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Found 4 results

  1. This is the title song from my musical by the same name, the second half of the video explains the context of the song. The song is meant to be a fifth lower, accompanied by string orchestra, and sung by a tenor. I'd appreciate feedback both on the video and the music- not the performance, I'm a professional violinist, not a singer! Cash
  2. Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here! So I'm close to finishing my second vocal piece, and I'm having a little bit of writer's block in the accompaniment line for the bridge. I've got chords in the bass clef, but I can't seem to figure out what to put in the treble clef. If anyone could help me get over this slump, I'd really appreciate it. And as always, general constructive criticism is welcome. Update (December 10, 2019): I had a friend of mine help me out today, so at least there's actually some stuff in the accompaniment line for the bridge now. But it's far from complete, so I'm posting the updated version on here for critique.
  3. Davenport Theatrical Enterprises is offering a Musical Theatre Writing Workshop. We're specifically looking for composers. Here is the info: The Davenport Supper Club A Musical Theatre Writing Workshop! Six Tuesdays 5:30-7:30pm October 2nd - December 11th (Oct 2nd, 16th, 30th, Nov 13th, 27th, Dec 11th ) Cost: $195 Early Bird Rate (Before September 4th) $250 Regular Rate Instructors: Jane Caplow and Shana Solomon Get your creative juices flowing! Explore storytelling through music and lyrics in a fun and supportive environment. Come to the Davenport Supper Club! Who’s Invited: All writers and composers are welcome including: lyricists, writing teams, poets, playwrights, and those who wish to meet a collaboration partner—we can match you up! What: Each session we will assign a ‘dish’ or challenge (ex: an opening number or an ‘I Want’ song). Each dish will then have a number of ‘ingredients’ (ex: time period, music style, character type, subjects to address, etc.). The songs will then be presented each week in class. The entire class will then culminate in an optional cabaret-style presentation in our studio for family and friends. Class Guidelines: Participants will be expected to collaborate on assigned projects outside of class. They must also be able to play and/or sing their own material. Where Do I Sign Up? Go to: www.davenporttheatrical.com/seminars Questions? Contact Jane Caplow at jane@davenporttheatrical.com. See you there!!!
  4. All, I am writing to let you know about a project that I have created which serves to promote and support new compositions for musical theater in a unique way. I ask that you take a look and offer any comments, advice, or feedback that you can. It would be extremely appreciated. I am especially interested in any help in spreading my message and am eager to find original articles, music, or ideas to be shared should you know of any. www.musicalrebirth.com All my best, Joe Hargis Creator, Musical Rebirth Project
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