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Found 23 results

  1. Hello. My chronological journey of music brought me to Romanticism, in which I have been immersed for months. I study its methods, harmonies, etc... And that has led me to study also the neo-Riemannian theory, since many chord progressions are explained through it. I write some things practicing these concepts. This Consolation III (as there were two others already) is very much inspired by Liszt's, in its structure and some resources. I have also based it on a pop song whose harmony is fantastic. You have to absorb from all sources....
  2. Following my studies in Romanticism, I have come across a series of what we might call linear resources. Many of them are inherited from the Baroque or even earlier, such as the omnibus progression, in which the bass and the upper voice are constantly diverging, in a chromatic fashion. Or also an ornamented version of fauxbourdon. Other resources appear more in this period, such as the "glide" of chords, or structurally equal chord progressions (which would develop much more in Impressionism).
  3. If you want to check how I made it: https://komptools.blogspot.com/2023/10/acordes-subdominantes-secundarios.html https://komptools.blogspot.com/2023/10/cadenas-de-dominantes-dominant-chord.html Berceuse 2.pdf
  4. I am finally delving into the romantic period. In this little piece, which is really an exercise, I explore the use of secondary subdominant chords, as well as relationships by thirds.
  5. Hi everyone! I wrote this romantic (mostly Grieg) style waltz as a studie piece. I am applying to the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (in Budapest, Hungary) this year, and I am writing this as part of the application (deadline is june 18th). I am hoping some of you can help me out with ideas, how to make it more stylish, more accurate, wether I should extend it with some repeats/variated repeats or not.
  6. Hi, i'm new in this forum and i don't understand how it works really well haha, also, i'm not an english native speaker so don't mind any grammar error. Those preludes are my firsts compos itions. The second prelude's interpretation is really awful lmao, both were made by a computer software.
  7. Hello. I'm new to this forum and have no idea how it works, but I've been looking at some comps and they look great. I show you a little piece I did for piano a while ago. Maybe I'll make an album with works of this character. https://youtu.be/WZlpsdsHUk0 (sorry for the MIDI)
  8. Hi all and thanks for visiting my topic! This is my new cheerful and upbeat piano composition "Birthday Song" in C Major. At first, this song was meant to be a practise of some basic chord alternations, but it eventually ended up being a birthday present for my mother. The main melody came quickly to my mind when I was improvising on some chords in C major and I'm pretty sure that it is inspired by another famous melody. I just don't know which. If you know it, then please write it in a comment 🙂 . This piece was composed in a piano roll and it is possible that some chords aren't playable by regular hands (sorry for that ;)). The structure goes as follows: Intro - A - B - C - D - A - B A : First main melody B : Cheerful and upbeat culmination of A with a relaxed finish C : Intermediary theme to modulate from C to E flat D : Reviving theme in E flat Feel free to leave a comment 🙂 Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy! K.R. Alex
  9. A piano piece written while in a certain mood. I think of it as a sort of reflection while deep in thought. also an experiment using extended chords. written in a more romantic style. any thoughts welcome.
  10. Hello & thanks for visiting! This is my latest piano waltz called "Paris". It's my second piece in my series of waltzes dedicated to famous cities. This time I tried to utilize more chromatic and dissonant elements in my composition and to vary the chord patterns more than in the previous waltz Op.4 No.1 "Vienna". It is a rather simple and short piece that has the following form: A - B - B' - C1 - C2 - A' - B - B' A: A quiet introduction theme in c minor B: Main theme in c minor B': A more dramatic and vivid variation of B C1: First intermediate theme in c minor C2: Second intermediate theme in C major that leads over to A' A': A more dramatic and vivid variation of the introduction theme A This piece was originally composed in a piano roll. Since I'm not a trained musician and it's my second attempt in writing sheet music I want to apologize for any mistakes in the score. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment!
  11. This impressionistic-romantic piece was for a challenge to make a one handed piano piece sound like two hands or more (challenge rules meant that I had to make a piece that was relatively short). I've been studying left hand technique for a while and have made sure that the entire piece is playable. This is my most experimental and musically subtle piano piece yet, so I'd love some criticism on this piece on what I can improve on. NOTE: You do not have to play the grace notes at the speed played; just play them as fast as possible. Rubato is encouraged. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grf1gDEE7zM
  12. Hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece, hope you like it and welcome your commentation.
  13. Piece No.5 Op.3 in C Major - "A Daydream". This is my first attempt in composing a romantic "Ballade" - like piece. It is slightly inspired by works of composers of the romantic period, such as Franz Liczt, Felix Mendelssohn and others. This piece is considered to be a ballade or nocturne and it follows the simple pattern A - B - C - A: A: main theme in C Major B: first intermediate theme in C Major C : second intermediate theme in F Major Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy! Comments are welcome!
  14. Hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece, hope your commentation.
  15. Hi all! That's my new piano composition called "The Lighthouse". It is slightly inspired by the music of Russian composers, such as Glinka. It follows a rather simple A-B-A pattern. A consists of the main introduction theme, a development and a powerful final theme. B consists of a quiet theme in the Major key and a fast, dramatic theme in the minor key. Thank you for listening! Some Feedback would be nice 🙂 Piece No.4 Op.3 - The Lighthouse (online-audio-converter.com).mp3
  16. Hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece of music, hope you like it, and welcome your commentation.
  17. A set of two nocturnes! I am going to write a few nocturnes in minor keys as well, so don't worry if these are too happy for you. My dark and brooding side is yet to come in the form of a symphony! Enjoy this for now! (You can see how I was originally going to start the B-flat major prelude in D minor!) Please give all the criticism you can.
  18. These are a set of five preludes for the piano that I wrote, so they are relatively short. Keep in mind, this is the musescore render of it, so it's missing a lot of expression and musicality. Looking for feedback on them. Thank you!
  19. Hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece of music, hope you like it and welcome your commentation.
  20. Two improvisations I recorded yesterday. They are contrasting (in my opinion) - let me know what you think! I recommend listening to the "Soft" one first. Soft.MP3 Hard.MP3
  21. Hi everyone! This is another composition I wrote for solo piano. It's called Ballerina and I wrote the main theme in early 2013,but I didn't finish the piece until the late 2014. When it comes to the style I think it's got elements of romanticism and contemporary piano music. Judging of this is up to you guys,please let me know what you think :) There's a nice story behind this video. Peter Nagy- a legend of Slovak popmusic,great singer/songwriter and a great photographer came up with the idea of paying tribute to a talented young Japanese ballet dancer Aya Watanabe, he made a few photos of her and asked me for my permission to use my piece Ballerina for this video and It was a real pleasure for me so obviously I agreed :) He liked the piece very much and so I hope you will too! Any criticisms are welcome of course!
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