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Found 11 results

  1. Melody creator Looking for some inspiration to create or compose your own music, songs, or melodies? Melody Creator app quickly produces random original melodies for you to use, share or get inspired. Join the thousands of users who today use Melody Creator to inspire them to create their melodies. With Melody Creator you can: 1. Generate random melodies using a full three octave span 2. Select the scale of your melody 3. Playback functionality 4. Store your own generated melodies 5. Select among 17 rhythms, silence or metronome for each playback or melody 6. Generate a similar melody based on one you created 7. Select from 3 different ranges of randomness to generate your melodies (High randomness may involve abrupt changes in melody notes) 8. Configure the complexity in the generated melody (how simple or complex is the combination of notes within a bar) 9. Configure other preferences 10. Download saved melodies in wav format 11. Change between the piano, guitar and saxophone 12. Choose between 16, 32, 64 or 128 note melodies. When you select the melody that you like for your song you can purchase it at a very low cost in melody creator credits and you can: 1. View an animation of the notes playback or music sheet 2. Edit and change the melody 3. Playback the melody at different speeds 4. Share your melody with other people (they must have Melody Creator installed) 5. Change melody settings for each melody in your list Get Melody creator here, its free
  2. Hello! I just would like to have some feedback on this track I wrote. I wanted to represent a typical traffic jam situation in a very big city. The piece is written for a large woodwind ensemble, piano and percussions.
  3. Hi, dear musicians! Some years ago I listened klassical compositions in jazz processig. It was Shopins waltz. Now I am interested: what about classikal music meet electronik, I mean processing. What you think about?
  4. Hi all, After my secondary school I want to study either Classical Saxophone or Composition. When I am chatting with Composition professors, it seems to me that they prefer composing on paper and then they notate in a notation program. I have tried it several times to compose on paper, but I find it really hard. Not because I don't know what the music will really sound like, but because I make so many notation mistakes. Actually, when writing music on paper, my scores look like Beethoven's (see picture) and I cannot even read in myself. . . My question: ''Do you compose your music first on paper and then in a notation program? Or do you directly notate in a program, such as Sibelius or MuseScore? Why?'' I think the ''Why'' is the most important part of the question. Please let me know your opinions, experiences etc. Answering the poll would be very nice. Kind regards, Maarten
  5. Hi all, I am currently studying a music degree and i need to get different composers views on how they compose. My research project is about the compositional devices and techniques that different composers use in order to convey specific emotions and metaphors to the audience, all music should evoke some sort of emotion within the listener and my research project is dedicated to finding out how composers manage to do this. There are 4 questions to this questionnaire and if you could spare some time to share some of your knowledge I would greatly appreciate it and it would help my project immensely! These are the 4 questions: 1.Which elements of composition do you find are the most effective with regards to conveying emotion and feeling through your music? Instrumentation, tempo, key/mode, time signatures/time change, arrangement etc.? Please explain why you find these effective. 2.Do you find any of the above elements particularly effective when trying to convey a specific emotion such as anger, Love or sadness etc.? Why do you find these so effective? 3.How much interaction is there between yourself and the director of the film which you are composing for? Does the director offer much input regarding the music and why do you feel the director offers this input (if any)? 4.What compositional advice would you give anyone who was faced with the challenge of conveying thoughts and emotions through their music? If you can manage the time to help me out with my project by answering these questions you would be helping me out a great deal! Thanks for your time
  6. Hello everyone, This is the 2nd challenge in this series. The first was on the theme of my Soliloquy for Clarinet No. 5. You can still participate in it here: http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/t33378/composing-short-pieces-using-a-theme-by-luderart/ The chosen theme this time is from the 5th piano miniature by DanJTitchener: http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/listen/4849/ You might take the first 4 or 8 bars. I hope everyone can make good use of this theme and both the author of the theme and the participants can benefit from the challenge.
  7. Hi again, everyone! :D StoAmigo media management system has recently unveiled a SWEET NEW FEATURE that makes sharing digital media -- including your compositions -- MUCH easier and LOTS of fun! Some of you may be familiar with Samsung's "bump share" option, which we agree is pretty cool. Unfortunately, you need a Samsung device for it to work. Enter StoAmigo! With our QR Code feature, you can create QR codes and use them to share music, photos, videos, etc. with your friends and family. The QR code pops up on your device, ready to be read immediately by another smart device. And NO – the feature is not just for certain Samsung DROID phones (no “bumping” required :thumbsup: ); your device can play too! As a matter of fact, our QR codes can be read by ANY QR code reader – on a laptop, tablet, even phones that aren’t of the DROID persuasion. That means you can share with whomever you wish. Don’t take our word for it, you can find StoAmigo's updated DROID app on Google Play Store. You can also click the “Sign Up Now” button on our homepage and open an account immediately -- and receive 5GB of free space. This is only the latest in a series of developments on the StoAmigo front. We hope you’ll check us out if you haven’t already (or revisit us if you have) and enjoy! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
  8. Hi, I need some advice on composing a new Melody. I´ve already made some orchestral songs that aren’t half bad. But now I have problems to think of a new Melody. In the moment, I can only think of similar ones to those I already made. When I think back, I can´t really remember how I got those melodies. So, I´m in a bit of a loss right now. How do you composite new songs and how do you put aside your last project? Do you meditate until you get something new or do you listen to other songs, to get some inspiration? (Isn´t that like changing an existing Song?) So, what are the pro´s ways of making something new? But this isn´t my only Problem. I said my songs weren’t half bad, but they lack emotions. I want to get my emotions into the song. But how? Every time I made a new melody, I couldn’t feel my own feelings in it. I admit, this will get me to the same question as before: So, how do you composite new melodies? I hope this isn´t asking too much. Looking forward to your answers Thank you in advance. Greets Memoria
  9. Hello fellow pianists :-) I would like to hear your opinion. I am the university student and this year I am working on my bachelor's thesis. I would like to make a smartphone application that would help the piano students or composers to easily transfer their ideas to piano score. The application would be capable of recording someone playing the piano then it would recognize the single notes or polyphony, the rythm and finally it would generete the MIDI output. The MIDI output could be then imported to some 3rd party dekstop software (like Finale, etc.) to obtain the classical piano score. Before I start I need to know whether you, pianists, would even like to use such an application. So would you use an application that can recognize and process the piano sound and generate the MIDI output? And if so what mobile platform would you prefer? Android / iOS / Windows Phone / Symbian / BlackBerry / anything else? What do you think? I really need your feedback and I would appreciate every answer! :-) Thanks in advance.
  10. What is its role for you as a composer? Do you disregard it, listen to it and find it beneficial, or do you even depend on it to guide you in what to compose and how to compose?
  11. I wonder why each composer feels compelled to compose, and would like to hear each of your reasons for composing. For me it might be an inner need springing from my subconscious, a need to probably order and harmonize experience. And composition for me has never been an intentional act or deliberate act. I have early on felt compelled to respond in my own music to the music I heard. But presently, it is more an inner inspiration that leads me to compose. And this inspiration is mostly something whose existence is not in my hands. It might happen that I am no longer inspired after today. But still, my present period of compositional activity (in the past 6 months) coincided with getting a new software for composition (Sibelius 6) whereupon I experienced an increase in compositional activity and output, composing 37 short pieces in that 6-month period. So, from this experience of mine I can also infer that composition can be a response to external stimulation (in my case a new software program). For others (and for me also) it might be other types of stimulation that lead to compositional activity. What might these other types of stimulation be? I think new experiences, like meeting new people, doing new things could be examples of such stimulation. For example, after attending a religious conference, I wrote a short song as a march for the group. Waiting to hear your reasons for composing.
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