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  1. This is the fourth of my pieces that were previously published here on Young Composers forum but got deleted during the renovation of the website in late April - early May 2016 and that I am choosing to publish again. As I have previously mentioned when republishing such pieces, they number 181 and I will try to post some of the best of them from time to time. This is my "Reverie for Double Bass". It is the very first piece that I shared on Young Composers, back on March 28, 2012. I am still fond of it. At the time I introduced it simply with, "This is a short Reverie for Double Bass I wrote."
  2. This is the second installment of my pieces that were previously published here on Young Composers forum but got deleted during the renovation of the website in late April - early May 2016 and that I am choosing to publish again. As the pieces number 181, I am being cautious at to what I publish this second time. Concerning this set of sententiae, what distinguishes them is that they are the first set of sententiae I ever composed. Therein lies their importance. I think that of the six sets of sententiae for string quartet that I have composed, this is still the best set. Here's how I introduced the pieces back on April 10, 2013 when I first posted theme here: 'Sententia' (plural: 'sententiae') is the Latin for the word 'sentence'. I am naming these pieces 'sentences' since they are pieces that do not manifest any trace of development, nor do they aim to do so. All they do is utter a statement, a sentence - which the Oxford dictionary defines as "A series of words complete in itself as the expression of a thought ... conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command." a definition which perfectly applies to these pieces. I chose the Latin word 'sententia' to name them because its meaning is broader than its English translation of 'sentence', defined as it is as "meaning, sentence, maxim, epigram" - the other three definitions also applying to some degree to the kind of piece that I have in mind, a piece that is more substantial than a simple, straightforward (and often inconsequential) sentence. Of these three sententiae, my favourite is the second one, which is also the one that I think the most completely embodies my idea of a 'sententia' (the first one still somewhat utilizing the formulas of my soliloquies and bagatelles with its repeat and clear ending, while the third one shows a hint of development). I am posting them as a group since I believe that sententiae, being short and devoid of any development, are best presented in a group. Yet each sententia is complete in itself and in the musical idea/feeling/thought that it seeks to convey. Here's the link to the first old deleted piece that I shared: https://www.youngcomposers.com/t36633/three-fugatos-for-harpsichord-op-222-old-deleted-piece-1181/
  3. These are my Three Fugatos for Harpsichord, Op. 222, composed in August 2014. This is one of my older pieces. I first posted it here in August 2014. But it, together with a lot of posted pieces (both mine and others') got erased once the new version of the website was introduced sometime in late April - early May 2016. I had posted 181 pieces before then that all got deleted. Fortunately I have copies of everything posted. But it is the work of having posted so many pieces only to end up being deleted that I lament. This is the first of those 181 that I am posting again. I might also post others from those 181 pieces in the future. Below is the description of the pieces adapted from their first posting. These are my three fugatos for harpsichord. Before them I had only completed one piece for the harpsichord. I called the pieces 'fugato' since they do not follow all the 'rules' of a fugue, 'fugato' meaning "In the fugue style, but not in strict or complete fugue form" (Oxford Talking Dictionary, 1998).
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