year. No, not because the Nutcracker Suite is common as Christmas music, but rather because the Nutcracker Suite is my favorite of Tchaikovsky's 3 famous suites. Instead of starting with the March as most piano arrangements do, I decided to start with the Overture. I couldn't find many piano arrangements that included this so I decided to go from the orchestral score and arrange it myself. But I ran into a difficulty after a while. No it isn't the clarinet part and me having to transpose it. No, it is the entrance of the entire orchestra. So, I decided to highlight different parts of the orchestra. 2 distinct voices are highlighted the same color because I ran out of colors to highlight with(but you can tell the difference because one of them is almost all 16th note staccatos). So here are my score arrangement, both mp3 and pdf, and the pdf of the Overture with the highlighted areas. Pages 4 and 5 are where I have highlighted distinct voices in the orchestral texture. The ones highlighted in blue and green I think would be obsolete in a piano duet arrangement, especially the one highlighted in green since it is just the same note being repeated over and over. What do you think of my arrangement of the Overture so far? I know it is all treble clef but that has to do with the fact that there are no cellos in the overture and it goes pretty high up, high enough to consider me having it in treble clef instead of bass clef. I know I could just lower the notes that originate from the viola parts down an octave and it would fit perfectly into the bass clef but I'm just not sure that I should do that.
  8. Hello! I would like to show you my new piece for piano and electronics. I'm waiting for your feedback and hopefully you enjoy it! Self-portrait (piano / electronics) - Antonio García (YouTube link)
  9. Hi, I'm a composer student from Spain. I would like to present my composition for my own video. I'm in a project to create videos and music during my year in Helsinki. Im not hapy at all about the quality of the sound, but anyway, this is my video:
  10. Hello everyone, this is the piece I newly composed, hope you like it.
  11. A new symphony friends. Enjoy and please give feedback as I want to make my works better! Have a good day. :)
  12. I know, it doesn't belong here. I am kind of new to this website and do not know how to delete the post so I will just leave it. Any feedback on the music will be helpful.
  13. Hi all I have tried to search for this composition on musipedia.org. It could´nt find it. I hope someone here knows it. It is a classical piece. EDIT : I found the piece on Youtube.com Kim
  14. Divertimento for Winds in B-flat major op. 344 This divertimento was written between January 17th and 24th, 2015 in Naples. It employs 2 oboes, 2 bassoons and 2 natural horns in B-flat Alto, that is of the high register, because there are also horns in B-flat basso, which sound an octave below the alto one. The style employed is of the middle classical period and the fist movement, the Allegro molto is in sonata form, whereas the other movements are an Andantino in binary structure, Minuetto and Trio and a Rondò as last movement. The timings next to the movements correspond to the ones in the video, where each movement occurs I. Allegro molto..................0:16 II. Andantino......................6:09 III. Menuetto e Trio............8:20 IV. Presto........................11:28
  15. Hi. I've come across a deal like this: coupon for a 15% discount on any sheet music at MusicaNeo All you need to do is enter the code SAVEME15 at the checkout. Honestly, I have never used coupons before (to my shame) and I'm wondering if there are a lot of musicians who do it regularly? Taking into account that performers always need the sheets, is it a good way to save some pennies?
  16. Greetings fellow composers! Each year since 2001, ABC Classic fm (Australia's leading classical, jazz and world music station) have hosted a classical music countdown of the top 100 pieces of music voted by the listeners. Each time the 'Classic 100' is on there is a different genre that the listeners have to vote music for e.g. For the Classic 100 chamber music you would have to vote for your favourite piece of chamber music. This year the theme is music written in the 20th and 21st century. I am pretty sure on what music I might vote for (Michael Nyman's MGV or Hugues Dufourt's l'Asie d'après Tiepolo) but I am quite curious as to what other people's favourite contemporary pieces are which might make me discover some new music that I might like better.
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