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Found 7 results

  1. So... I want to compose more for orchestra and begin to build a decent corpus. Only thing... is that I'm more knowledgeable on string techniques and writing -with a growing understanding of woodwinds. Brass are my main issues... I just don't know the best ways to compose for them! I get that they can play soft... I understand that trombones and horns can provide nice padding to any texture -but, I'm scared to death to use them because I don't want to overpower the winds and strings. I can hear the brass instruments in my head (which is a good thing for orchestration) -but I still am hesitant to use them. Any tips or suggestions?
  2. Hello this is an origional composition by me and will be performed by my school's jazz band. Well give it a listen and tell me what you think... sorry for the slight static in the video I have no clue where that came from because my audio file had none of that. Follow me on Instagram @wind_player1 for frequent content. https://www.instagram.com/wind_player1/ Follow my SoundCloud
  3. A short Horn Quartet inspired by hunting music with a mixture of Waltz light music. Any criticism and opinions are welcomed
  4. So I'm writing a new piece (I've decided to call it "The Age of Aegis") and I have a couple of questions for how to write things out in a score 1) When writing for stopped horns, should I write the pitch I want to sound or the pitch that will play when stopped? (ex. should I write a concert C if I want that played or a Concert Db so when played it sounds Concert C) 2)I know that Clarinets can do their own version of "Bells Up" (Thank you John Mackey), but can Oboes and English Horns (and to that extent Soprano Saxophones) do the same thing?
  5. Discussions in D minor Hi All, This is another piece I've been working on in the last few months. I'm fairly happy with the music but the score is a mess and the dynamics in particular I could really use some help with, both in getting Sibelius to play it better, and in the actual musicians score. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I should go about getting a better sound, I would really welcome some tips. my music theory is not very good and all tips on glaring mistakes are really welcome too. As always I welcome suggestions and comments, good or bad on the music too. I have to say I like it as it is, but there is always room for improvement! Thanks in advance for listening. Mark https://www.dropbox.com/s/podfpbm41v...minor.mp3?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/io0ndaouob...minor.pdf?dl=0
  6. I would like to share with you my new composition. It was exceptionally painful and frustrating to finish, but I hope that those emotions added a bit of an artistic and melancholic spice to this silly little piece. Enjoy and thank you for listening.
  7. This is just an evolving theme I can't seem to get right, especially towards the end where the timpani comes in. I have just been fooling around with this for a while now and I'm lost haha it's a shame because I was really happy with the rest of it, although I would really like to replace the percussion with more classical style percussion as opposed to the hip hop kick high hat and snare already written.
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