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Found 13 results

  1. Hi everyone, I’m new here! I’ve seen a few other pieces of music shared here, and it seems like the perfect place for me to join in. I’m a French student, and I’ve spent 12 years studying piano at a conservatory. Recently, I’ve started composing, and I feel confident enough about what I’ve created to share it with you. Right now, I don’t have anyone around for active listening, so I have no idea how to assess the quality of my compositions. I’d really appreciate honest feedback (whether it’s theoretical or just based on your feelings) to understand where I stand and how I can improve. I hope you will feel as much emotion listening to it as I did composing it 😀 Thank you in advance for your time and your insights! The orchestral songs are Paper Symphony part 1&2 only (the others are in others style)
  2. Age of Discovery My first finished project. Judge strongly:) Published on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DhPf-od8LgM
  3. Hi all! This is my new sad, dramatic classical piano composition in c minor. It is slightly inspired by composition of composers of the romantic era. The original purpose of this piece was to practise harmony, i.e. chord alterations, 7th- & 9th-chords and modulation, but it eventually ended up being a short nocturne- or prelude-like piece. It should be played with a good portion of pedal-use, especially in part A, in order to express a more "dream-like" feeling of the main "doubtful" melody. The structure of this piece is: A - A' - B1 - B2 - C - A - A' A: main theme in c minor A': a more persuasive version of A with a modulation to C Major B1: romantic part in C Major B2: romantic part in D flat Major 😄 a dramatic transition back to c minor Can this piece be called a nocturne? If not, which form would you suggest? Thank you for listening! Feel free to comment 🙂 K.R. Alex
  4. Surviving the Snow - Full Score.pdf
  5. Falling Stars.mp3This is my first dramatic composition I've been working on. What do you think?
  6. The is the opening of my first organ concerto, which I have subtitled Il Festival, Italian for The Festival. What do you guys think?
  7. Here is the first scenes of my crucifixion composition. Ya'll let me know what you think please. I've tried to label each section with what part of the story it corresponds with. (I know it's pretty short but I had a time limit, and there will be narrations and skits in between each part). Also I realized that there's a part in 'Jesus in Gethsemane' in which the Flute I part cuts out for two notes, so sorry about that. The Crucifixion Score PDF.pdf
  8. So I made this in a state of depresso expresso but i think it came out better than expected. Also this is basically my second orchestral piece ive ever written, so constructive critique is very welcome :D Made this with MuseScore for sheet writing and then produced it in FLStudio with the EastWest ComposerCloud pack.
  9. An attempt to compose a small, fairly simple adventureous and journey-like piece. I'm not sure how to classify the genre of this piece, maybe something between romanticism and pop songs. I'm not used to music theory , writing scores etc and this was the first time I tried to compose a piece completely in a score software, so this is probably the main reason for this piece's shy melodical appearance. The exported midi file was rendered in a DAW. Feel free to comment. Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoyed it! The overall shape of this piece goes like: a - b - c - d1 - d2 - c' - d1' - d2' - a' - b' - b'' - e a: Introductory theme. b: dramatic theme/development to part c c: Small "good-feeling" melody in a major key. d1: fast dramatic theme d2: variation of d1 c': festive variation of c d1' and d2': variations of d1 and d2 a': Theme from a played one octave higher with slight variations. b': Variation of b with a faster arpeggio pattern and fuller chords. b'': Variation of b' in a major key with a finishing festive character. e: final chords and quotation of the ending of the introductory theme (a)
  10. Not sure if it fits in the topic, but here is a vocal cover with orchestration of The Rains of Castamere from the Game of Thrones series. Hope you like it and Id like to hear your thoughts!
  11. Hey Guys, This is my new creations. I really interested in your opinion, please write in comment! Thanks!
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