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Found 3 results

  1. This is a Romantic-era styled piano piece with a bit of Bądarzewska-Baranowska's "The Maiden's Prayer," a hint of Paul de Senneville's "Mariage d'Amour," and a dash of Chopin for good measure. This dance depicts two roses, personified as lovers, making a final dance (the title is French for "The Last Dance of the Roses") before departing forever. However, the rose couple finds a last tear of joy as they depart, as if ultimately content to spend their long years together, hence the happy ending.
  2. Hi! This is the second draft of a String Quartet I've written. This is just the first movement. I'd like to get some feedback! (For some reason the file name doesn't have the #) OH and the playback took it really slow, it's more towards the bar = 80 or 90 or so.String_Quartet_in_C_minor.pdf String_Quartet_in_C_minor.mp3 String_Quartet_in_F_Movement_II.mp3
  3. So, I have made some significant progress in composing my Romantic Dance Suite that I mentioned here: A little of this progress is in the Polonaise, but most of the progress I have made is in the second dance, the Mazurka, of which I wrote down 40 bars in 1 hour. That's like the fastest I've ever composed a piece. Even my Minuet, another short dance, wasn't that fast in composition rate. So far I have this structure: A |: B A : | of a piece that I think will end up in this structure: A |: B A : | |: C A : | a simple Rondo Form typical of short Rondos and Rondo form pieces. Even my A section can be broken down into 2 periods and 4 phrases, like this: If I do a Double, as I am considering doing(I would consider doing it for the Waltz too, but I'm not there yet), that would mean most likely Mazurka II being in the parallel minor, which means that the C section of Mazurka I probably shouldn't be in the parallel minor. I just feel that it needs the minor key contrast though. I guess the relative minor or the mediant minor will do. Or maybe the chromatic mediant of F# minor? I'm unsure which minor key to go with, just that I want a minor key contrast other than the parallel minor for the C section, as the Double would be in the parallel minor. I know what a Double is, it's a second dance, usually Baroque, that develops the same melodic material in a different way, the 2 most common Doubles I have seen are that of Diminution(Polonaise of Orchestral Suite no. 2 in B minor) and Parallel Minor(Bouree of Cello Suite no. 3 in G major). Anyway, what do you think of my Mazurka thus far? And what about the key for the C section? As I said before, I'm unsure which minor key to have the C section in. How well do I do that V7/V -> V7 -> I move in Bar 24? Anything I can improve about that V7/V -> V7 -> I motion in Bar 24 or other parts of the Mazurka thus far(I'm thinking of adding some staccato in the dotted rhythms)? Does it feel as though the accent is on the weak beats, because that's important in distinguishing a Mazurka from a Waltz is the accent on weak beats? I will add dynamics later on, they always come after the notes and articulations in my compositional process.
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