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Found 14 results

  1. Writer's Block Fanfare.pdfHere's another one for y'all. I wrote this one earlier this year, while I was getting my bearings with composing again. I started with Brass Quintets and other small ensembles, just to get the hang of it, and because c'mon.. Who doesn't like a brass quintet?! As the name implies, I ran out of ideas much earlier than I wanted to. The music on the page was demanding to be what it wanted to be, so, I caved in and just slapped in a resolution to what was already there, and this was the results. Let me know what you guys think 🙂 @PeterthePapercomPoser I fixed the issue with that triplet! Turns out the last muse update fixed whatever was wrong there, because I would've expected the program to flag the score as "corrupt" whenever this was an issue, given that technically, with the eighth triplets, the measure only had 3 beats in 4/4 time... but eh. it's resolved, now! WB Fanfare.mp3
  2. Hi! I am a newcomer to this forum. It's really fascinating to see many young composers sharing their pieces here. I guess if I would have the right to be called a composer at all, so I would like to present a piece I recently finish here. For me this piece is about despair and meaning, and their dialectic relationship. It's in c minor in all four movements to present the gravity of sadness, especially in our time. It's in a four movement structure, and here is the brief synopsis: 00:05 First Movement: Allegro ma non troppo Modified Sonata Form .One is despair to find the meaninglessness of existence. One would like to find a dream to flee but fail. One is defeated by the despair. 21:06 Second Movement: Scherzo: Presto, Sonata Form. Defeated, one starts to free the self to crazy thoughts, though still reasonably (with its tonal structure ). After this one instead finds moment of calmness. 30:27 Third Movement: Adagio Meastoso - Fugue: Andante ma non troppo. One starts to dwell into the root of despair. One uses different kinds of approach and finally finds something hopeful. But despair soon arises, and hope defeated is worse than hope never appeared. One ends in utter sadness but finally knows the root of it. 45:40 Fourth Movement: Allegro con moto . Sonata Form/Sonata-Rondo. Seemingly to know the root of despair, one pretends to be free of it, although the nightmare keeps reminding the one its presence. After the combat between despair and meaning, one finally knows that without despair there won't be meaning at all, therefore accepting the despair and ends in tranquility. It ends with Beethoven Op.135 since it perfectly fits here, and it is one of my favourite piece, if not the most (The other being his op. 131). It seems like a long piece but I just cannot stop it. I have too many things to tell. I really would like to know whether this piece worth other's attention or not, so I would be extremely grateful to have other comments, whether it's positive or negative. Update on 20/02/2023: Structural Plan of the Third Movement added: Mov 3 Structural Plan.pdf
  3. Six Dances for Wind Quintet -Polka -Minuet -Valse Lente -Siciliano -Landler -Tarantella
  4. I started this quintet with the intention of entering this into a competition -so, I've been working pretty intently on it (to the point that it's all I think about). Here are the first 2 movements: 1. Andante: The first movement serves as a sort of introductory movement. The movement utilizes the short two bar theme presented in the opening (this theme also permeates large portions of the work as a whole). The theme is presented in all voices, leading to the establishment of a 'hopefully' hypnotic pattern -through which I play with the theme and introduce contrapuntal material. The structure is ABA'. 2. Allegro Con Fuoco: This is the movement so far that I've spent the most time on -and this is revision number 4. The opening two bars introduce an ostinato pattern that is taken up by ALL instruments within the quintet. This movement is meant to be faster than what I have set. I've slowed it down to give more attention to detail. 3. Adagio Semplice: To compliment the 2nd movement -and in stark contrast texturally- this movement is more of a mediation and prayer-like movement. The movement is slow and contemplative. At any rate, I'll post the final 2 movements once I've finished them. Hope you all enjoy these experiments.
  5. This was my first chamber work, which I wrote when I was 9 or 10 years old. It was written for a concert of chamber music by various students at a music school. I later used the main theme in one of the variations of my Passacaglia Op. 1. Here is the performance on Youtube. The group playing is called the Fifth House Ensemble. I hope you all enjoy. 🙂 Theo
  6. I made my quintet piece a bit longer, yet I don't know what to think about it. Making a piece longer doesn't always make it better. The man in charge of the chamber group sent me their latest performance, without a single word attached to it. I assume that by doing that he asked me to make something closer to that. I really don't know what to do or what to think about the piece. Here's the link for their performed piece, please watch and see if you think that the level, style, and length of my piece fit to this group. Maybe it's a bit too much to ask for, but I set and listened to pieces that are much longer than that on this forum, I guess some of you would be kind enough to give me from their time. Audio might not be exactly the same as the notes. If you have the time for that, please look over the notes. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  7. I made my quintet piece a bit longer, yet I don't know what to think about it. Making a piece longer doesn't always make it better. The man in charge of the chamber group sent me their latest performance, without a single word attached to it. I assume that by doing that he asked me to make something closer to that. I really don't know what to do or what to think about the piece. Here's the link for their performed piece, please watch and see if you think that the level, style, and length of my piece fit to this group. Maybe it's a bit too much to ask for, but I set and listened to pieces that are much longer than that on this forum, I guess some of you would be kind enough to give me from their time. Audio might not be exactly the same as the notes. If you have the time for that, please look over the notes. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  8. This song is about imagining a witch dance. I planned to sing a song, but I decided to make it with a woodwind instrument.
  9. This music was made by watching natural documentary music. I hope you enjoy listening to me. ^ _ ^
  10. Hello, all. This is a piece I've been working on for a while for string quintet -- two violins, viola, cello, and double bass (the resources I have) -- and I hope for this to be a multi-movement piece in the future once I have more time to write. This is a quick jig that introduces material that I hope to carry over into other movements. Let me know what you guys think!
  11. wind quintet No 1.mp3 My woodwind quintet was something I wrote for some of my college friends. I think it's still a working progress so please give me your most wanted feed back.
  12. Hello all, this is the first time I'm attempting a challenge, so if I'm doing something wrong or not allowed, just let me know, I rarely go here :( So, I'm giving composition lessons to a friend of mine, who is a fantastic pianist, and in an effort to try to get him off the piano, and to teach him orchestration, I challenged him to write a wind quintet, by hand, and he must start full score. So, I'm gonna give you this same challenge. Rules: -write a short piece for Wind Quintet (under 4 minutes, for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn, no doubling to alto flute or anything like that) -you cannot just write for piano then expand it to wind quintet, you must start with full score Points: Orchestration (40 points): How well did you use each of the instruments? How successful were you in using the instruments to create the voice of the piece? Play-ability (35 points): Is it playable? If this were to be sight-read by an actual quintet, how successful would it be? Basically, the easier the better, you want many people to be able to perform this Presentation (10 points): This is too often overlooked, if they can't read it, they can't play it Musicality (15 points): How successful were you in using Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Form, Dynamics, etc. to create a coherent, interesting, and unique piece? I will give you all the same amount of time I gave my student, around 2 weeks. Remember, it's supposed to be short. If no one can turn it in by the deadline, I'll extend it, but just know that my student, who started composing just this year and is writing his FIRST piece without piano can do it, so don't lose faith! Deadline: June 1 This challenge is aimed towards composers who started off on piano and feels that they are too dependent on their piano skills. This is for those who wish to improve their orchestration skills and to compose from the viewpoint of a composer, rather than a pianist (if that makes sense). I would be fine with judging this piece, but if anyone else wants to, that would be perfect! (Austenite? Sojar Voglar?) Good luck! I hope this challenge will be an excellent opportunity to improve your orchestration skills, as much as it is to improve my teaching skills, I am going to college for music education along with composition so this is a good exercise for me too :) Finally, we get to the most important part, the prize :D I am an All-State level Oboist, and I am now a member of the Oboe studio at Lawrence Conservatory (starting next year, woot!) I will commission the winner to write a piece for solo oboe (and maybe w/ piano accompaniment, although that's kinda against the point of this competition XD) and I will record it to the best quality I can get. I am looking into opportunities to perform over the summer at recitals or competitions, if I find one, I will include your piece in it, basically, I will try my darnest to perform your piece in front of a live audience. ok, I think that's everything, ready, set.... COMPOSE!
  13. What are some good pieces to study brass chamber music writing? I have an assignment to write a brass duo/trio (I chose a trio) due Friday and I haven't been able to find anything decent.
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