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Found 13 results

  1. I think it's time to present myself to this young composer forum, so I would like to show you my very first professional work, my piano sonata in c minor. A piece in for movements that I started composing in summer 2017 and I finished in early 2018. The sonata was originally based in 3 movements, so in 2020, during the pandemic I decided to make a revision of the whole score and to add an extra movement. So, I leave you here the link to the YouTube video where you can hear this piece: PD: If you like my music you could subscribe to my YouTube channel and share my music. Thank you and enjoy!
  2. Merhaba benim adım İdris Can EKİNCİ Burada yeniyim. Bu benim ilk bestem. Yorumunuz benim için çok önemli. Dinlediğin için teşekkürler.
  3. Hello everybody! I just finished my Piano Concerto No.1 ''Octaves'' in f minor. The Concerto consists of only one movement: Allegro con brio. The music is, of course, written for piano and string orchestra. The goal for me to write this piano concerto was to learn more about how to write for piano and how to write in a more classical, early romantic style. Note that I added some more contemporary elements as well. The concerto is in free Sonata Form: Exposition - Exposition repetition with piano (classical) || Development (many more modern elements) || Recapitulation without the second theme. I ommited the second theme in the recapitulation, because I felt like this theme was already 'mentioned' too frequently. Furtheremore, ending with the first theme sounds fine to me. What do you think about the music? Particularly the development? *The lay-out of the score still has to be done. Piano_Concerto_No.1_''Octaves''.mp3 Maarten
  4. Hello, I composed this little piece in response to a challenge on the forum to write for a combination of two instruments based on your birthday date. At the same time, I used this piece for an exercise, I gave myself: write a piece in less than 15 minutes. My combination was the Violin and the Horn (in F). I tried to keep the atmosphere very light, yet interesting. The music has to be funny, because it is a 'birthday song,' so therefore the Allegro scherzando and no very heavy harmonies. Sharing your thoughts is very appreciated! Maarten
  5. Hello everybody, This was my first saxophone quartet that I composed one and a half year ago. . . (Opus 8). When I composed it, I was into composing for max. four months. I There are mistakes everywhere and when I wrote this I did not understand how to modulate (LOL), so there are quite subite transitions to other keys. I thought it would be fun for you to see how I am developed in one and a half year. The Mozart and Haydn influences are evident. I find this piece now uggly, but still I think at some places the music is pretty nice. The uggliest parts in my opinion are the endless repetitions, which makes the music too monotonous and boring. What do you think? Maarten
  6. Hello everybody, I have finally finished my Suite ''Seizoenen'' for Solo Piano (Op.36). Dutch: Seizoenen = Seasons. Maybe you have already heard some movements, but I wanted to post the composition in its complete version. This composition is set in four movements each presenting a season. I tried to make my associations with the seasons as clear as possible. I. Winter (Winter): Presto animato. II. Lente (Spring): Allegro vivace. III. Zomer (Summer): Andante sognante. IV. Herfst (Autumn): Lento melancolico. My favorite movement is the Zomer, because for me the music fits my idea of the hot Summer. Enjoy the listening! Feedback would be very appreciated and helpful! Maarten
  7. Hi all, Today, I finished this Melody for solo Piano. I am trying to develop my own ''voice'' and ''identity'' in music composition and I think I am on the right way... As the title is called, the inspiration of this composition is the Winter. Of course in the Dutch style: ice skating, Unox sausage, Boerenkool etc. Feedback and comment would make my Winter even better! Kind regards, Maarten
  8. Hi, I have uploaded this piece before and I have included feedback, I received, in the first movement. The original description: For my audition for pre-study at the conservatory with classical saxophone I played the Cinq Danses Exotiques by Jean Françaix. I fell in love with his music. On account of Françaix' music I composed 3 Melodies for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Opus 25 (Dutch: Drie Melodieën voor Altsaxofoon en Piano) today. Feedback and sharing your opinions would make me very happy! Stay tuned for the other two melodies! Maarten Bauer
  9. As a result of the request from @danishali903 to compose some music for solo viola, I have composed this ''Melody for Viola'' (Opus 26) today. See for the post under Community > Repetoire > CALL FOR SOLO VIOLA MUSIC Bach's cello suites have heavily inspired me, as you can probably hear. I have never written for a solo string instrument before, so I hope that it is technically playable. If not, please tell me what and how to improve it. To Danishali: Hopefully, this piece is suitable for your playing in the hospital. I wish you good luck and a lot of fun! Feedback and sharing your opinions would make me very happy! Kind regards, Maarten Bauer
  10. First of all; best wishes for 2017! For my audition for pre-study at the conservatory with classical saxophone I played the Cinq Danses Exotiques by Jean Françaix. I fell in love with his music. On account of Françaix' music I composed 3 Melodies for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Opus 25 (Dutch: Drie Melodieën voor Altsaxofoon en Piano) today. Feedback and sharing your opinions would make me very happy! Kind regards, Maarten Bauer
  11. A few days ago I shared my Concertino for Alto Saxophone - which was my first post here - and received very useful feedback. So useful that I am planning to share more! Piano Sonata No.2 in F major, Opus 16. As the title already explains, the composition is for solo piano. Beethoven's and other classical composers' music has had a huge influence on this piece and me. I think (so this is just an opinion) the best way to master composition is by imitating the various styles of composers and then develop your own style of writing. Only then you can understand why music is how it is and how to compose it. Feedback would be very nice! Kind regards, Maarten Bauer
  12. Alto Saxophone Concertino No.1 in f minor ‘’Batterij’’, Opus 14 Dear reader / listener, I composed this concertino on the 14th of July for a national composition competition in Holland. The piece is about my black-out, which I had last school year. The composition is originally written for members of the Jong Nederlands Blazers Ensemble (Young Dutch Wind Ensemble) and me as soloist: Alto saxophone; oboe; clarinet in B-flat; horn in F; bassoon. Feedback would be very nice, because I have not received much useful feedback from the judges at the competition. Kind regards, Maarten Bauer (16). Nota bene about the video: We had to practise the composition in less than fifteen minutes, so there are some mistakes. In my opinion it still sounds better than when it is played by a computer.
  13. Guest

    Opus 7-1 and 7-2

    Opus 7-1(Allegro misterioso) and Opus 7-2(Moderato grandioso) sonata written for piano and harpsichord(part three coming soon). Opus 7-1.mp3 Opus 7-2.mp3
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