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Found 7 results

  1. 20545069.mp3 Never Forget Reimagined.pdf Greetings and Salutations, once again! Back when I was getting my feet wet, again, with composing, my first full orchestra arrangement was this one. Since I've been practicing getting this stuff right again, I took the liberty of revisiting this old arrangement of mine, of a Halo Trilogy OST track, named "Never Forget" by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori (geniuses by the way) I also recently found out how to use VST plugins with MuseScore 4, so I could swap out some of the more "digital" sounding, integrated MuseSound VSTs (Which are far from lackluster, to be fair, just have some minor quirks that many people including myself don't particularly enjoy about the playback audio), like, for instance, the Trombones and French Horns having their Tinny or overpowering playback sound, and the Piano playback sound genuinely lacking in depth. I've swapped out these voicings for Spitfire VST sounds, and I believe they sound much better, but that's up to interpretation of the listener 🙂 For this piece, the original composition is written in G Major. I've taken it down to F# Major, to give it a darker tone. I've also used elements from both the Halo 3 Track by Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori, as well as the "Never Forget (Midnight Version)" Composition by Kazuma Jinnouchi, written for the Halo 4 Soundtrack, to create something a bit more fresh in it's sound. Hopefully I hit the nail on the head, but that's not up for me to judge. Let me know your thoughts on this. I did not download any sheet music to complete this. I did this all from scratch on a new score, taking notes while listening to both of the original compositions mentioned above, and, note for note, did what I do with music 😅🤣 Hopefully you all enjoy it! Thanks in advance for any feedback or kind reviews.
  2. Hey everyone! 🙂 This is my first post in the forum, so i greet you all. In this post, I present for review one of my last compositions, called "Into the mystical cave". It is small in duration and it has a soundtrack-like approach as it visualizes a trip through a mystical cave...I tried to put into the music the awe and wonder of exploring beautiful subterranean chambers. I use instruments from all families of the orchestra (and percussion). I would like your constructive opinions on the composition! Enjoy!
  3. Hi guys, I recently did a remix of the song Epitaph from Final Fantasy 6 using FL Studio. I tried to give it an electronic spin, and can use some feedback. What did/didn't you like about it? I have a YouTube channel with my remixes. Here's a link to Epitaph: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BYcPsEQOjs&feature=youtu.be
  4. hello guys this is my new song i hope you like it! any criticism is welcome
  5. Greetings. I'm currently work on soundtracks for a survival horror video game (probably the first Iranian game in this genre!), and in the game, there's a corridor, and I composed this piece for the corridor scene. Please let me know your opinion. Thanks.
  6. Hello everyone. My hands are nearly shaking ready to submit this now that I'm done. There's just so much talent on this site that my pieces feel pathetically simplistic and incompetent. I'm pretty self-conscious right now about my music. Even still, please be completely honest with your opinions. I'd love to continuously improve. This is a piece I wrote for an Indie Game named Blades of Orterra. It's a fantasy RPG. Pretty standard stuff. I ended up writing music for the game out of necessity, but digital composition is slowly consuming me. Please have a listen :) This is the first digital piece i have ever composed. It's worth noting that the volume is surpressed during the main chorus/melody in the beginning for some reason. Fixed on my soundcloud version. Any feedback much welcomed!
  7. Ret (1).mp3 OK this is one of the looping exploration music for a game similar to Fallout 4. I am still expanding it to at least 3.5 minutes. The enemy is aliens so I added some subtle strange electronic sound effects. Critiques will be helpful thanks.
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