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  1. Here's a piece I wrote on my acoustic guitar. As the title states, it's a simple song. I know, I know, it needs a vocal. Enjoy. -Rick
  2. A short little carousel thingy I made up in the Sonar piano roll. Horsey go round and round. Cotton candy optional. -Rick
  3. Trying to channel my inner Bacharach. Made in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll. Enjoy. -Rick
  4. UPDATED on 4/16/23c Here's a guitar thing in D minor with an arrangement. I'll UPDATE the mp3 as I improve on it with the posting date followed by a letter (as in a,b,c, etc... in the the event I post multiple improvements on the same day.) I've also included a version here with speaking parts. Enjoy. -Rick
  5. This is a piece I wrote around 5 years ago when refugees on small boats in the Gulf of Mexico were fleeing their dangerous countries with the hope of starting a new life in my country (the United States). They risked everything. They did exactly what the heartless critics here the US would have done for their own families and themselves if they were in the same situation. Yet these sick and heartless critics in my country just wanted them to go away. Those refugees were fleeing for their very lives. Innocent, yet made to feel guilty. Sorry, but there is a large population of my country that have completely lost their moral compass. End of rant. Anyway, I found this instrumental piece in my bag of misfit music I've written and have never posted it. That whole refugee situation was breaking my heart and this piece, for me, brings back those sad memories. Composing music is my therapy. Enjoy. Rick
  6. Here's a piano tune with arrangement I made in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll using my tried and true "same-y" sample libraries. As with most of my "pop" type stuff I usually use a flute-y instrument (usually a synth flute like with this) for the lead melody. Kind of as a place holder or guide for if I should ever include a vocal. This one is a heavily influenced Beatles sort of thing. The main chord progression might sound familiar because it's not terribly original on my part (though I don't think the Beatles ever used it). I'm always unconsciously running my internal musical blender on puree with bits and pieces of this or that song I've heard then stuffed away in my cranial filing cabinet. But it's seldom, if ever, deliberate. If I were a professional song writer I'd likely be spending most of my time in court for plagiarism *hehehe*. Enjoy. -Rick
  7. I wrote this on my guitar. I'm a finger picker. The guitar part is very difficult to play in real life. I tried my best to transfer what my fingers were doing on the guitar into the Sonar 8.5 piano roll. I used an acoustic guitar virtual instrument but some of the velocities (basically volumes) on certain notes were a bit loud and I was faced with the choice of having some notes stand out or stepping down one velocity level where the note could barely be heard. I chose loud. Ahhh, the fun we have with sampled instruments. I searched the YC website to see if I posted it in the past and didn't find it, so I thought I'd go ahead and post it here. NOTE: Just for fun I also posted a stripped down version here with just guitar, bass, drums, and the sound fx at the end. Enjoy. -Rick
  8. Here's one I like to imagine that Gilbert O'Sullivan might have tossed in his trash bin. It's an O'Sullivan type of choppy piano style. I love that uniquely original piano style/technique of his! The flute-y thing as usual with me is the lead melody for in case I ever add a vocal. People might not think it sounds sad but to me it is. I actually hopped to my upright piano right after watching the Disney/Pixar movie "Inside Out" and the chords and melody were almost there just waiting for me. It's not often that tunes come to me so effortlessly but this one did. Great movie BTW! I related to the blue "Sadness" character. It's a story with a universal message that sadness serves a purpose. It was done in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll. Enjoy! -Rick
  9. Here's a tune I wrote on my ukulele. I'm a finger picker by nature on my guitar and found myself doing the same on my uke as you will notice. The uke on this is a virtual instrument. It started with simple uke chords and a melody. I then added the arrangement. I'm not real sure but I think the chord progression involves the so called "circle of fifths". That's about the only thing I remember from the one quarter college course that I took back in college. This piece was all made in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll using a mouse. I don't use a keyboard controller. Any comments would be appreciated. Enjoy! -Rick
  10. Here's a pop tune I composed using the Sonar 8.5 piano roll (that's how I make all my stuff). It's inspired by the 1970's era of pop songs. I have 2 different endings which I'd like others opinion on as to which is better. I've posted both versions here; "where to begin" and "where to begin-v2". I'm leaning toward the "where to begin" ending (albeit maybe a bit over-the-top) as opposed to the other one which seems kind of boring. What do you think? Just type a 1 for "where to begin" or a 2 for "where to begin-v2". And of course any comments you might have too. Enjoy. -Rick
  11. I composed this in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll using some older sample libraries that I've had for many years. Composing music is just therapy for me and if others like my tunes that's just icing on the cake... mmm.. cake yum, yum. Don't be put off by the title "Mental Suicide" it was just a working title that sort of stuck. What can I say? Other than I have Asperger's and a stinking case of OCD. This piece started with a virtual acoustic guitar. I actually play guitar but was challenging myself to compose a piece without actually picking up my guitar. I laid out the guitar part while wrestling with a few melodies all the while trying to determine whether the guitar fingering was even possible. My conclusion? I have no idea if it's possible to play this guitar part. Then I added all the other stuff and hoped for the best. I just let the piano roll guide me along chord by chord, note by note. Sounds tedious huh? Yep, it was. But I love micro-managing every note. I always tense up when recording an actual mic-ed up performance. Having Asperger's has it's advantages like the laser-like focus on stuff one is interested in. In my case, music and art. With all the music rattling around in my skull I prefer working alone rather than butting heads with other musicians. Been there, done that, don't enjoy it a bit. But that's just me. If anyone wants to comment on this piece, feel free. I'm of course always interested in whether people like my stuff. But at the same time I'm always wondering if the mix sounds alright on other peoples' systems.. stuff like EQ, and especially the bottom end. I'm no audio engineer and that's for sure. Enjoy, Rick
  12. This is a ukulele instrumental thing I wrote with a melody and an arrangement. I hope the bass isn’t too muddy sounding. It’s kind of an important element in the piece but I always have trouble keeping the bass in my stuff from over-powering everything in my mixes. Made in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll. Enjoy! -Rick
  13. A little tribute to my favorite Vulcan.
  14. This is a song I wrote and want to put a vocal on but I hate my singing. It’s primarily an acoustic guitar song. I’d like to know what people think of the melody and arrangement. Please feel free to comment. It’s a virtual guitar that I painstakingly transferred over from my fingering on my real guitar. I prefer virtual instruments over real instruments for my recordings because I have more control over them. This was done in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll as I do all my stuff. Thanks for listening. -Rick
  15. Another tune I made with the Sonar 8.5 piano roll and some older samples. I’m kinda behind the times. I don’t know how the levels come across on anything other than my TV speakers and my flat response studio headphones so if anyone can comment on the EQ and or anything else it would be much appreciated. Enjoy! -Rick
  16. Just a little instrumental I composed. Made it with Sonar 8.5 in the piano roll using various older sample libraries. Every note was entered using my mouse. I didn’t use a piano keyboard controller, only my mouse. And I also didn’t use any pre-made loops. If you would like to comment on it I am most interested in how the overall mix comes across on your end. I use headphones to mix (I know that is not advisable) but it’s the system I have. So if you notice any cringy things in the mix I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks and enjoy! -Rick
  17. So I saw this Tweet (look at end of post) in my Twitter feed. What are your thoughts around the statement "How Classical Music is Better than Popular Music"? This is how I responded in a Twitter comment: But here is my take on it: I think that Classical Music (which is loosely defined here) tends to be more complex than today's Pop music. Of course, better is also subjective, because what is "better" to me, is not necessarily "better" to you. In my case, I agree with some parts of this article, BUT, just because I agree doesn't mean it is a fact and applies to everyone. It does however apply to me, because I love this type of music and I can understand it. That said, there's some music in this genre that I do have a hard time understanding, such as Sorabji's Opus Clavicembalisticum. Do I think that this specific piece is better than Pop? Well, maybe, but only because I find value in music that is complex. Reason being, music with more complexity is something I can always learn from. And a good example of this is, music notation and cadenzas. Now if I were to find out that this piece by Sorabji was just randomly thrown together, than my opinion could change. But I haven't delved too deeply into this piece, as there aren't many full recordings of Opus Clavicembalisticum floating around, for obvious reasons. What are your thoughts though? To repeat the question, do you agree or disagree with the author's sentiment of classical being better than pop? And do you feel that it is right that people are criticizing the author of this article for being so passionate about how he feels about classical music over pop?
  18. >>> https://soundcloud.com/user-54415704/lean-on-me >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1dBVigVQ7M Chorus: Slightly caught up in those dreams that you never thought I would be getting lost in, I knew you've been there Margarita, one of my favorite cocktails in the morning, yeah I'm still a little bit dizzy Verse1: How have you been, a true greeting from the sincere heart, which you might've ever seen All the memories start to come out like snowflakes, remember telling each other stories Pre-chorus: Just lean on me, whenever you got into trouble, I'm always there for you Just lean on me, there ain't no doubt, no diggity, since that's what friends supposed to be Chorus: Slightly caught up in those dreams that you never thought I would be getting lost in, I knew you've been there Margarita, one of my favorite cocktails in the morning, yeah I'm still a little bit dizzy Verse1: I'll be awake, so you can count on me, and fight for every dream that we used to believe Don't be afraid, no need to turn around like you wanna escape (from) being something you don't wanna be Pre-chorus: Just lean on me, whenever you got into trouble, I'm always there for you Just lean on me, there ain't no doubt, no diggity, since that's what friends supposed to be Chorus: Slightly caught up in those dreams that you never thought I would be getting lost in, I knew you've been there Margarita, one of my favorite cocktails in the morning, yeah I'm still a little bit dizzy
  19. it's the hardest thing i ever did Stop thinking about you You were my addiction More than anyone at all I wish you could see all of that But you have goned You were my brother And you left me with nothing Not even a goodbye I couldn't have survived, Without you, on my life (Huh, uhhh) Now i realize How stupid i was, letting you go And all the verses While i wrote Was hurting See you happy And I, sad But you are my brother Nothing matter I'm glad to see you smile But that's just the way that we have to make But always remember This isn't a sad song Maybe the fact that you, didn't anything wrong Yes, you broke my heart But it is the way You and i separated, From each other (Ouh, ouh) I will just accept that, Even that you are goned, I will always love you Remember, brother my, I always be in your side And i will always be there for you But that's the way But that's the way But that's just the way that we have to make.
  20. Hi guys! Here's a pop song I made a couple of months ago. I'd love to know what you think. I've made everything and recorded everything myself. It's not perfect by any mean but, hopefully, it's good enough for you guys to enjoy. Thank you so much if you took the time to give it a listen. I really appreciate it. Have a great day!
  21. Hi all and thanks for visiting my topic! This is my new cheerful and upbeat piano composition "Birthday Song" in C Major. At first, this song was meant to be a practise of some basic chord alternations, but it eventually ended up being a birthday present for my mother. The main melody came quickly to my mind when I was improvising on some chords in C major and I'm pretty sure that it is inspired by another famous melody. I just don't know which. If you know it, then please write it in a comment 🙂 . This piece was composed in a piano roll and it is possible that some chords aren't playable by regular hands (sorry for that ;)). The structure goes as follows: Intro - A - B - C - D - A - B A : First main melody B : Cheerful and upbeat culmination of A with a relaxed finish C : Intermediary theme to modulate from C to E flat D : Reviving theme in E flat Feel free to leave a comment 🙂 Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy! K.R. Alex
  22. Hi everyone, just wanted to share a song I wrote and produced. I'd love to hear what you thinkHeartbroken (master).mp3
  23. Hi guys, here's a pop/folk/rock (honestly I'm not sure what genre to call it) song that I wrote and produced called Listening Listening. I'd really appreciate some feedback on it, especially the production aspect, as while I have a decent amount of songwriting experience, I'm pretty new to producing. Thanks for any help!
  24. It’s a piano tune I wrote. It badly needs a vocal. The flute-y thing is the melody guide. I made it in the Sonar 8.5 piano roll with virtual instruments. I’ve got Willie Nelson’s voice stuck in my head on this one. I love his voice and his wonderfully unique phrasing.
  25. This is a piano song I made in Sonar 8.5. The flute-y thing is the melody guide. It needs a vocal. Yes... I love The Beatles.. in case you were wondering. Here’s a Soundcloud link:
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