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Found 6 results

  1. Hello everybody! I am very busy with my final exams and auditions, so that is the reason why I have not been online for a while. Anyway, I composed a new 'neoclassical' composition for string quartet. Each movement is based on the letters of one of my friends' name. I used the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G and Ut, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti. The duration of each movement is pretty short, because I wanted to have the movements in balance. Some themes are namely pretty hard for me to compose more than two minutes. Enjoy and please comment! Sharing your opinion means a lot too! Maarten
  2. Hello! Here is my latest composition with a theme, on which I have always wanted to write music: DINOSAURS! This short one-movement sonata is composed for alto saxophone and piano. I will perform this piece for the pre-study composition on alto saxophone accompanied by a pianist. The sonata is kind of programmatic: The setting is a restful valley full of dinosaurs (including tryceratops). Baby dinosaurs are playing and having fun, but then the dinosaurs smell danger. There is panic, because the dinosaurs are not sure where the predators will come from, they only hear their heavy footsteps. Suddenly an enormous tyrannosaurus runs out of the forest. A friendly baby triceratops flees and runs as fast as it can. It is catched by the predator, but luckily the tyrannosaurus has become tired. The baby escapes and all dinosaurs continue with their restful life in the beautiful valley. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment! Maarten
  3. Hello everybody! I have decided to compose an introducing overture for Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth. It's for my thesis for music. With the music I have tried to make the characteristics of the main charachter Macbeth clear to the audience. To develop myself, I always try something new with all my compositions. So, I sometimes write for a completely new instrument to learn more and to develop my skills. This time I wanted to write a piece, which is based on five themes: Ambitious Noble & loyal Cautious Brave Opportunistic On the basis of these five themes I composed the music. The inspiration for this technique came from Strauss' Till Eulenspiegel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zbCfP9wGt4 In the scherzando finale I want to emphasize that, although Macbeth is a tragedy, the play ends pretty optimistic. Scotland the brave is played when Malcolm becomes the new king of Scotland. Huray! Although I am not very satisfied with the result, I like the experience with this completely different idea of only using themes and motifs for an entire play. Enjoy! Maarten *The audio is not exactly the same as the score. *Score in C.
  4. Hello everybody! I just finished my Piano Concerto No.1 ''Octaves'' in f minor. The Concerto consists of only one movement: Allegro con brio. The music is, of course, written for piano and string orchestra. The goal for me to write this piano concerto was to learn more about how to write for piano and how to write in a more classical, early romantic style. Note that I added some more contemporary elements as well. The concerto is in free Sonata Form: Exposition - Exposition repetition with piano (classical) || Development (many more modern elements) || Recapitulation without the second theme. I ommited the second theme in the recapitulation, because I felt like this theme was already 'mentioned' too frequently. Furtheremore, ending with the first theme sounds fine to me. What do you think about the music? Particularly the development? *The lay-out of the score still has to be done. Piano_Concerto_No.1_''Octaves''.mp3 Maarten
  5. Hello, I composed this little piece in response to a challenge on the forum to write for a combination of two instruments based on your birthday date. At the same time, I used this piece for an exercise, I gave myself: write a piece in less than 15 minutes. My combination was the Violin and the Horn (in F). I tried to keep the atmosphere very light, yet interesting. The music has to be funny, because it is a 'birthday song,' so therefore the Allegro scherzando and no very heavy harmonies. Sharing your thoughts is very appreciated! Maarten
  6. Hello everybody, This was my first saxophone quartet that I composed one and a half year ago. . . (Opus 8). When I composed it, I was into composing for max. four months. I There are mistakes everywhere and when I wrote this I did not understand how to modulate (LOL), so there are quite subite transitions to other keys. I thought it would be fun for you to see how I am developed in one and a half year. The Mozart and Haydn influences are evident. I find this piece now uggly, but still I think at some places the music is pretty nice. The uggliest parts in my opinion are the endless repetitions, which makes the music too monotonous and boring. What do you think? Maarten
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