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  1. I haven't posted anything new in ages: I've been busy with school work, so I haven't had as much time to dedicate to composing as before. That being said, that doesn't mean I haven't composed at all. I finished this piece just yesterday, and I felt like sharing it with everyone here. Let me know what you think! 😃
  2. This is my Nocturne In D, my first published Nocturne. It is almost ( perhaps ridiculously ) 9 mins long. Bearing in mind most of the Nocturnes I hv came across, I intended it to be shorter - not having bars 12-32, overall faster tempo, having a shorter ending - but feel it is still more apt and complete the way it is. Beyond length, what do y'all think and feel abt this piece anyways? https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/12300406 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6QAHZ_JGVE
  3. Hello I wanted to write a second part for the Aria, which I extended at the end and made some adjustments... Here:
  4. Why not? I wanted to try to do it for two pianos. In Field style, which is much more "restrained" than Chopin.
  5. Hi again, ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to me to make yet another spam post for you to value, comment, and listen. Naturally, I come with my next nocturne, composed during March and finished more than a year ago (already!), on 24 March, 2022. It is dedicated to a close friend of mine, David Lozano Leiva, who is also a musician (guitarist, and amateur composer as me). The traditional nocturnal character of this nocturne is as present as it was on my last one, so yeah, close to none but perhaps a bit more than the 7th of this set. Not my best, neither my worst, but I'll leave that judgement to you. As always, any feedback, opinion, comment, greeting, as meaningful or meaningless as you yourself consider it, is very welcome. I'll leave the video here and the mp3/pdf below. Kind regards to you all and thank you in advance, Daniel–Ømicrón. 55 - Nocturno Nº8.pdf
  6. Last piece of my 1st opus. Constructive criticism is warmly welcome!
  7. Hi again guys! I have been (and I still am, incomprehensibly) ill these last weeks so I hadn't the strength to attend the forum and use the PC for long. I have been listening to some cool pieces today though, so please don't mind if I take the opportunity and put some here, let's go: • RM Rizal - "La Valse Bienheureuse d'Anna Sofia"(Orchrestration/Orchrestral arrangement)" by user @Setthavat. • @Olivercomposer's take on "composer of the year" contest. • Prelude No. 1 by Vince Meyer aka @Thatguy v2.0 because I have to win my salary. • @Ivan1791's "A Sleepy apology", very effective if you ask me. He is hosting a competition by the way. Of course I did not ping anyone (I hope, I don't want to bother lol). I'm sure I left some good ones behind so don't hesitate in checking the forum AFTER REVIEWING MY POST, it's full of jewels! Now that I am subtly better and seeing that a decent amount of time has passed since I uploaded a composition here, let me spam and share with you YC fellow users my not so nice in my opinion but cool in some of my non-musician friends' 7th nocturne, composed almost a year ago and finished on March 15, 2022 if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't come with any dedication. This nocturne is a bit like the third one. "Different" from the previous ones. Have you listened to them BTW? Which one is your favourite up to now, in case you find at least one of them decent enough? Not gonna lie, it would be really cool to host a poll but I don't think I have enough audience. In any case, I thoroughly recommend you to listen to my works with headphones. Criticism, feedback, comment, salutation, etc. is very welcome as always; I leave you with it, with no further comments about the piece, as always. In case you're interested, you have the .mp3 and .pdf below, as always... From this point onward, my nocturnes become even weirder. ♫ VIDEO ♫ That's all for now. Thank you in advance! Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón.
  8. Hi, this is a pice I wrote some time ago (I think I uploaded it here) but I have made many corrections. I love the sound of this "classical" keyboards, but they sound a bit "dirty" by themselves. In my first version (I was unaware of many things) there were chords too thick in the lower register and the result was no good. Now it's fixed. On the other hand, as I always try when writing tonal modern music, I don't like to stick to usual progressions. I believe harmony is a rich universe to explore. I used tensions, unexpected resolutions chords that are major an minor at the same time, rootless chords, linear harmony, etc...
  9. I really put my soul into this one. Do not be shy to give me constructive suggestions. I really appreciate them 🙂
  10. Hi again! I have been much more inactive than I often am last week. I am very exhausted right now, as I just finished my fourth sonata and every time I finish one it seems that my brain decides to go on vacation, but I've seen and listened to a few works published during the days I've not been paying attention, which is actually nice as I will not need to dig :). If I fall asleep today, I'll make sure to begin checking some of them tomorrow. Before that, let me present you my 6th nocturne, which is kind of "close" to the prior one. It was dedicated to my good friend (and possibly future pianist) Juan de Dios. As always, I'll be glad to read anything, from a tiny comment to an in-depth review. I'll leave the PDF right here too: 53 - Nocturno Nº6.pdf I (as always) prefer not to comment anything more about the piece itself and leave you to it. If you are interested into some other works of mine, you can always check my "About" page in this forum, which again turned out to be a very epic tool to organize one's content. Thank you so much in advance! (sorry for so little :P) Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón.
  11. Hi again! It's a bit too late here to continue reviewing so I thought it was the perfect time to make a post and go to sleep once and for all :]. I gladly present you my fifth nocturne —finished during the night of March 1st, 2022—, dedicated to a person which I value very highly (and whom indeed got another dedicated nocturne later on). I tend to think my "nocturnes" (I have explained in a prior post why I called them like that I believe) either go in pairs or alone in terms of style, approach or... I don't really know how to describe it. In any case, this one would be paired with the sixth one which I may publish here soon. Without further ado, here's the video: Of course here you are the score in PDF: 52 - Nocturno Nº5.pdf It is not particularly difficult (or is it?), but as always I'll prefer not to mention anything and let you judge. As always, any feedback, criticism, big or small commentary, interpretation, whatever you think as long as no cats or dogs are damaged in the process is very welcome here. If you somehow are interested in other nocturnes and pieces I've uploaded here, I have edited my "About me" page for you to easily navigate through them. Check it out HERE. You can also check the prior nocturne uploaded here clicking on here. As always, thank you in advance guys. I hope you find this one decent enough. Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón.
  12. Hello, This is just a piano song.
  13. Hi again :B. I was curious about that software some youtubers use for their LED piano recordings blah blah blah, so I found a free software "Piano VFX" that seemed cool. Eventually I decided to publish one nocturne a week on youtube using it. But here we talk about pieces so let me present my first nocturne, composed a while ago this year. I tried to make it easy enough to be played by myself and some friends of mine but I never had time to (not yet at least). I will warn you that I called it a "Nocturne" only because I composed it at night, so It may have little or zero resemblance to other nocturnes you know. That statement has become more and more true as I've kept making them, to the point the Nº20 is a monstrosity but we'll eventually get to that hopefully. Without further ado, I'll leave the video right here. You can find the PDF here: Free sheet music : Rodríguez, Daniel-Omicrón - Obra Menor Nº48 - Nocturno Nº1 (Piano solo) (free-scores.com) As always I'm eager to receive your feedback, views, analysis, greetings, whatever. Enjoy and have a good Sunday. Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón.
  14. Hi again, guys. This is probably not the right time to post anything since the competition is going on and I see many interesting submissions being posted, but I don't want to forget it again for another week. I wanted to share my fourth nocturne with you —finished on February 28th, 2022 if I'm not mistaken— just to maintain an order in those pieces and despite I have finished the last one of the entire set (23) today. Here's the video as usual: And here is the score, for those who like me prefer to read while listening: 51 - Nocturno Nº4.pdf I prefer not to say much about the nocturne itself and let you judge everything... As always, any kind of feedback, be it short, long, specific, ambiguous, etc. is very appreciated. Hope you find it decent at the least. Just for the record, and in case you are interested, I am leaving links to the previous thre...two nocturnes I posted here. The YT link to the Nº2 will suffice I believe: • Nº1 • Nº2 • Nº3 • That's all for now. Thank you in advance guys. Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón.
  15. Hi there. I'm a new user to the forum. Thanks for having me. Here's a nocturne I wrote earlier in the spring. There's a scorefol.io link as well as a YouTube link. Cheers! https://beta.scorefol.io/w/5DO85q8czo7lzAXOSZDZ Fog Nocturne [score].pdf
  16. Hi everybody. Back to tonality for a while. Nocturno para dos pianos.mp3
  17. Hello again 🙂 This is another piece I wrote for the piano, a nocturne. It has multiple sections and a repeating main theme. I would be happy to have your opinions of it if you have any, I may send it to someone and would like to know what you think. The part I'm most worried about is the transition at bars 23-24, I'm not so sure about it. Unfortunately, the audio is software generated, I haven't had the time to play the piece with all the modifications I made. Thanks : ) François
  18. Bortkiewicz's nocturne called Diana is one of my favorite piano pieces. I wanted to work on it with this version:
  19. I hope you enjoy this, please leave a comment and tell me what you think! Nocturne in D minor.mp3
  20. Hello everyone, here is a new piece I wrote. It doesn't have a huge emphasis on melody or any kind of functional harmony, and it's also fairly repetitive. I like it very much, but would appreciate your feedback. Many thanks.
  21. An old piece I tried to update and make less messy (may or may not have worked). Any feedback would be great. Thanks
  22. A piece I wrote over a few weeks, my attempt at a nocturne in ternary form. any feedback is welcome.
  23. Hi, I wrote this little nocturne a while ago and would be thankful to hear what you think about it. I have also made a youtube score video, please follow the link provided below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v_yiDuJQMA
  24. Completely rewritten and a bit more consistent in mood. This is a new style of piece (at least in atmosphere) for myself and I'm sure there are problems with it. All feedback is appreciated greatly.
  25. This is the first completed draft of the fourth piece in a collection of piano pieces I am currently working on. The inspiration for this one came directly after I have finished writing the third piece for this collection.
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