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Found 12 results

  1. Hi! 🙂 New guy here, hobbyist composer with barely any musical education. 😅 In the past I've played a bit of piano and more recently tried to learn to play guitar with poor results. 😅 Looking forward to learn from you folks and maybe even collaborate? 🙂 But first things first, I thought it made sense to show where I'm currently at. Here's a demo that I've compiled recently: Essentially, I've collected the best of my drafts which I hesitated to call done, as I usually do, and compiled them into a music demo in order that hopefully makes some sense... I also have a soundcloud account, though it is pretty empty for the reason stated above... 😅 Any tips and suggestions are welcome of course, I'll be hanging around reading and trying to improve. 🙂
  2. Hello, I'm new here.. ^^ I am music composer, and would like to share my stuff here with you. (Will update current post sometimes). 😉 Compose with a different genres. So here is the one of my piano track from my album 11th album "Dandelion - Piano Session" Thanks for listen, if ever.
  3. Here's a song I wrote for an indie game project called Cursed Chasm. Client wanted me to start the music sound creepy, then develop into metal music, so I did in that way. Hope you enjoy.
  4. Please listen to a composition I made today. Is for the main title of a 8bit game. It should be looped more times. It is a finale audio so don't expect a lot of quality of instruments. Any suggestion and comment are great 😄
  5. This is my new Chiptune compilation, I do not have much to elaborate on it, but I can say it was made using Famitracker, and all the basic channels of the "Ricoh 2A03". https://adplay.bandcamp.com/album/power-heart-2a03 If you would like to purchase the compilation then feel free to do so! Any comment, criticism or opinion about this composition is welcomed! I would like to know how did my efforts on this has turned out, though it wasn't much of a work for me I must admit.
  6. Hi! My name is Peter Crow, I'm a film/ game composer from the Netherlands. I made this track and I would like to hear your thoughts on it. it's going to be used in a game for the itch.io game jam 2017. (if its good enough and if it fits the game of course. I haven't gotten a lot of information on the game but that didn't stop me! since the topic is "dreams" I thought it could fit.) it's just a (very) rough sketch of two themes. the topic for the game jam is "dreams". I haven't gotten to any mixing or mastering yet. these are just the melodies. Please take into consideration that this is game music. so it's mostly in the background.
  7. Hello everyone. My hands are nearly shaking ready to submit this now that I'm done. There's just so much talent on this site that my pieces feel pathetically simplistic and incompetent. I'm pretty self-conscious right now about my music. Even still, please be completely honest with your opinions. I'd love to continuously improve. This is a piece I wrote for an Indie Game named Blades of Orterra. It's a fantasy RPG. Pretty standard stuff. I ended up writing music for the game out of necessity, but digital composition is slowly consuming me. Please have a listen :) This is the first digital piece i have ever composed. It's worth noting that the volume is surpressed during the main chorus/melody in the beginning for some reason. Fixed on my soundcloud version. Any feedback much welcomed!
  8. Hello ^^ I'm a 17 years old young composer, and I recently made this remake of two Paper Mario's music. If you don't know Paper Mario, it's an excellent game on the Nintendo 64, I suggest you to listen to his OST. So as I said, I made my own orchestration of two musics, and I'd like to know what you think about it. Here's a link to my remake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUe5ka6raro I hope you'll like it :D
  9. Hi, I've discovered this forum a few days ago and I though that I could join it to share my work here, and the most important, have some real feedback from my songs (because you know, not everybody will give feedback as good as given by people who also make music) I'd like to note one thing before you listen to the song. Actually I don't have any sort of musical preparation, none than self taught, and so I don't know a lot about pentagrams and all those things, but other than that, I can understand most of the things related to the music itself Without further delay, here's the song, I hope you like it (oh and sorry if bad english, I'm spanish )
  10. Found this article listing the top 25 film schools... We get so many people here trying to decide where to apply to study composition for film, this might be helpful. A school with a good film program AND a good music composition program would probably be a good place to be. Here's the film school list. See if there's anywhere on it that you're also thinking about because of it's music program. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/best-film-schools-2016-top-920344/item/usc-25-film-schools-2016-920351 Cheers! pate ceramics
  11. Another re-upload from the archives: This piece is an experimental work that is a serious work, yet, it is not meant to be taken too seriously. It has many fun surprises and a lot of cross-over feel to it. It's broken up into three movements, but it's all in one file. Video game music was one of the bigger inspirations for this piece. The piece is meant to start off sounding of old-school synth elements, and a more 'weird' tone to it, but each movement moves more towards a huge, cheesy, dated-sounding, full-on trance/dance romp! This was the grand finale of my senior recital and boy, I had to really push my professor to let me include this on the program! LOL Enjoy and let me know what you think! A Synthetic Mind (c) 2013 Jair W. Crawford
  12. Hey everyone, Now that I'm back, I'm proud to announce my next major project — scoring and sound design work for the upcoming game, Star Command. If you like science fiction, Star Trek, GameDevStory, X-Com, etc. then you'll love this. The team has recently opened a Kickstarter campaign to help raise some money to fund cross-platform development and other goodies (so that after the initial iPhone/Android launch this winter, you'll be able to expect an iPad, PC, and Mac version too!) The response so far has been staggering, but the more merrier so if you'd like to contribute to development or just spread the word, it would be greatly appreciated. Check out the Kickstarter page for plenty of information about the game: http://kck.st/pp1WIS For more, here are a few other useful links: Website: http://www.starcommandgame.com/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/#...starcommandgame Facebook: http://www.facebook....StarCommandGame IGN: http://wireless.ign..../1192644p1.html TouchArcade: http://toucharcade.c...ommand-surface/ Destructoid: http://www.destructo...er-210700.phtml Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/58...-for-the-iphone
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