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  1. Hey Guys, I worked together, with a talented singer, Ashley Serena. I composed an original piece of music for a poem from The Lord of The Rings saga, Riddle of Strider.
  2. Hello Again, It's just a brand new typical "aah" vocal piece of music. I think the video is pretty cool, and fit the piece. I used medieval instruments again.
  3. For the past 18 months I've not been active much musically. I'm back now and bursting with ideas. This piece began as a minuet but ended up an improvised fantasy. I composed the minuet ages ago and recently had access to my piano so I hit record and played it. I was playing from memory and had dumb fingers where Ive been away from the piano for so long and I forgot how to play. So it begins hesitantly and annoyingly I forgot how to play the coda of the minuet so began improvising from that point onward. I transitioned to the trio but it sounded nothing like a trio as I improvised but I liked the ideas I was coming up with and carried on. By the time the minuet returns at the end I found my confidence again. Cant believe I earned the 12 year badge, has it really been that long?! Are there many others still here who joined back then?
  4. Hi everyone! Here is a piece that I wrote called "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", it is inspired by the novel wrote in 1927 by American writter H.P. Lovecraft. I wanted to describe this weird winded-dream in which Lovecraft plunges his character Randolph Carter into. I've used some weird and unusual progressions and ambient sounds through the piece to try and describe this strange and dreamy universe of the novella. Any feedback from composition to production is much appreciated!
  5. Hello guys, long time no see. I have been quite busy and I struggled a lot with this composition, but it is finally over and I came here to share it with all you. ^^ I hope you don't mind me copying the video descrition, I'm to tired to do a custom descrition here. This piece took so long to compose, around 45 hours. The main reason for that was that I got a mental block with it and I couldn't tie two sections of the work. I'm thankful to Carlos Barbé for enlightening me and making realize a couple of key things that I needed to sort out in order to do some progress. This is the last composition I will do for my "Dream Fantasies" set. After some consideration I decided to let the performer decide in what order to play the 3 pieces. I wanted to offer some freedom and let different musicians decide how they understood the whole thing. The piece is filled with lots of references to Nostalgia and A Sleepy Apology, so it can work as a nexus or a summary. This piece in particular is quite abstract, but its main theme is time. What it really means... Unfortunately I couldn't get a better performance because I finished this piece yesterday (31/01/2022-08/04/2022) and the most technically challenging fragment was the last thing I did. So I had vitually no time to properly practice the thing and also the piano where I played is super unbalanced (sometimes you play a key and it doesn't make a sound and in other instances it sounds too loud). But I think at least I got the right mood I had in mind (even though I calculated the piece should have a duriation of around 5' 40", so I played the slow section way too slow, sorry about that haha). Hopefully I will be able to record in my own piano in the near future. Oh, and I played this while having some kind of injury in my feft hand index finger, so yeah haha. And my hand hurted a bit after the loud section with 4ths, I don't know what I'm doing wrong to get injuries so easily. Thank you to everyone who supported me and showed interest. See you soon. 🙂 Also if anyone wants the score send me an email to ivanmusic1886@gmail.com . Although I'm still doing some modifications and even this recording has a detail that I changed in the score (not a big deal tho). Link:
  6. Hello everyone, It has again been a while since I have posted anything, and I have a new piece to show you all: the Fantasy-Variations in G-sharp minor. This piece was written in 2020. The theme is based on an aria from the 1967 opera "Grigory Melekhov" by the composer Ivan Dzerzhinsky. Ivan Dzerzhinsky (1909-1978) was a Soviet composer and pianist, best known for his operas and popular songs. His most famous work is the 1935 opera "Quietly Flows the Don" (based on the novel of the same name by writer Mikhail Sholokhov), which was a success at its premiere, and which launched Dzerzhinsky's career as a composer. He continued writing operas over the next several decades, including "Virgin Soil Upturned" (from which the duet "The Cossack Song" has since become popular among Russian ensembles), "Fate of a Man", and of course, "Grigory Melekhov" (also based on Sholokhov's novel). Aside from operas and vocal works, he also composed piano concertos and piano suites. His music usually is quite traditional and accessible, many pieces bearing similarities to Mussorgsky and even Puccini. With the exception of "The Cossack Song", his works receive very few performances today, and they are almost entirely within Russia. Furthermore, he has been labeled a "hack" by musicologists for his musical style, and for his status within the Soviet Union. I wrote this piece because I thought Dzerzhinsky's melody was too beautiful to be forgotten, and I wanted to make it available to other people, as well as to add something new to it; this is not meant to be a political piece. All that said, I hope you all enjoy the piece. 🙂 Also, for those of you who are interested, here is the original theme:
  7. Hi everyone! I wanted to share this piece that I wrote called "Enchanted Forest", isnpired by the music for fantasy games. I wanted to describe a dangerous walk through an enchanted forest. I chose to represent that by having the melody and the harmony not stay in one key, but rather switch between different keys and modes, as if the melody "got lost" in the forest. Any feedback on everything (from composition to mixing and mastering) is appreciated!
  8. I've always wanted to try writing a piece for organ. Though he didn't write much for organ, I am a big fan of Mozart's organ music and in particular his Fantasy in F minor which inspired this work in terms of structure and the fugal subject which is similar, though otherwise I treated the sections very differently. It is generally organized as a chaconne-like theme and variations in pairs separated by two extended sections (a fugato and a more lyrical section). I had posted an unfinished version of this in the incomplete section and I greatly appreciated the feedback. I also plan to transcribe a version for string orchestra.
  9. Hi everyone! I've been thinking about writing some stuff for fantasy inspired settings (like WoW, Skyrim etc.). I've come up with these ideas and there were quite a few of them, and thus I decided to put them all together in one suite. Any feedback is appreciated!
  10. The track 'Emrys' is available here. I'd appreciate any thoughts or comments as usual. Thank you!
  11. Hey Youngcomposers! Been a part of this community for years, and I'm so glad to see it's still growing! I wrote just a little adventure piece with some Celtic influences. I hope you enjoy it! I had a ton of fun writing it. Edit: I also threw this piece with some other ones on spotify. Feel free to take a listen! https://open.spotify.com/album/5I1tcYvpdeea9p3MQ5nrOQ?si=juYyyaajQVKWafkLuKM21Q
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Xs1G5fupIjZPYNOiLDBoq7EijalRdUI/view?usp=sharing Recording on the way hopefully.
  13. Hello Guys, This is my latest track, Fairy Empire. If you like the fantasy or Celtic creatures like fairies, you'll love this song!
  14. Hello everyone! The last week I've worked on an arrangement of a folk/trad song. It's originally called "Have you seen the ghost of tom". I find the melody quite melancolic and in the first part of the piece I try to express that feeling. But later I tried to make it brighter and more heroic like "a toast to Tom!". Anyway, that was what I was thinking of making this piece. I had a great time making this one! Any feedback or criticism is appreciated?
  15. Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my latest piece with you guys. Any feedback regarding arranging, orchestration and mixing is appreciated:)
  16. I have had quite a lot of time over the past couple of days and tried to finish this piece. I'm not sure if this piece should be called a fantasy or part 2 to be honest. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  17. Here is my latest orchestral tune. I was aiming for a sound in between realistic "live" orchestra and cinematic "epic" sound with big drums. I'd love to get some critical reviews of this.
  18. Hello YC, I posted this music before but without the video it is meant to interpret. I am happy to be able to provide the whole experience now. This animated feature by the Brothers Quay is something I always wanted to score. The original score is by Leszek Jankowski, which I replaced and added FX's and foley sound to. I hope that you like it. https://www.facebook.com/100000289764062/videos/2268723976480572/
  19. This is a short organistic fantasy with many tensions. I hope it can be interesting. https://soundcloud.com/roberto-zini-84021232/organistica-tensione-1
  20. I am an amateur composer. This is the third piece that I have composed with Sibelius and Note Performer! I hope you will enjoy it and give me some feedback!
  21. Little fantasy adventure piece I never posted. I hope you guys enjoy it!
  22. Hello! This is my first composition since I started learning about orchestration and composing last year. The sounds are directly from Musescore so it isn't great. I started out composing just for the sake of learning but realized that I enjoyed it very much. I spent a lot of time on it and ended up with this. I'm an amateur composer but I hope you'll like it. I'm happy for any kind of feedback. Eirik Gisnås https://musescore.com/gisnaas/an-epic-adventure
  23. Hello, everyone! Here is a short piece I wrote this week for English horn and piano based on a poem of mine; the poem is simple, and motivated by image (a writing style of which I am very fond). I have termed the piece as a “fantasy,” mostly due to its free-flowing form and structure; if I were to expand on that, it very much conforms to an introduction—caprice format. The piece coincides with the poem, wherein a young boy is wandering about a savanna plain, playing, and comes to a rest in a dense, gum-tree grove. Here, he begins to fall asleep next to a cool brook – which was hidden by the trees – and he begins to imagine capricious pixies and fairies dancing around. Section I – the introduction – is serious and flowing, shifting from 4/4 to 6/8, and it depicts the oppressive summer heat and the haziness of the powerful sun; section II – the caprice/dance – is playful, light, and in 7/8, introducing intrigue, enigma, and a break from the heat. Overall, it is a relatively short and simple piece, and I will hopefully work on a recording of it, along with my clarinet sonata (after I ruminate all your comments, of course). The English horn is one of my favorite instruments (in part due to its warm and low register), and I really wanted to work on a piece for it. I have attached a watercolor by one of favorite painters, J. M. W. Turner – “On the Washburn,” that I feel pairs with the set well. I’d love to hear your critiques, and thanks for listening!
  24. Hello everyone! This is a piece I composed for the Pixel Federation Company to their online strategy/fantasy game "Emporea:Realms of war&magic" and It's also included in my debut EP album. There are four races in the game: Elves,Dwarves,Orcs and Undead and this track has been composed for the Elvish race.I hope I did well for them! Let me see what you guys this!
  25. Hi :D Here i've got something with athmosphere of virgin valley. I wanted to has it as a short intro, like exploration suite in the game. Some kind of stronger ambient, but the main target was to achieve emotional aura and feeling of this beautiful land. I'm very interesting about your opinion with this super-easy short arrangement, melody and harmony. :) Hope You like it! >> Youtube - Primeval Valley <<
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