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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, I've not posted anything in quite some time now so I hope you'll give my new work a chance. I'm at the stage where I would reall like some help before I print off the final draft. Musically I'm pleased with the work and I don't plan any great changes. Obviously I'm open to any comments about the music/musicality of the piece but also, I'm not a great engraver. I would like to know what you think I should amend in the score as much as I would like to know what you think musically. I should explain that this is a 'playback score'. I have sibelius play the music to my piano and I record live to USB from the piano so this isn't a midi sound performance, it's the Yamaha CVP 501 concert grand. To make the 'performance' as human as possible, I do take great pains to make the playback as authentic as I can. That means that there are lots of accents and tenutos, lots of excessive pedal markings and oddly tied notes in some places and also many micro tempo changes that all go towards humanizing the playback. Most of that would not appear in a real performance score. I would like to produce a performance score so if you could look past all the above mentioned and help me out, I would really appreciate it. A bit about the work. It's a suite of short, impressionistic piano pieces under the title - La Dama de Murumendi (The Lady of Wall Mountain). She is an ancient Basque Goddess that rules over the mostly inclement weather of that region. The whole things last 15 minutes so it's not exactly short as a whole but each 'vignette' is only about 3 mins each. The 1st piece is called 'Brisa'. It represents the Goddess in the aspect of the wind. The 2nd piece is called 'Lainoa'. This is the Goddess in the aspect of mist and fog. The 3rd piece is called 'Euria'. The Goddess in the aspect of a rain storm. The 4th piece is called 'Elurra'. It's the Goddess in the aspect of snow and frost. The 5th piece is called 'Berria'. It's the Goddess in the aspect of renewal, the sun finally coming out. I really would appreciate your opinions and any help you could give me. Thanks in advance to anyone who listenes, I appreciate it. The score https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/emvg8a0rvj12tqxgj05er/La-Dama-de-Murumendi-pdf.pdf?rlkey=t93ga24ltjuur8if1hoygaf4q&dl=0 The music https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ncst5rw7ca0qhnhbe6v39/La-Dama-de-Murumendi.wav?rlkey=au94206kcz4c3g6uber9u402y&dl=0
  2. Hi all, A few weeks ago I posted a piece called Ninlil. I liked it too much to leave it just as a short piece stuck there all on its own. I always had the idea that it was a musical depiction of Ninlil, the Mesopotamian Goddess of the sky and in this incarnation, representing the wind. I started thinking of a suite of short pieces to represent various goddesses connected to the weather. So here is the second piece in the suite, "Elurra" . It's the Basque word for snow. The goddess in this case is Mari, La Dama de Murumendi. An ancient Basque goddess responsible for wintery weather. Here she is merrily making the world white. Hope you like it 😊 Listen to Elurra by Mark McDonald on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/p8syo
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