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  1. Up until recently I was in the process of making music for a short film. The film was about a girl who gains "superpowers" from an old tree, and with these superpowers she's able to save her dying father and the forest. When i sent them my music they immediately said that they hade chose to pursue other options with the motivation being the music was too different from what they had in mind. I'd love to receive some basic feedback on this short piece. I'd like to know wether if it's straight scraggy or if it's alright, if there's something missing and what that could be. I'll be glad for any opinion on my work. I have some confidence in my ability to create music, but since I'm working by myself I never really have any idea what others think, so just a couple of words of opinion would make my day. Thanks 😊
  2. Finally, This is the completed 30 Minutes of Action Music I have been composing for a long time. Mostly composed using Ableton the 30 minutes includes suspense and almost frightening like build ups. It includes very sudden or "exciting" key changes that reminds everyone of the peak of an action movie or a war movie, going up a minor 3rd interval in a huge key change C to Eflat for example can give the audience a real engaging rush. Going up a semi tone like a key change builds tension if written appropriately, it must be composed very carefully to achieve this "EPIC" thrilling key change. Then changing up a full tone. changing keys up a tone if done well can give a simular effect however relies heavily on orchestration and careful phasing from the instruments to resolve/build the suspense up a tone.
  3. This one is different, combining some eastern Japanese/Chinese elements with western stuff.. Could've been some sort of Japanese film/serious soundtrack maybe some anime stuff 😄 There is a good drive on this one, leaded by the Hang Drum.. Have fun 🙂
  4. There is one of my work, a special combination of classic and more elements in one song
  5. A filmic composition that uses both classical and jazz motifs.
  6. A tune suitable for the holidays ... I'd love to get everyone's feedback on this one. It's my first digital recording in a while.
  7. I see an overhead view, from a helicopter or drone, of a city at night, flying low over the tall buildings, with all the lights in the offices and from the car headlights. Scene-setting music. Of course others will hear something different. As always, feedback is welcomed.
  8. Hi Young Composers, In my latest article, I discussed about why most modern game soundtracks are boring and lifeless and how to remedy it. And this has actually very little to do with composer's technical skill as most would think. Take a read and see if it make sense, or if you have encountered circumstances as discussed in the article. Also, it'll be helpful if composers(you guys!) in this forum can have a discussion if you agree with me or not. :) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-most-modern-game-soundtracks-lifeless-marvel-symphonic-yoa/ Being an experienced composer/audio specialist for visual media with over 10+ years of experience and have worked on projects with over $85 million in the box office and multiple other award winning projects. I've worked with all kinds of people - both high and low, nice people and assholes. Through my personal experience, I know what's truly plaguing the industry and am offering my insights of how to improve it for the benefit of the community. Thanks and if you find this article helpful, do give it a like and share it to others :) -Kian Music Composer | Visual Media Audio Specialist www.kianhow.com
  9. This piece wasn't written for any specific piece of media, but I pictured it being used for a movie trailer. Let me know what you think!
  10. Hey everyone! Here's another one of my instrumental pieces, this time it's a solo guitar instrumental. I composed it when I was 18 and I re-recorded the piece 1 year ago for my solo EP album. I performed it by myself. I intend to make another version with some additional instruments to it sometime in the future, but I guess it's also good just for a solo instrument. Let me know how you like it please!
  11. Hey everyone! Please let me introduce you my new composition which will be included on my debut album "Ballerina", coming out in October, it's called "Reminiscence" and I composed the main theme a couple of years ago, but It felt incomplete to me and so I added more pieces to the puzzle and I hope you'll like it!
  12. The Accidental Tourist is one of my favorite films, whose score is a remarkably prismatic theme by John Williams. Here are three different versions and I cannot remember where I got them.
  13. Another little something for critique (please rip it to shreds!) I'm not particularly happy with this at the moment. Feels like it's all over the place. I think my main issue is probably the strings — they just don't feel like they're working. It's probably a combination of the writing and the orchestration (and maybe the samples I'm using as well), but maybe some more seasoned composers can give me some tips here (especially at mark D...) As an aside, the director loves it, and is going to use it, but just for my own purposes I want to see if there's anything I can do with this to polish it up a bit. Score is attached, if that's helpful. Anyway, here it is in context (ungraded first cut):
  14. Hi peeps, Recently started composing again. Forgot that I even had an account on here from nearly 10 years ago, I feel old. Been trying to put together a sound for a film I'm working on at the moment. It's set mainly in the Australian bush, so I'm trying to go for a very raw, exposed sound. I've put up just one example. I've listened to it so much lately, it would be nice to get some second opinions. Please be as harsh as you like. Still trying to find "my sound"... Thanks!
  15. I recently worked on a soundtrack for a film some uni students were working on. It's my first real attempt at putting music to film and would love to hear how I can improve for the future :) . The youtube link below is for the finished film project but the Soundcloud link is just for the soundtrack on its own ;) cheers! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gaGzgkePho&feature=youtu.be
  16. Hello! I submit to you my first piece to be reviewed. I wrote this piece sometime last year when I tried to compose an orchestral piece every month. Supriringly (not really) it all became too much to handle. I would love to get opinions on this so I could perhaps apply them to future pieces. Thank you Tony B
  17. This is something for a project a friend and I are working on. I don't have all the film yet, but I've written out the themes and titles for the film. This is the "turning point" of the villain in the film, where he unleashes and lets loose. Since I don't have all the film, I haven't quite finished the track, but some feedback and thoughts would be nice. Mixing isn't my strong point, but let me know what you like and what I could do better! Thanks, y'all. Gustav Johnson p.s. The inspiration for this one came from a friend's bed-frame which produced 2 distinct pitches, so never stop looking for inspiration in the weird stuff!
  18. Found this article listing the top 25 film schools... We get so many people here trying to decide where to apply to study composition for film, this might be helpful. A school with a good film program AND a good music composition program would probably be a good place to be. Here's the film school list. See if there's anywhere on it that you're also thinking about because of it's music program. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/best-film-schools-2016-top-920344/item/usc-25-film-schools-2016-920351 Cheers! pate ceramics
  19. Re-uploading this from the archives if it's alright. I have a real recording, and a Sibelius Essentials recording of the piece. The real recording was recorded at my senior recital and there are some technical flaws, but it is still a performance I will never forget. This piece is for Choir and String Orchestra... I put that in the title because, it is more than simply a choir piece with string accompaniment, the choir and the strings are equally important and complement each other. The piece is a religious work, but stylistically it takes a lot of film music influences. The piece is set to text from Psalm 139, my favorite chapter of Scripture, and this is probably the most personal piece I've written so far. Here's a little bit more about the background of this piece (copy/pasted from the comment archives): I wrote the essentials of this piece during the summer of 2011. I'd been tweaking it since then up until April 2013 when I had my senior recital. During the summer of 2011 I was going through a lot of anxiety, and one of the reasons was, I had finished my third year of college as a composition major, and I had basically completed nothing as far as compositions. I was almost booted out of the composition department at the end of the school year because of it, but, after a day my composition professor changed his mind and decided we would give it another try. He had me going back to the basics and was sending me some exercises over the summer, cause I didn't really feel like I knew what I was doing... While all this was going on... I thought to myself that I had always wanted to try to write something set to the text of Psalm 139, my favorite chapter in all of the Bible. So I sat down, and, I thought... I wanted it to start off sounding a bit uncertain... but then when the words come in I want it to sound like coming to peace. And, well I just can't explain it, I started writing the intro and I shocked myself. It was better than anything I had attempted for string ensemble in the past by a lot... and then the "O Lord' ostinato just came to me after the intro closed, and I wrote the music up to "You perceive my thoughts from afar". So I had that much of it done, and I sent it to my composition professor along with the first exercise. He said "forget about the exercises, keep working on this." Enjoy, and please let me know what you think! Choral Fantasy For Choir And String Orchestra - A Meditation On Psalm 139 (c) 2013 Jair W. Crawford
  20. Hello all, I am currently in my final year of studying for my degree in Music Composition for Film and Media and I was hoping to get some advice on finding work as a composer. I am happy to work with any type of media but I find it difficult to believe that most composers just sit around and wait for directors to approach them with pieces of film requiring music. Are there any good websites to use where a composer can go and find work for himself? Should I be offering my services for free? Also are there any particularly effective ways of advertising oneself? Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time! Andrew
  21. I'm a big enthusiast of film music I listen to it all the time. I'm studying classical piano performance in a conservatoire (music college) but I find myself listening to more film soundtracks than classical music. I have realised that composing for film is what I want to do for a living. I have tons of ideas and inspiration but I'm get very frustrated as to where to start. My questions are : how to start composing? Eg which software to use? I often have millions of ideas in my head that sound extremely good, and also sound good when I play it on piano but I have an one and only software Sibelius 7 which can't produce the sound I want. I'm fascinated by the dramatic use of brass and electronics which can't be created using Sibelius. Alternatively I can record my composition by an orchestra.. But where do I get an orchestra? Generally you have to be an already good composer to have to opportunity to use a real orchestra, even if I have recorded I still need post production work.. It seems very discouraging to me that in order to create music one has to already be good at it.. I'm thinking of applying to study composition for film for master degree but seems really impossible because there's no specific composition for film course to study before hand. So my question is very simple yet complex: how to start? Please let me know if you have any advice
  22. I've been working on this album for 2 days now. It was a mixed album (ambient, metal and Gothic horror) This album was inspired by Akira Yamaoka, a composer for the Silent Hills series. https://hanszimmerman.bandcamp.com/album/ghost-town Can you point out it's flaws and provide helpful criticism?
  23. Hello, I'm William. I am a 16 year old composer. I have been looking for something new to put in my projects... And sound design is, in most cases, very unique. I have a pretty great microphone to record samples with, but I need something that I can use to manipulate the sounds I record to make very unique textures and such. It would be great to find such a thing in free or low priced VST instruments, but a standalone software can work too. I need something that can turn a sample into something totally different from what it originally sounded like. Anybody got any ideas? I know there is Audacity, but the gui in Audacity is disgusting. I was just wondering if anybody had any ideas outside of Audacity. Thanks, William Ellis
  24. Competition details - see www.stjohnswaterloo.org/waterloo-festival/fsc2015 Eligibility: Anyone between 18-35 years of age can enter. Brief: A score to accompany the short film “Fare thee Well” (the film is around 6 minutes duration). You can download a copy of the film by visiting https://vimeo.com/121271838, or email waterloofestivalfsc@gmail.com to request one. Please note that, this year, the film has an audio design. Forces: Two categories: (1) piano quintet (piano, 2 violins, viola, cello); (2) electronic (where at least one of the instruments must be synthesised). Performance: Monday 15 June 2015, 4.30pm, BFI Southbank, London. Judging panel: Walter Fabeck (Harmonie Band); Colin Maxwell (Royal Opera House) – see below for details Deadline: For entry forms and fee: Friday 10 April, 2015. For completed entries: Friday 1 May, 2015. Entry fee: £8, to cover administration and consulting fees. To download an entry form, click here. The prizesThe overall winner from each category will receive £350, with the runners-up (also one from each category) receiving £150 each. Shortlisted scores from each category will be performed at a screening of the film at BFI Southbank in London on Monday 15 June, 2015, 4.30pm. Members of Southbank Sinfonia will perform the selected scores from category (1) live alongside the film. The overall winner from each category will also be announced at this event.
  25. Hi! I'm new to this forum so I'm not quite sure if I'm posting in the right section here. Forgive me if it's the wrong one. I am trying to find out what kind percussion is being used in this clip @ 2:41 It's really a type of sound that is used in a lot of horror movies (and action/thrillers too). I heard it a lot of times. It is used in the movie "Valentine". You can hear it at 2:41 in this clip which is from the film itself. Link to Valentine clip: I'm not talking about the timpani heavy drum, but the intense short and loud metallic kind of sound on top of it with the reverb. It's a strong kind of sound and it reminds me of a metallic pipe being hit against a floor or something like that. Perfect for horror and thriller score. Another example is from Aliens (1986) in the piece "Bishop's Countdown". In this example you can hear it already from the very start of the clip. It's less pronounced but this time it appears more often than in the first clip. You can hear it as a part of the general percussion. Link to Aliens clip: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=f2XHvi4EzCw The reason I'm looking for this is because I plan to use this sound in one of my own compositions/mix. Does anyone know what kind of percussion this is? And I would also be interested in finding a sample library that contains this sort of sound, if there is one. I hope someone can help me on this! Ole
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