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Found 11 results

  1. Hi! 🙂 New guy here, hobbyist composer with barely any musical education. 😅 In the past I've played a bit of piano and more recently tried to learn to play guitar with poor results. 😅 Looking forward to learn from you folks and maybe even collaborate? 🙂 But first things first, I thought it made sense to show where I'm currently at. Here's a demo that I've compiled recently: Essentially, I've collected the best of my drafts which I hesitated to call done, as I usually do, and compiled them into a music demo in order that hopefully makes some sense... I also have a soundcloud account, though it is pretty empty for the reason stated above... 😅 Any tips and suggestions are welcome of course, I'll be hanging around reading and trying to improve. 🙂
  2. Up until recently I was in the process of making music for a short film. The film was about a girl who gains "superpowers" from an old tree, and with these superpowers she's able to save her dying father and the forest. When i sent them my music they immediately said that they hade chose to pursue other options with the motivation being the music was too different from what they had in mind. I'd love to receive some basic feedback on this short piece. I'd like to know wether if it's straight scraggy or if it's alright, if there's something missing and what that could be. I'll be glad for any opinion on my work. I have some confidence in my ability to create music, but since I'm working by myself I never really have any idea what others think, so just a couple of words of opinion would make my day. Thanks 😊
  3. Hello everyone! I have yet another piece here for you, from my debut piano album "Ballerina". It´s a waltz this time and it´s a kind of minimalist waltz given the simplicity and the emphasis put on the melodies. Please give it a listen and feel free to let me know how you like it, I´ll be very glad to read your opinions. You can find the full album here https://oliverbohovic.bandcamp.com/album/ballerina
  4. Hey everyone! Here's another one of my instrumental pieces, this time it's a solo guitar instrumental. I composed it when I was 18 and I re-recorded the piece 1 year ago for my solo EP album. I performed it by myself. I intend to make another version with some additional instruments to it sometime in the future, but I guess it's also good just for a solo instrument. Let me know how you like it please!
  5. Hello everyone! This is my first take on Tango music. I wrote this one for an upcoming movie which is set in the 2nd world war timeline. The director wanted a tango so this is what I did. I wrote it for a 47 piece orchestra and althought this is a demo, it will be played live on a film music festival in Bratislava, Slovakia in october. Please let me know how you guys like it! :)
  6. Guest

    The Ghost (Opus 23)

    Hello fellow composers! I'm leaving you with my newest composition - Th Ghost. It is written for piano, small string ensemble, synthesizers, and harp. I literally have no idea what I was thinking when I was writing this piece. I've never used that much dissonance or vague tonality. Partially I wanted to step back from the usual canon patterns that I tend to follow and do something unconventional. At least I've tried. It is a mostly thematic piece. I also had problems with mixing and changing dynamics/panning/EQ - I absolutely hate Logic standard pizzicato strings... Anyways, thank you for listening, and hope you enjoy this small piece just a little bit.
  7. Hi, Here is my new composition for a movie soundtrack. Thanks for your comments! Best regards, Max Casey
  8. Hi, this was the first silent movie I scored for. I like this old movies. I saw a version of this film with an ugly music. Well, the music was wonderful but... what the hell the music of Carmen (Bizet) with this trip to the moon? Of course there was no synchronization at all, and you could listen to Toreador while the people is fighting against the aliens... So, I was determined to try and write something. I hadn't done anything for several instruments before this, and it was all very intuitive. But I think it has good moments, mostly because of the synchro. I share it just for fun (13 minutes long). It is scored for wind sextet and piano. There ara tonal, atonal and modal parts... I have the scores, but I think, in this case, are not very relevant: My Trip to the Moon
  9. Found this article listing the top 25 film schools... We get so many people here trying to decide where to apply to study composition for film, this might be helpful. A school with a good film program AND a good music composition program would probably be a good place to be. Here's the film school list. See if there's anywhere on it that you're also thinking about because of it's music program. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/best-film-schools-2016-top-920344/item/usc-25-film-schools-2016-920351 Cheers! pate ceramics
  10. Competition details - see www.stjohnswaterloo.org/waterloo-festival/fsc2015 Eligibility: Anyone between 18-35 years of age can enter. Brief: A score to accompany the short film “Fare thee Well” (the film is around 6 minutes duration). You can download a copy of the film by visiting https://vimeo.com/121271838, or email waterloofestivalfsc@gmail.com to request one. Please note that, this year, the film has an audio design. Forces: Two categories: (1) piano quintet (piano, 2 violins, viola, cello); (2) electronic (where at least one of the instruments must be synthesised). Performance: Monday 15 June 2015, 4.30pm, BFI Southbank, London. Judging panel: Walter Fabeck (Harmonie Band); Colin Maxwell (Royal Opera House) – see below for details Deadline: For entry forms and fee: Friday 10 April, 2015. For completed entries: Friday 1 May, 2015. Entry fee: £8, to cover administration and consulting fees. To download an entry form, click here. The prizesThe overall winner from each category will receive £350, with the runners-up (also one from each category) receiving £150 each. Shortlisted scores from each category will be performed at a screening of the film at BFI Southbank in London on Monday 15 June, 2015, 4.30pm. Members of Southbank Sinfonia will perform the selected scores from category (1) live alongside the film. The overall winner from each category will also be announced at this event.
  11. Hey Everyone, This has been a long time in the woodwork, but recently I discovered that out of everything (and there were a lot of possibilities), I really want to become a film composer. I was wondering if anyone has any tips/advice on how to go about it. I'm in a pretty small country (New Zealand), and I'm not so sure how helpful a three-year course would be in really equipping me for this (time, money, and where I am in the world - we travel a lot - are also considerations), and whether I'd actually get a job at the end of it. So I would really appreciate your insights and experience on this. So fire away! :) Cheers, and thank you very much in advance! KahliaSkye
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