How can one obtain truly objective judgement about the worth of one's piece? How does one judge whether one's piece is worthy or unworthy of performance at a concert? Even if it were, do you think a performer would give it the benefit of the doubt (or take the necessary risk) if you are unknown as a composer, even if they knew you as a person? And how do you know if a performer is simply being kind with you in your face while at the back of their mind they think your piece is trash? I am asking because I don't want to be reduced to "begging" performers to even try out my piece. And when they are all kindness and hide their real idea of your piece, then they are already treating you as a "beggar" and being "kind" to your feelings by not revealing their true idea about your piece - that your piece is worthless to them! And who said even their true idea about your piece is correct or truly objective? Why should composers be at the mercy of performers (or even audiences) as regards the worth of their piece and its right to be performed?