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Found 18 results

  1. Writer's Block Fanfare.pdfHere's another one for y'all. I wrote this one earlier this year, while I was getting my bearings with composing again. I started with Brass Quintets and other small ensembles, just to get the hang of it, and because c'mon.. Who doesn't like a brass quintet?! As the name implies, I ran out of ideas much earlier than I wanted to. The music on the page was demanding to be what it wanted to be, so, I caved in and just slapped in a resolution to what was already there, and this was the results. Let me know what you guys think 🙂 @PeterthePapercomPoser I fixed the issue with that triplet! Turns out the last muse update fixed whatever was wrong there, because I would've expected the program to flag the score as "corrupt" whenever this was an issue, given that technically, with the eighth triplets, the measure only had 3 beats in 4/4 time... but eh. it's resolved, now! WB Fanfare.mp3
  2. Hello all, Here is the first movement of my Fantasy in D Minor, scored for pairs of Oboes, Clarinets, Horns and Bassoons. It is written in sonata form, and I tried to share the material between the different instruments. It took me a long time to write - I hope you enjoy it!I - Lento.mp3
  3. This is a new song in conjunction to the my other one called After The End. After The End received honorable mentions in the nation music educators association electronic composition contest. Listen to this and tell me what you think. Follow me on Instagram @wind_player1 and on Facebook as Cj Rhen. Thank You Listen to Before The Dawn by Cj Rhen #np on #SoundCloud
  4. A short Horn Quartet inspired by hunting music with a mixture of Waltz light music. Any criticism and opinions are welcomed
  5. I wrote this song to be meaningful, its a fancy song with meter changes and cool sax parts. Tell me what you think, follow me on SoundCloud and Instagram, I would love to follow people back who write and enjoy similar music as me and interact with them. My Instagram is wind_player1 and my SoundCloud is below. Thank You, Cj Rhen. Listen to Back Of My Mind by Cj Rhen #np on #SoundCloud
  6. I composed this piece last year.
  7. First post here, this is an orchestra work I did a while back as an ode to Virginia (My home state) it takes you through various regions of the state such as the Tidewater, the Appalachians, the Blue Ridge, and the Shenandoah valley. I was inspired to write this when hearing the intro for Appalachian Spring by Copland. I remember our teacher saying it was meant to capture a morning in the Appalachian Mountains (where my family is from), and thinking to myself that Copland nailed it, but I wanted a piece that would do the same for the whole of Virignia (Or at least parts of it). I sought to emulate this in the beginning of the piece. The piece concludes with my take on Oh, Shenandoah. A river that rolls through Virginia which I spent many summers on. Let me know what you think, and yes I know the score is horribly engraved.
  8. Hello, I composed this little piece in response to a challenge on the forum to write for a combination of two instruments based on your birthday date. At the same time, I used this piece for an exercise, I gave myself: write a piece in less than 15 minutes. My combination was the Violin and the Horn (in F). I tried to keep the atmosphere very light, yet interesting. The music has to be funny, because it is a 'birthday song,' so therefore the Allegro scherzando and no very heavy harmonies. Sharing your thoughts is very appreciated! Maarten
  9. Again, I was not sure whether this qualifies for the chamber music or the large ensemble category, but here it is. Powder Peony Waltz is a Viennese waltz written for whatever group of instruments I like (modified orchestral ensemble with ornaments in the form of a piano and celesta). I know that the transition between different keys is extremely awkward and chord progressions are not very fancy, but I was simply asked to write a quick small piece for dance class at my high school for their annual ballroom dance show. I intended to make this sweet, flowery, and light. Thank you for listening an enjoy!
  10. This is my first ever composition for the duo of Alto Saxophone and (French) Horn in F. I had composed a soliloquy for Alto Saxophone around 3.5 years ago. I had also composed a solo for Horn in F more than 5 years ago. These "Three Sententiae for Saxophone and Horn, Op. 289" are composed in response to a call for pieces for this ensemble. I found the combination a rather challenging one to compose for. I include a title page as well as a description of the 'sententia' for those who are unfamiliar with it. The score is the transposing score, the actual pitches sounding a major sixth lower than written for the alto saxophone and a perfect fifth lower than written for the French Horn in F.
  11. Hi all, I have (finally) completed my Quartet for Piano and Winds. I have completed the first and second movement in August, but I was not able to compose a third movement, until last week. When I listened to Mozart's Quintet for Piano and Winds, K.452. I decided to compose a Quartet, which could be played by my friends and me. This is the reason why it is written for Bb Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, F Horn and Piano. I have tried to compose the third movement in the same style as the other two movements. Feedback and sharing your opinions would make me very happy! Enjoy! Kind regards, Maarten Bauer
  12. Hi all, Since this year I am doing the pre-study of the conservatory. For the people who do not know yet: I play alto (and soprano) saxophone (classical). I met a hornist of the same age and we can get along with each other very well. We decided to form a duo. Until now I have transcripted (or transposed at sight) all our music (Mozart Horn Duets, Bach Inventions, Otto Nicolai duets etc.). The problem is that, although saxophone works ''fine'' replacing a horn, it is not comfortable to play music that is not originally written for this special duo. My question is if you know some saxophone (preferably alto) & horn duo repetoire. If so, please tell me the composer and title of the composition! We are both receptive to new compositions, so feel free to write for us. (Please post in the Upload Section). Kind regards, Maarten
  13. Alto Saxophone Concertino No.1 in f minor ‘’Batterij’’, Opus 14 Dear reader / listener, I composed this concertino on the 14th of July for a national composition competition in Holland. The piece is about my black-out, which I had last school year. The composition is originally written for members of the Jong Nederlands Blazers Ensemble (Young Dutch Wind Ensemble) and me as soloist: Alto saxophone; oboe; clarinet in B-flat; horn in F; bassoon. Feedback would be very nice, because I have not received much useful feedback from the judges at the competition. Kind regards, Maarten Bauer (16). Nota bene about the video: We had to practise the composition in less than fifteen minutes, so there are some mistakes. In my opinion it still sounds better than when it is played by a computer.
  14. Hi everyone, This is a piece that I was asked to write as a member of NMSW Young Composer's Academy. What do you lot think?
  15. Birthdate challenge: my combination is Horn and Contrabass.
  16. My first attempt at a concerto for solo instrument and orchestra, composed early in 2014 when I was living in Wichita, Kansas. Forasmuch as this piece is in Classical style, the principal horn part is designed to be playable on both natural and modern horn. The movements are as follows: Allegro un poco maestoso Andantino Allegro con brio Scores to the movements are attached. Sound files here:
  17. Hello! I have two high school friends who have asked me to post a call for scores here for a duet of horn and percussion. Deadline: Scores must be submitted no later than 11:59pm, March 7th, 2014, Arizona time (Mountain Standard Time, with no daylight savings). Grand Prize: The winner's piece will be performed by the duo in an April concert at Payson High School, in Payson, Arizona. A video recording of the piece will be made and a copy of the video recording will be provided to the winning composer. A copy of the winning composition will also be kept in the Payson High School Music Library for future study and performance by students. Process for Deciding a Winner: The winning score will be chosen by a jury of the two performers and their director (a total of three jury members). The jury will select the winning piece no later than March 14th, 2014. The winning score will be announced here and the winning composer will be contacted by personal message on this site, unless another form of contact is requested. The winning composer must provide their name, or the pseudonym they wish to appear on the program, as well as information on how a digital copy of the recording of the performance may be sent to them. Legal Mumbojumbo: The Payson High School Band/Music Director reserves the right to remove the piece from the program without notice and at any time. The Payson High School Band/Music Director reserves the right to remove the piece from the Payson High School Music Library at any time and without notice or notification. The following is a message from the duo with their further requirements for the piece. :
  18. What are some good pieces to study brass chamber music writing? I have an assignment to write a brass duo/trio (I chose a trio) due Friday and I haven't been able to find anything decent.
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