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Found 12 results

  1. I've stitched together a few melodies I've come up with while improvising the last two days. I'll notate the next version in musescore and produce the audio in FL Studio, but this is basically just a quick rough draft. I don't have a title yet and I'm not set on the final structure so feel free to give suggestions. I also want to make the left hand more flowy in some places, but without clashing with the melody. https://flat.io/score/66929dc1b395c51c02ac86cf-my-music-score?sharingKey=98cac817028336424b11d90cc66fa77cd45d5e30e50203c06577a8bc91100bb9750be725c131fc4335ff3112b110adb3639cee49094807e58474a443e83f5148
  2. Hello, I'm new here.. ^^ I am music composer, and would like to share my stuff here with you. (Will update current post sometimes). 😉 Compose with a different genres. So here is the one of my piano track from my album 11th album "Dandelion - Piano Session" Thanks for listen, if ever.
  3. Hi all! This is my new sad, dramatic classical piano composition in c minor. It is slightly inspired by composition of composers of the romantic era. The original purpose of this piece was to practise harmony, i.e. chord alterations, 7th- & 9th-chords and modulation, but it eventually ended up being a short nocturne- or prelude-like piece. It should be played with a good portion of pedal-use, especially in part A, in order to express a more "dream-like" feeling of the main "doubtful" melody. The structure of this piece is: A - A' - B1 - B2 - C - A - A' A: main theme in c minor A': a more persuasive version of A with a modulation to C Major B1: romantic part in C Major B2: romantic part in D flat Major 😄 a dramatic transition back to c minor Can this piece be called a nocturne? If not, which form would you suggest? Thank you for listening! Feel free to comment 🙂 K.R. Alex
  4. Hello good people!! I would like to know what you think about my new piano piece, especially about the different theme changes and atmosphere. Did I get it right?? 🙂 🙂
  5. Hi just did this piece I wanted to do in an 8 bit style and would like to have feedback, Its not finished yet as I want to mess with the dynamics some more but what do you think?
  6. This track is expressing my guilt mainly to my peers whom I've done and said things to that were out of line. Almost went into tears recording this. I think out of all the music I've uploaded to this site, this one came from my heart and soul the most.
  7. Hello everyone! I have yet another piece here for you, from my debut piano album "Ballerina". It´s a waltz this time and it´s a kind of minimalist waltz given the simplicity and the emphasis put on the melodies. Please give it a listen and feel free to let me know how you like it, I´ll be very glad to read your opinions. You can find the full album here https://oliverbohovic.bandcamp.com/album/ballerina
  8. Hey everyone! This is a piece I wrote back in 2013 and I now recorded the piece for my debut album "Ballerina" which you can listen to or buy here https://oliverbohovic.bandcamp.com/album/ballerina I hope you guys like it!
  9. I decided to remix Seeking Redemption since the previous version had terrible quality (due to my studio headphones crapping out and so I used ear buds instead) so I bought a new pair and was able to hear the sounds better. This remixed version has better volume and quality so I hope you guys enjoy!
  10. Hi! My name is Peter Crow, I'm a film/ game composer from the Netherlands. I made this track and I would like to hear your thoughts on it. it's going to be used in a game for the itch.io game jam 2017. (if its good enough and if it fits the game of course. I haven't gotten a lot of information on the game but that didn't stop me! since the topic is "dreams" I thought it could fit.) it's just a (very) rough sketch of two themes. the topic for the game jam is "dreams". I haven't gotten to any mixing or mastering yet. these are just the melodies. Please take into consideration that this is game music. so it's mostly in the background.
  11. Hey , firstly stoked to be part of this community , so i recently composed this piece for an inspirational video. if you got a minute , do check it out here and lemme know what you think about it ! Cheers :D
  12. Hello There, I'm new here : ) I'm looking for a really sad chord progression, can someone help me?
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