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  1. Here's a waltz I wrote as part of a collection I'm working on. Give me feedback please! This is the first piano piece I've ever put on here.
  2. #1 YOUNG COMPOSERS MAGAZINE Hello fellow composers! Music is enrichment of life. We cannot imagine a life without music. Our passion is music and that is why we decided to start an interesting project: creating a magazine about music related themes. Our goal is to share our love for music. We proudly present the first edition of the Young Composers magazine. You will find various themes in this magazine. From the theoretical discussion of contemporary musical forms to a recipe of a favourite dish by a well-known composer. The magazine is linked with the internet forum Young Composers. All editors are member of this forum and most of us like to compose, professionally or as a hobbyist. Some articles will be therefore linked with the Young Composers forum. Furthermore, the links that are shared in the articles can all be found in a topic in the Young Composers magazine department on the forum. Every cover of the Young Compsosers magazine will have another composer's portrait. This time it is the maestro Johann Sebastian Bach. My admiration for Bach is immense, because his music seems to be timeless. Everybody has at least one Bach composition, which he or she likes. Above: Aria of the Goldberg Variations by Bach (BWV 988). This masterpiece helps me to fall asleep. I have listened to it for more than hundred times now and it never bores me. For me, that is the power of Bach. We hope that we can transmit our passion for music to you and hope to see you on the forum. Enjoy the reading! Maarten Bauer ~Chief-editor COLOPHON I would like to thank everybody of the staff for the incredible dedication. Without you this magazine would not exist! You deserve a very big applause! Once again, thanks a lot! Chief-editor @Maarten Bauer (idem) Editorial staff @luderart - Vahan Luder Artinian Maarten Bauer @Austenite - Robert Beers @Noah Brode (Idem) @johnbucket (Idem) @Luis Hernández (idem) @bkho - Bryan Ho @MusicianXX12 @chopin - Michael Porcaro @Monarcheon - Blaire Ziegenhagel Lay-out Maarten Bauer Noah Brode Michael Porcaro (Chopin) Language check Noah Brode Michael Porcaro (Chopin) LINK TO MAGAZINE https://jil.st/YoungComposersMagazine1 EXTRA INFORMATION Feel free to share your opinions, thoughts and your feedback so that we can grow. When you would like to join the staff, please click on the links below: https://www.youngcomposers.com/t35324/sign-up-young-composers-magazine/ In the attachment you can find all links mentioned in the magazine to make linking much easier. Competition voting: Don't forget to vote on one of the designs! Your vote can make the difference. https://www.youngcomposers.com/t35347/logo-favicon-competition/ Best wishes, The Young Composers Magazine staff
  3. Hey guys I thought I would try to write an orchestral piece and I wanted some feedback on how its constructed and how I could improve. I wanted to just loop 1 similar idea and see what I could do with it. I plan on developing the main melody as it goes on so its not as repetitive
  4. Hello, I'm new to this site. I only got into music about 3 years ago (I'm 19 now) and I need help because this is my first composition. So I understand most musical jargon, but I'm wanting to study Composition next year at a Music Conservatorium. Constructive feedback would be awesome! I know the piece isn't perfect which is why I need help!
  5. Interstellar Horizon for Concert Band is my biggest and most ambitious project yet! It is my first fully completed concert band piece. It is to convey the beauty and danger of interstellar space travel in about 5 different phases.
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