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Found 17 results

  1. You may need to turn your speakers/headphones up, i've been having some problems bringing my mix level up. Let me know what you think.
  2. https://flat.io/score/5f1d77bd319f3e32ff6caa7d-music-that-is-not-clickbait
  3. Found this sweet backing track on Youtube. I just had to jam over it. I named it Ninja Blade because it has a anime theme to it lol. I love it. Wouldn't call better than Seismic Melody but I'll say this a close second. I played lead here and also some suspended chords. Also, to clarify (and this unrelated to the topic) I've had a couple of people ask if I still did orchestral composing. Answer is, I do but I'm just taking a break from that.
  4. I purchased a new interface for my computer and this is the very first, fully structured guitar track I've made using it. It's the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface. I've never mixed and mastered a track recorded from an interface before, so I'm not sure how well the quality is...but from you guys reviews it'll help in the future.
  5. I wrote this piece before Martian Procession but posted it afterwards. Listen to this piece and tell me what you think. I used a ton of my Korg prologue and sequenced a lot of drums. Follow me on Instagram @wind_player1. Check out my Sounds.com content for sax loops and samples. Also email me at cjrhenhome@gmail.com for suggestions and requests for content. Thank You!
  6. Another piece with not much in mind but trying to be free and expressive for background music. I also have new software by Spitfire which i'm obsessed with. Feedback and criticism welcome.
  7. Decided to record some lead guitar while thinking of ideas for my next score. It's in the key of C#m, which I love the most. Added some pinch harmonics and a short guitar solo. Feedback is always welcomed. Headphones recommended for better sound. Hope you guys enjoy!
  8. This track is expressing my guilt mainly to my peers whom I've done and said things to that were out of line. Almost went into tears recording this. I think out of all the music I've uploaded to this site, this one came from my heart and soul the most.
  9. What notes can be played on each timpani drum?
  10. Hi, it's been a while since I posted so I thought I'd show something off while I work on a large orchestral piece I'm taking my time on. The drums, rhythm guitar, and bass, was from a free backing track I've found on Youtube; the lead guitar is what I've done (the part with the terrible quality haha) The next one is where I am working on my guitar solos. I believe I hit one wrong note outside of the key of D Major (very noticeable) And I know there are a lot of random notes, I was freestyling...didn't necessarily write it down like I did the first one.
  11. Here I come again with another creation, almost 2 months in the making. This is one of my favorite creations up until now, it might sound repetitive, but I believe that would only bother whoever doesn't find it atmospheric or following a certain pattern that they'd like and/or expect. All opinions are appreciated and loved, your feedback is what makes me keep on creating such music, not giving up.. if it were for me I'd have given up long ago haha.
  12. I'm not very good at introductions.., so straight into the topic's purpose: This is my latest composition, completely made through music software, took some time to make (months of occasional effort actually), all suggestions and comments are welcomed, it's supposed to be a final version SO what fixes would have made it better? Sorry if the genre isn't like most of what's around here, I hope it's good enough to be appreciated though. Multiple instruments used, most notable are guitars, drums and a piano, and some other adjusted-to-sound-atmospheric instruments. Weird mix huh? Apologies if this should have been posted in the Electronic section, I don't really know whether it means software-instruments music or electronic genre.
  13. I would like to share with you my new composition. It was exceptionally painful and frustrating to finish, but I hope that those emotions added a bit of an artistic and melancholic spice to this silly little piece. Enjoy and thank you for listening.
  14. First track was something walking at night in the middle of nowhere. Second track was well, about a battle between man and alien spaceships.
  15. Chords I used: Em - B - D - G - Am Some were inversions...I think if I used that term correctly lol. Currently practicing chords and progression so I don't think it's expertly executed but hopefully this proves I'm on the right track. Clashing is also one of my biggest issues I learned from Monarcheon so with this one I tried to fix that without eliminating huge and epic sections of the song. Like I tried to make some parts epic without the clashing so I'm not sure if I done that here or not.
  16. A suspense action music I made for the walking dead attack scenes of my game, "Space Anomaly" where a rescue team is sent unto an orbital research compound when they received a distress call 48 hours ago. They then found no trace of the crew but found some blood stains in the floors and the walls. What they don't know is the crew was infected by an alien virus that came from the artifacts they obtained from planets, eventually turning them to walking dead. Accompanying videogame for the music: The music is orchestral, accompanied by electronic ambient effects and a subtle vocal choir.
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