Generally I really like the site updates. The major downside however is the placing of the new things.
As someone who is curious what the other users are listening/watching I like the "what it listened now" thing. It is too prominent too big, and feels like an overall banner, which it isn't. It is a cool feature for lurkers, but not the main thing. The googleadd banner takes much place (too much if you ask me). If you also add a new wide box with info, then the real content starts even lower.
The New Major works button placing is even worse. The right upper section is for user/profile related stuff. Log in, notifications, etc... Music does not belong there! It should be a category withing the music. If you really want it place somewhere prominent, the bar under the YC logo could do, but that is not entirely right either...
So recap. I love the addition of features. And really want to appreciate all the effort that you put in this. But please take some more time to think through where to put that. Learn some gui basics. You are messing something up that was working and clean...